BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I am going to post it here and keep it bumped up as well as try to keep the other one in the bug forum bumped. As something that was nothing more than a bug that prevented us from finishing a specific daily, it is now a bug that makes our best new rune set for conditions 6 part bonus not work with fear.

Please correct this, and then if the rune set is overpowered adjust it. I don’t like that we finally have a way to be rewarded for using fear properly as an interrupt and yet not get the rune bonus associated with that.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


Oi you stole my bug report!

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Speaking of which, does that effect have an ICD, and if it does, how long. But if they actually work properly, these seems like rather strong runes for conditions builds.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Speaking of which, does that effect have an ICD, and if it does, how long. But if they actually work properly, these seems like rather strong runes for conditions builds.

Not sure on ICD… I would need a willing party (or several) with some long casts in WvW to find out roughly how short it is. Line em up and golem charge to see if it procs on both of them.

Anyone on JQ or Fort Aspen with a friend?

EDIT: Flow tested, and apprently there is no ICD, and also it doesn’t work on Golem.

(edited by Rennoko.5731)

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I had no idea how many bugs were posted in the bug forum… I think it stayed on the first page for like an hour…. At least I can keep it alive here.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


I’ve also added comment to the bug report, and did some +1’ing – hopefully the post will get seen by a dev.

I’m astonished that this wasn’t noticed before.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Few things: Interrupt only means to actually stop a full cast skill on mobs, for some reason it doesnt apply to their basic and script based skills
Fear did show the “interrupted” when used on a defiant when used against them
The daze sigil fix might have ment that fear is now a different cc type (e.g. knockdowns from melee pulls dont technically count as interrupts)/something that doesnt count as actually interrupting a enemy (because for some reason daze, other interrupts, cancel and swap count as different things – and 3 of them cause marks/some aoes go on full cd)
I doubt that any dev is looking at necro forum posts as much as others, posting in bugs or support sections would probably result in, well actual results.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monoman.2068


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is. I would give necromancers confusion in a way that won’t bleed out into other classes.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

(edited by Monoman.2068)

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is.

Yeah, you are right. Best not ruin a perfectly good rune that can be used to considerable affect on necros (who have some of the longest cast times on skills) by making it useful for said necros.

Don’t want to step on the toes of the “core” classes like guardians and mesmers.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monoman.2068


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is.

Yeah, you are right. Best not ruin a perfectly good rune that can be used to considerable affect on necros (who have some of the longest cast times on skills) by making it useful for said necros.

Don’t want to step on the toes of the “core” classes like guardians and mesmers.

I should have made it clear. I don’t mind necromancer’s getting confusion, but with necromancer’s conditions being as powerful as they are, it has to be controlled imo. Hell AN could make two seperate runes, one for the other classes and one for necromancers, they both start off with the same stats and I wouldn’t have any problem.

Last thing I want to see is the flood gates being opened on some new OP build. I don’t pick favourites but since my main is a necro, I will comment.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is.

Yeah, you are right. Best not ruin a perfectly good rune that can be used to considerable affect on necros (who have some of the longest cast times on skills) by making it useful for said necros.

Don’t want to step on the toes of the “core” classes like guardians and mesmers.

I should have made it clear. I don’t mind necromancer’s getting confusion, but with necromancer’s conditions being as powerful as they are, it has to be controlled imo. Hell AN could make two seperate runes, one for the other classes and one for necromancers, they both start off with the same stats and I wouldn’t have any problem.

Last thing I want to see is the flood gates being opened on some new OP build. I don’t pick favourites but since my main is a necro, I will comment.

fair enough – didn’t mean to come across as snippy as I did (I’m not an asura!). To be honest, I’m not too bothered about the rune working with fear either, it just feels weird that fear isn’t an interrupt.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Its simple… you put an ICD on the skill of 15 to 20 seconds. I can tell you right now warriors are rolling around and laughing because on interrupt they can now do 9 stacks of confusion with these runes and traits.

It should work on any skill that interrupts a cast. If it is OP, THEN and only then should you nerf the runes. Right now people with lots of stuns are going to abuse the heck out of this, like warriors.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is. I would give necromancers confusion in a way that won’t bleed out into other classes.

You can’t and shouldn’t base this around a rune set. The fear is clearly stated as an interrupt on the wiki, and it should indeed be counted as an interrupt, because, well it interrupts! Just because Anet suddenly made a godly rune set, does NOT mean fear shouldn’t be counted as an interrupt, it is however, up to Anet to put an ICD on the runes.
On a side note, I just read a post where a warrior explained he can put up 21 stacks of confusion on a whim. So, you think it might be best not to change fear into a pure interrupt, because there’s suddenly a rune set out there? Just wait till you start to meet these warriors.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


On a side note, I just read a post where a warrior explained he can put up 21 stacks of confusion on a whim. So, you think it might be best not to change fear into a pure interrupt, because there’s suddenly a rune set out there? Just wait till you start to meet these warriors.

Two interrupts and the on hit proc is all it takes for a warrior to do that now. Nevermind that with duration it is going to be up for at least 10+ seconds as well.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I noticed this too when doing dailies and fear is my primary interrupt on my necro. Very annoying!

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Monoman.2068


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is. I would give necromancers confusion in a way that won’t bleed out into other classes.

You can’t and shouldn’t base this around a rune set. The fear is clearly stated as an interrupt on the wiki, and it should indeed be counted as an interrupt, because, well it interrupts! Just because Anet suddenly made a godly rune set, does NOT mean fear shouldn’t be counted as an interrupt, it is however, up to Anet to put an ICD on the runes.
On a side note, I just read a post where a warrior explained he can put up 21 stacks of confusion on a whim. So, you think it might be best not to change fear into a pure interrupt, because there’s suddenly a rune set out there? Just wait till you start to meet these warriors.

I own said warrior and I’ve watched an elementalist melt with 21 stacks of confusion on him, so it’s due for a nerf. Although even in a nerfed state, having confusion tacked on top of something necromancers are already good at will impact the game in such a terrible way. It doesn’t help that this being an all class rune will affect AN’s ability to balance it properly.

I hear you guys and I agree somewhat, but if I had to choose between fear being an interrupt with this rune existing or fear being an interrupt without this rune existing, I would choose the latter. But as I’ve stated, we already crossed that bridge and I have little faith in AN’s ability to balance this rune with all the classes in mind. It just feels like some of you want a new OP toy to try out, but I will never hope for fear to be an interrupt for as long as this rune exists.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is. I would give necromancers confusion in a way that won’t bleed out into other classes.

You can’t and shouldn’t base this around a rune set. The fear is clearly stated as an interrupt on the wiki, and it should indeed be counted as an interrupt, because, well it interrupts! Just because Anet suddenly made a godly rune set, does NOT mean fear shouldn’t be counted as an interrupt, it is however, up to Anet to put an ICD on the runes.
On a side note, I just read a post where a warrior explained he can put up 21 stacks of confusion on a whim. So, you think it might be best not to change fear into a pure interrupt, because there’s suddenly a rune set out there? Just wait till you start to meet these warriors.

I own said warrior and I’ve watched an elementalist melt with 21 stacks of confusion on him, so it’s due for a nerf. Although even in a nerfed state, having confusion tacked on top of something necromancers are already good at will impact the game in such a terrible way. It doesn’t help that this being an all class rune will affect AN’s ability to balance it properly.

I hear you guys and I agree somewhat, but if I had to choose between fear being an interrupt with this rune existing or fear being an interrupt without this rune existing, I would choose the latter. But as I’ve stated, we already crossed that bridge and I have little faith in AN’s ability to balance this rune with all the classes in mind. It just feels like some of you want a new OP toy to try out, but I will never hope for fear to be an interrupt for as long as this rune exists.

Even without the fear being an interrupt, the 4th stat on this rune allows the necro to get confusion anyway. So we are already able to stack it in there for I believe 3×4second stacks (plus any condition duration you have).

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


How would you balance it though? With necromancer’s sheer access to conditions (especially terror) it might just blow this confusion out of proportion and nerfs to the runes will ruin a rune that is otherwise alright on other classes.

I think fear is fine the way it is. I would give necromancers confusion in a way that won’t bleed out into other classes.

You can’t and shouldn’t base this around a rune set. The fear is clearly stated as an interrupt on the wiki, and it should indeed be counted as an interrupt, because, well it interrupts! Just because Anet suddenly made a godly rune set, does NOT mean fear shouldn’t be counted as an interrupt, it is however, up to Anet to put an ICD on the runes.
On a side note, I just read a post where a warrior explained he can put up 21 stacks of confusion on a whim. So, you think it might be best not to change fear into a pure interrupt, because there’s suddenly a rune set out there? Just wait till you start to meet these warriors.

I own said warrior and I’ve watched an elementalist melt with 21 stacks of confusion on him, so it’s due for a nerf. Although even in a nerfed state, having confusion tacked on top of something necromancers are already good at will impact the game in such a terrible way. It doesn’t help that this being an all class rune will affect AN’s ability to balance it properly.

I hear you guys and I agree somewhat, but if I had to choose between fear being an interrupt with this rune existing or fear being an interrupt without this rune existing, I would choose the latter. But as I’ve stated, we already crossed that bridge and I have little faith in AN’s ability to balance this rune with all the classes in mind. It just feels like some of you want a new OP toy to try out, but I will never hope for fear to be an interrupt for as long as this rune exists.

I think we can all agree it is going to get nerfed. I find it…. un-cohesive for it to be very effective for a warrior, and at the same time completely ignore the necros available interrupt mechanic.

This interrupt bug has been around since launch, it just never really mattered before, because all we were missing was the fancy text. Now that it matters, they should fix it.

Not having it work on fear isn’t going to keep it from getting hammered. Reduce the duration, and/or for heaven sake reduce the stacks from 5 to 2 or 3 on interrupt, (with an ICD), and let it work on all interrupts.

And why does warrior get the OP toy? Don’t give me that warrior sap story…. OP is OP… they need to fix that part with ICD. That has nothing to do with fear.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I’ve been complaining about how hard it is for my necromancer to get “daily interrupter,” forever. Flesh golem charge, the only skill that reliably works, does not advance the daily interrupter. The only other things that work but only sometimes are Warhorn and staff #5.

I do not understand why staff #5 works but Death shroud #3 does not work. Fear should interrupt. That is the whole real world point of the condition.

As a side note, getting an interrupt from Warhorn because of the cast limitations is a pain, and getting an interrupt from staff #5 which requires the mobs to be both moving and casting at the same time is an even bigger pain. Getting daily interrupter is such a pain that I usually just go swap to thief for pistol #4 when that daily comes up. I shouldn’t have to. Something that comes up in a daily shouldn’t make me swap classes.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I don’t know, Fear just scares the person away, so maybe they are just running away still casting their abilities?

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


It prevents you from doing anything other than running away or using instant CC/condition cleanses. So in that regard Fear/Terror is a CC.

The Devs really need to get off the fence on whether Fear/Terror is a condition or CC; because until they do it’s always going to cause massive balance issues.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Well, the only skills that can be used while Feared can also be used while stunned.

That said, Fear currently only behaves as a condition, save that it can be removed by stunbreaks. This is actually very good for balance purposes.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Well, the only skills that can be used while Feared can also be used while stunned.

That said, Fear currently only behaves as a condition, save that it can be removed by stunbreaks. This is actually very good for balance purposes.

Except that it also interrupts skill casts, like a stun, and no other condition can do that. I don’t think it should be proof against stun break, but when I fear someone and put their skill on CD, it should count as an interrupt.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Eh I don’t know. Just because I’m scared and running away doesn’t mean I’m going to stop casting my ability in the middle of it, so I’d have to say ANet needs to make it so that when you get feared your skills in progress still finish casting.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I think it has more to do with the coding. Fear doesn’t actually interrupt, it overrides your actions. That is, you don’t interrupt a skill, you just force the target to cancel any skills they were casting.

I agree that Fear really should be an interrupt, but it may very well be coded so that it just overrides your actions instead of actually interrupting.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yngvar.7614


I’m a bit perplexed that this is even a question. I don’t think there’s any doubt that most people agree the rune is overpowered. That said, Fear is most definitely an interrupt. It interrupts casts, just like stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, and dazes. If someone is forced to stop a cast due to CC, then that’s an interrupt, period.

This should be fixed and the rune needs to be balanced.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Well you see, we got Burning.

So fear had to be nurfed on necro… It’s thief that need real fear as well as there other CC’s. Because they can be perma invis, and have awesome escape. Hang on a sec…

Haven’t tested, but I hear our Poison isn’t stopping heals now?

Staff 4, only removes a few condi, and not off others in circle…

Fix it, Fix It, FIX IT.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


OMG Arenanet do you even have somebody for QA ??

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


OMG Arenanet do you even have somebody for QA ??

would be nice if they did

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


OMG Arenanet do you even have somebody for QA ??

would be nice if they did

I have refused to replace the 6 bonus in the hopes that a fix will eventually come.

And ranger spirits OP.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


OMG Arenanet do you even have somebody for QA ??

would be nice if they did

I have refused to replace the 6 bonus in the hopes that a fix will eventually come.

And ranger spirits OP.

I’m sure they will get around to letting you know they are looking into it.

I actually think spirits should attack too, maybe even be able jump into someone and I control them for like 3 seconds.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Rennoko, are you going to make a sweet video showing this bug?

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I think every video I have right now shows me fearing someone and not getting an interrupt… so it wouldn’t be very epic. I am working on my volume 4 though!

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


It’s incredible that we haven’t gotten any official response, even though this issue has been brought up across multiple boards

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


It’s incredible that we haven’t gotten any official response, even though this issue has been brought up across multiple boards

Oh come on we all know its gonna take 4+ months to notice something that affects necros in a negative way and if not/lower then its gonna be “working as intended (despite us not knowing it existed like Transforms removing minions)”

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


ofc I know but it’s always worth a try hehe

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


ofc I know but it’s always worth a try hehe

In protest I will continue to run all 6 runes, even though I get little out of the 6 bonus.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


ofc I know but it’s always worth a try hehe

In protest I will continue to run all 6 runes, even though I get little out of the 6 bonus.

Me 2, even though I run a condi build, I’ve been thinking of switching out the staff for axe/warhorn, for LF generation, but also just to have the daze.
It’s the same as with mark of evasion, the thing that grieves me, is the lack of continuity across the board. It’s not about, we know this thing works that way, and the other works differently, it’s just, it doesn’t make sense this way.
But then again, it may just be easier to balance this way. Either way, fear should count as an interrupt, and according to the wiki it is counted as an interrupt, so fix it already ArenaNet!

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I have tried to get used to warhorn, but I cannot give up dagger in the OH, and I cannot give up mark 5 to push thieves our of houses, so I am hornless

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You guys see a dev post about this bug?

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

This is very anoying for the DAILY interrupter. If it gets fixed though, best to balance it for necro though

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


You guys see a dev post about this bug?

I saw it get buried in the bug forum by… “OMG someone told me to mail them 100 gold and now I am missing 100 gold for some reason????, HALP fix this game breaking bug!!!!”

BUG - Fear not causing - Interrupt!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Godless.1857


This now has an official response in the bug forum. Yay!