BWE 3 Reaper Specialization Feedback Thread
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this.
Shivers of Dread is completely worthless to far too many builds. If you don’t bring staff, rely on RNG corruptions, or a very select set of skills, you have an entire set of minor traits that give, in total: +20% chill duration, 10% reduced damage from Chilled enemies, 3s AoE fear every 28s. That’s awful, like, approaching Death Magic minors level of awful.
That isn’t totally true. The chill is there to keep them in Melee range instead of your fear moving them out of range of your melee skills. So it is basically a requirement if you ever plan to shatter RS3. I agree it could use an additional effect but the current part has to stay.
I happen to like the minors, they are great traits in keeping the whole “chill” theme of Reapers. Chill on fear is a must have, it’s something I wish current baseline necros have access to. 10% reduction in damage taken from chilled enemies is great, anytime you get damage reduction is nice. Baseline 20% chill duration increase, hard to argue with that.
When traited properly, chilled enemies also apply vuln. Depending on which major you pick, vuln gives you crit chance against vulned enemies, or hitting chilled foes grant might & lifeforce. If you pick Deathly Chill as grandmaster trait, it’s a match made in heaven.
The whole chill theme works well together, this isn’t accounting for other runes, sigils, and traits you chose to have that have to do with chill. Only thing I’d like to see is more chill options with Greatsword, as GS is the weapon being unlocked when going Reaper. As is the two chills available on GS, one is locked behind a 3 chain auto attack which has a 0.5% chance of connecting in PvP. The other chill is locked behind Grasping Darkness, a good kills, but on a 30 sec cooldown. Also for Reaper Shroud, chill is locked behind Executioner’s Scythe, a slow easily avoidable attack again on 30 sec cooldown. And of course the aoe fear but requires melee range.
So if anything, the minors are fine. They just need to boost chill application from the Greatsword & Reaper Shroud. Before beta weekends started people talked about having chill on GS auto like it was some super duper overpowered thing. I think by now, after 3 beta weekends, everybody can conclude that Greatsword auto’s just don’t connect in PvP. We’re lucky to get 1 auto hit on someone, getting a 3 chain going is near impossible.
Edit: I think varying opinions on chill have to do with the difference between PvE & PvP. Seems folks that PvE want feared foes to really run away, and prefer everything to do with more dps dps dps. While PvP folks love the sustain aspect of it, and likely have taken traits, or used runes/sigils that PvE players don’t use. Tough one for Robert Gee to sort out and balance to make both sides happy.
(edited by gavyne.6847)
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this.
Shivers of Dread is completely worthless to far too many builds. If you don’t bring staff, rely on RNG corruptions, or a very select set of skills, you have an entire set of minor traits that give, in total: +20% chill duration, 10% reduced damage from Chilled enemies, 3s AoE fear every 28s. That’s awful, like, approaching Death Magic minors level of awful.
That isn’t totally true. The chill is there to keep them in Melee range instead of your fear moving them out of range of your melee skills. So it is basically a requirement if you ever plan to shatter RS3. I agree it could use an additional effect but the current part has to stay.
Problem is you dont want to use fear when trying to keep close to people. Its counterproductive. I didnt mind it at first. But since trying the raid its just got on my nerves. I was trying to use RS3 to disperse the red seeker orbs on the raid boss but it was completely inneffective due to that trait.
The other Reaper minor is also pretty terrible. Chill uptime still isnt great unless you completely build around it. Which is a poor decision. It needs something extra. Like bonus damage on chilled foes.
That isn’t totally true. The chill is there to keep them in Melee range instead of your fear moving them out of range of your melee skills. So it is basically a requirement if you ever plan to shatter RS3. I agree it could use an additional effect but the current part has to stay.
I agree that part is fine, but it isn’t enough.
I’m really sad that Rise added Shambling Horrors that look nothing like the ones in GW1. They changed dramatically and aren’t even close to being as cool as the original adorably disturbing monsters. They were my favorite Minions of all.
They also don’t turn into Jagged Horror skeletons when they die in GW2. What’s the deal with all this?!!? plz
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Would simply applying chill when entering death/reaper shroud to a minor trait alleviate the problem of lackluster minor traits for non-greatsword builds?
Would simply applying chill when entering death/reaper shroud to a minor trait alleviate the problem of lackluster minor traits for non-greatsword builds?
It’d be nice maybe, but I think spoj is right a damage modifier would be really preferred to help PvE problems.
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this.
Shivers of Dread is completely worthless to far too many builds. If you don’t bring staff, rely on RNG corruptions, or a very select set of skills, you have an entire set of minor traits that give, in total: +20% chill duration, 10% reduced damage from Chilled enemies, 3s AoE fear every 28s. That’s awful, like, approaching Death Magic minors level of awful.
That isn’t totally true. The chill is there to keep them in Melee range instead of your fear moving them out of range of your melee skills. So it is basically a requirement if you ever plan to shatter RS3. I agree it could use an additional effect but the current part has to stay.
Problem is you dont want to use fear when trying to keep close to people. Its counterproductive. I didnt mind it at first. But since trying the raid its just got on my nerves. I was trying to use RS3 to disperse the red seeker orbs on the raid boss but it was completely inneffective due to that trait.
The other Reaper minor is also pretty terrible. Chill uptime still isnt great unless you completely build around it. Which is a poor decision. It needs something extra. Like bonus damage on chilled foes.
In PvP RS3 shatter is used almost exclusively to interrupt and you don’t want people running out of melee range.
The problem with Shivers of dread is fear as a part of the necromancer. We have 3 traits that are connected to fear yet we have very little reliable access to it. We have in total more traits that are based around fear, or that inflict fear, then we have skills that apply fear. Other condis that get buffed by traits for other classes, like poison for ranger and thief only have one single skill to make these more potent. Yet fear has the biggest amount of counterplay to it, you can be outright immune to it trough stability, resistance, Berserker stance, it can be cleansed like any other condition, its duration is reduced by every regular -duration modifier, you can even stunbreak it. The amount of fear we could reliable use is gated between a huge wall of counters and trait investments, fear currently is NOT a big part of necromancers, yet it gets implemented as such in terms of traits. Fix the implementation of fear and the core necromancers access to fear and this trait will be wonderfull.
Are we going to get any feedback on our feedback or is this the final build that will be launched on October 23rd?
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this.
Shivers of Dread is completely worthless to far too many builds. If you don’t bring staff, rely on RNG corruptions, or a very select set of skills, you have an entire set of minor traits that give, in total: +20% chill duration, 10% reduced damage from Chilled enemies, 3s AoE fear every 28s. That’s awful, like, approaching Death Magic minors level of awful.
That isn’t totally true. The chill is there to keep them in Melee range instead of your fear moving them out of range of your melee skills. So it is basically a requirement if you ever plan to shatter RS3. I agree it could use an additional effect but the current part has to stay.
Problem is you dont want to use fear when trying to keep close to people. Its counterproductive. I didnt mind it at first. But since trying the raid its just got on my nerves. I was trying to use RS3 to disperse the red seeker orbs on the raid boss but it was completely inneffective due to that trait.
The other Reaper minor is also pretty terrible. Chill uptime still isnt great unless you completely build around it. Which is a poor decision. It needs something extra. Like bonus damage on chilled foes.
Maybe the trait could change fear to make enemies cower in place instead of run away? Something similar existed in WoW.
Or even change it to a charm like effect where enemies walk towards you. I kind of like the latter because, in a PvP setting, it would create a real sense of fear for the enemy. Imagine getting fear/charmed and watching helplessly as your avatar walks towards the reaper to eat damage…
Or, in implementing the first solution, they could just make chill root/freeze an enemy in place if an enemy is feared while also under the condition of chill.
The enemy would literally be “frozen in fear.” Fits thematically, lore and build wise, and fixes the problem.
(edited by Anubris.8591)
I’ve been suggesting changes to the minors since before the first weekend when they previewed the class and it’s been promptly ignore.
As has been the fact that the shouts are utter garbage for PvE, that we will be running wells as usual, that our adept and grandmaster options in the reaper traitline are also horrendous, and that reaper shroud is a DPS loss over greatsword use so a grandmaster being tied to it pretty much becomes a poor option by default.
Change shivers of dread to make foes tremble in place while feared and for the chill to be applied after the fear wears off.
Make the other minor add a 7-10% damage increase against chilled foes.
Make chilling nova have a decent damage application on proc, on the scale of Power Block from mesmer and reduce the icd to 5-6 seconds.
Make Unrelenting Pursuit give a run speed bonus or a swiftness proc upon entering reaper shroud.
Augury of Death will remain worthless so long as shouts remain worthless, selfish garbage in PvE.
Swap Deathly Chill with Soul Eater so we have a worthwhile grandmaster. PvE necros don’t really have anything of worth in grandmaster since two of them have to deal with reaper shroud and reaper shroud is not good in PvE content since it blocks your access to healing from water fields, it does less DPS than your greatsword, it’s purely a turtling form. Deathly chill is kinda crappy anyways I don’t even know why it exists, it tickles.
I’ve been suggesting changes to the minors since before the first weekend when they previewed the class and it’s been promptly ignore.
As has been the fact that the shouts are utter garbage for PvE, that we will be running wells as usual, that our adept and grandmaster options in the reaper traitline are also horrendous, and that reaper shroud is a DPS loss over greatsword use so a grandmaster being tied to it pretty much becomes a poor option by default.
Change shivers of dread to make foes tremble in place while feared and for the chill to be applied after the fear wears off.
Make the other minor add a 7-10% damage increase against chilled foes.
Make chilling nova have a decent damage application on proc, on the scale of Power Block from mesmer and reduce the icd to 5-6 seconds.
Make Unrelenting Pursuit give a run speed bonus or a swiftness proc upon entering reaper shroud.
Augury of Death will remain worthless so long as shouts remain worthless, selfish garbage in PvE.
Swap Deathly Chill with Soul Eater so we have a worthwhile grandmaster. PvE necros don’t really have anything of worth in grandmaster since two of them have to deal with reaper shroud and reaper shroud is not good in PvE content since it blocks your access to healing from water fields, it does less DPS than your greatsword, it’s purely a turtling form. Deathly chill is kinda crappy anyways I don’t even know why it exists, it tickles.
I’m pretty sure the devs are trying to steer away from this “viability in PvE=DPS” mentaility. Hopefully HoT content will change some of your opinions.
Deathly Chill is good enough on condi Reapers to justify use; it would be a poor idea to move it next to Chilling Victory, which synergizes well it. Chilling Nova has to take a mixed position as an offensive choice, because it is pitted against two traits that can help both power and condi builds in more defensive ways. The damage on proc and the chill need to be good for this trait to be a decent mixed offensive option. Ideally, the ICD would be reduced or the Chill duration and proc damage would be increased. I don’t see why you’d ever want the chill after the fear. That removes the synergy with Terror. Lastly, % damage increase traits are annoying; they do nothing for condition builds, and they only serve to increase dps on power builds.
Restart WvW:
Lastly, % damage increase traits are annoying; they do nothing for condition builds, and they only serve to increase dps on power builds.
That last has been bugging me for a while. The few damage-boosting traits Necromancers do have don’t do much to help my condition Necromancer. Perhaps that might be a good adjustment to Deathly Chill to make it more worth taking for a condition Reaper (over the incredible sustain of Blighter’s Boon)? Something like “Chill deals damage [current stats], your other conditions do x% more damage to chilled targets”. Not sure what percentage would be good. Would also help ensure that your grandmaster trait has an effect if someone else is overwriting your Chill stacks.
Maybe changing augury of death trait to remove 1 condition from nearby allies for each foe effected by your shouts aswelll as the recharge reduction would help make shouts more viable and add some group support to reaper.
I’ve been suggesting changes to the minors since before the first weekend when they previewed the class and it’s been promptly ignore.
As has been the fact that the shouts are utter garbage for PvE, that we will be running wells as usual, that our adept and grandmaster options in the reaper traitline are also horrendous, and that reaper shroud is a DPS loss over greatsword use so a grandmaster being tied to it pretty much becomes a poor option by default.
Change shivers of dread to make foes tremble in place while feared and for the chill to be applied after the fear wears off.
Make the other minor add a 7-10% damage increase against chilled foes.
Make chilling nova have a decent damage application on proc, on the scale of Power Block from mesmer and reduce the icd to 5-6 seconds.
Make Unrelenting Pursuit give a run speed bonus or a swiftness proc upon entering reaper shroud.
Augury of Death will remain worthless so long as shouts remain worthless, selfish garbage in PvE.
Swap Deathly Chill with Soul Eater so we have a worthwhile grandmaster. PvE necros don’t really have anything of worth in grandmaster since two of them have to deal with reaper shroud and reaper shroud is not good in PvE content since it blocks your access to healing from water fields, it does less DPS than your greatsword, it’s purely a turtling form. Deathly chill is kinda crappy anyways I don’t even know why it exists, it tickles.
I’m pretty sure the devs are trying to steer away from this “viability in PvE=DPS” mentaility. Hopefully HoT content will change some of your opinions.
Deathly Chill is good enough on condi Reapers to justify use; it would be a poor idea to move it next to Chilling Victory, which synergizes well it. Chilling Nova has to take a mixed position as an offensive choice, because it is pitted against two traits that can help both power and condi builds in more defensive ways. The damage on proc and the chill need to be good for this trait to be a decent mixed offensive option. Ideally, the ICD would be reduced or the Chill duration and proc damage would be increased. I don’t see why you’d ever want the chill after the fear. That removes the synergy with Terror. Lastly, % damage increase traits are annoying; they do nothing for condition builds, and they only serve to increase dps on power builds.
If you paid attention to the raid, the enrage timers clearly give you an idea that DPS is still king.
Most of the raids that killed the boss sported 8-9 people in glass cannon DPS gear (sinister for condi, berserker for power).
More importantly, there is nothing that matters besides raw dps and healing anymore, because the breakbar ensures that what little utility a necromancer has, is made obsolete as the breakbar is broken with ease as a group effort and it doesn’t really need chill/weakness application.
Don’t buy into the hype that the meta is changing, people. So long as enrage timers and water field blasting exists, you’ll want berserkers and sinister geared people mostly with easy water field blasting to heal up incidental damage.
Necromancer isn’t going to turn into some breakout star.
I’ve been suggesting changes to the minors since before the first weekend when they previewed the class and it’s been promptly ignore.
As has been the fact that the shouts are utter garbage for PvE, that we will be running wells as usual, that our adept and grandmaster options in the reaper traitline are also horrendous, and that reaper shroud is a DPS loss over greatsword use so a grandmaster being tied to it pretty much becomes a poor option by default.
Change shivers of dread to make foes tremble in place while feared and for the chill to be applied after the fear wears off.
Make the other minor add a 7-10% damage increase against chilled foes.
Make chilling nova have a decent damage application on proc, on the scale of Power Block from mesmer and reduce the icd to 5-6 seconds.
Make Unrelenting Pursuit give a run speed bonus or a swiftness proc upon entering reaper shroud.
Augury of Death will remain worthless so long as shouts remain worthless, selfish garbage in PvE.
Swap Deathly Chill with Soul Eater so we have a worthwhile grandmaster. PvE necros don’t really have anything of worth in grandmaster since two of them have to deal with reaper shroud and reaper shroud is not good in PvE content since it blocks your access to healing from water fields, it does less DPS than your greatsword, it’s purely a turtling form. Deathly chill is kinda crappy anyways I don’t even know why it exists, it tickles.
I’m pretty sure the devs are trying to steer away from this “viability in PvE=DPS” mentaility. Hopefully HoT content will change some of your opinions.
Deathly Chill is good enough on condi Reapers to justify use; it would be a poor idea to move it next to Chilling Victory, which synergizes well it. Chilling Nova has to take a mixed position as an offensive choice, because it is pitted against two traits that can help both power and condi builds in more defensive ways. The damage on proc and the chill need to be good for this trait to be a decent mixed offensive option. Ideally, the ICD would be reduced or the Chill duration and proc damage would be increased. I don’t see why you’d ever want the chill after the fear. That removes the synergy with Terror. Lastly, % damage increase traits are annoying; they do nothing for condition builds, and they only serve to increase dps on power builds.If you paid attention to the raid, the enrage timers clearly give you an idea that DPS is still king.
Most of the raids that killed the boss sported 8-9 people in glass cannon DPS gear (sinister for condi, berserker for power).
More importantly, there is nothing that matters besides raw dps and healing anymore, because the breakbar ensures that what little utility a necromancer has, is made obsolete as the breakbar is broken with ease as a group effort and it doesn’t really need chill/weakness application.
Don’t buy into the hype that the meta is changing, people. So long as enrage timers and water field blasting exists, you’ll want berserkers and sinister geared people mostly with easy water field blasting to heal up incidental damage.
Necromancer isn’t going to turn into some breakout star.
I will be more inclined to believe this post when i see more than the first encounter.
they should design encounters around 100% chill up time to ensure necros a place in raids. You need only ONE necro to do the job, one spot of the 10 man group. I don’t see that unbalanced at all.
Otherwise remove the stack limit on chill, double the amount of break bar points and double or triple the damage chill does to that bar.
There is a lot of thing Anet can change to ensure a place for necros in raids (we deserve that after 3 years of being excluded from dungeons) but in the end, I think necros won’t be desired at all and nothing will change. We will still see “Raid group lfm any profession EXCEPT NECROS”.
On the subject of “Suffer!”, I second that it’s seriously underwhelming. I think the base power of all these shouts is a bit hosed by their “gets more powerful as it hits more targets” design. This sort of design can work ok with defensive skills like Suffer (although offensive skills are very difficult to balance like that), but the base power level needs to be such that using it is meaningful even in a 1v1 fight. Transferring 1 condi and inflicting 3" chill every 30" isn’t something worth a utility slot. I understand that in a group fight this skill can give the necro a full cleanse and inflict a frightening amount of chill and damage on the enemy team, but is it really good balance when the same skill is godmode in 20v20 and trash in 1v1?
Frankly, I like the idea of this kind of balancing. I just think it’s extremely difficult to do, especially with skills like Suffer, which have both a defensive and an offensive component.
The most obvious way to make this skill balanced is to adjust its recharge per enemy hit. For defensive skills it’s a very obvious route to take: the skill takes condis off you – the more enemies around, the more condis get inflicted on you – the more enemies around, the faster this skill takes condis off you! However, you can’t go down that road, because the trait already does that. (Which is also why the skill’s base recharge is so abysmally long for its effect – if you drop it too much then the trait will make it totally spammable.)
So assuming the recharge stays the same, the only way to make this skill balanced for 1v1 without making it completely broken in group fights is to spread out its effects away from the necromancer. In other words, instead of transferring more condis off the reaper, make it transfer condis off allies for each additional enemy hit. Raise the base number of condis to 2, and suddenly you’ve boosted its defensive utility in 1v1 by 100% without making the reaper themselves any more powerful at all in group fights. Add a stunbreak, which will be much more valuable 1v1 than in group fights, where you might get stunned again instantly, and suddenly this is, well, still worse than Plague Signet in 1v1, but not that much worse that you’d be able to ignore how good it’ll be in a 3v3!
Any chance Death’s Charge could be targeted, like Fiery Whirl or Whirlwind Attack?
This would only be good if it only happened without a target, while keeping the current targeted functionality.
I know the way it currently works makes it more “sticky”, as a gap closer it works well. But I would rather have the option to also use it as an escape, even if it means targeting an enemy will be a bit fiddlier and it’ll occasionally miss.
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention this.
Shivers of Dread is completely worthless to far too many builds. If you don’t bring staff, rely on RNG corruptions, or a very select set of skills, you have an entire set of minor traits that give, in total: +20% chill duration, 10% reduced damage from Chilled enemies, 3s AoE fear every 28s. That’s awful, like, approaching Death Magic minors level of awful.
Yeah I agree with that. Those traits were clearly meant to accompany the GS with its good chill uptime, and maybe nobody would be complaining about them if GS wasn’t so bad. Plus the way they went all Isaiah’s Balance on Chilling Darkness means there’s no easy way to inflict frequent chill WITHOUT GS. So maybe all those minor traits should’ve been combined into a single major that you could go for if you do bring GS? Or, altenatively, they could move some of the chill OFF the GS and make it baseline (1" chill on critical hits, 5" cooldown) on a minor trait, to make those other minors useful?
Thing is are we going to get any response from the devs about more reaper changes before HoT hits live? I’ve seen Karl talking about Dragonhunter and Daredevil and Roy talked about Herald too iirc.
Even in PvP, Reaper’s future looks grim (:p).
The added stability we get with Reaper, that could finally let us play in team fights, comes with a huge amount of CCs. Getting caught in a single lightning field destroys any stability we might have. And then, the horrendous cast time we have on everything, will prevent any come back.
I know I will hate the “pulsing” daze from scrappers and chronomancers with a passion.
I also feel threatened by the scrapper for a spot in any team.
Reaper is going to be my new main, but I have a few concerns and suggestions.
Decimate Defense is actually too strong in the master tier. Consider lowering the critical chance from 2% to 1% per stack of Vulnerability (a total 25% critical chance if the target has 25 stacks of Vulnerability). Another option is to replace its position in the trait hierarchy with Reaper’s Onslaught while also toning down the effects of Reaper’s Onslaught (eg. keep the 15% attack speed, but reduce the recharge on reaper shroud skills from 5s to 2s). Please discuss this with the design team if they like my suggestion.
Soul Eater is a fun trait, but it’s clearly not viable. It almost seems like Soul Eater’s effects should be a baseline on greatsword skills. Consider making an entirely new master trait in its place or buff the Blood Magic life-stealing traits.
There’s a possibility that healing from Blighter’s Boon may be too strong. This trait may need more testing. On another note, I would not add an internal cooldown to this trait. Doing so would only break the versatility of this trait.
From a design point of view, I would move the increased chill duration from Cold Shoulder (GM minor) to Chilling Nova (Adept major). This would incentivize players to pick Chilling Nova if they are going for a chill build. As it is now, Reaper chill builds don’t even need Chilling Nova, because support for chill builds is already a baseline. I would like support for chills to be an option instead of a hand-out.
That’s all for today. I’ll continue to keep a focused analysis when I go over the other classes’ traits.
Maybe changing augury of death trait to remove 1 condition from nearby allies for each foe effected by your shouts aswelll as the recharge reduction would help make shouts more viable and add some group support to reaper.
Yes please, AOE clearing 2 conditions with every shout sounds amazing (Trooper rune Reaper ftw)
[KoM] Krewe of Misfits
[IB]Inglorious Basterdz
I would propose that Augury of Death should act like some of the Elementalist’s Arcane traits that give each attunement a different effect. It would likely mean that Augury would have to become Master tier, but, buffing each shout somehow in a way that specifically complements the shout would be fantastic.
For instance, maybe it would make YaaW also taunt or give you and allies Aegis for 5 seconds or something like that. You know. Buff up those shouts. Make them as good as they have the potential to be
Sorry for late again.
Necro + reaper is in great spot atm.
3x base good builds (cele, condi and power) now with recent changes.
And each of those builds has at leas 1-2 reaper versions, one similiar and one with shouts as theye pretty versatile.
Necro always had most “viable/plausible” builds, but now the whole base looks really solid B+ tier and none of them being stupidly OP, so theres no fear for nerfs. Just keep that one broken skill/trait/adaptivearmorcough from others in check and were a good pick for any team.
OK, now to actual reaper stuff
- Augury of Death – CDR ok, the secondary lifesteal effect is neglectible
- Soul Eater – CDR great, the secondary lifesteal effect is neglectible
Like most lifesteals, its just way too low and those two are even very unreliable. If i have to pick one to stay, id say bring back old small but allround GS siphons ,while the shouts have a different effect.
I vote for 1 boonsteal per enemy hit.
Its actually something, helps the meleee brawler theme, and is scallingly balanced.
- Auto-chain – in PVP, you just never use this
- Grasping Darkness – The pull is just half broken and low range.
GS isnt bad and its super cool and fun, but high level power builds are already hard, you never have afk time to swing your sword cz of blind/dodge/CC…Id maybe try a slightly longer chill on 3rd hit.
For the pull,
there is not simple solution .
They said it themselves, they spent a lot of time making the skill and animation….i just dont like skills that simply dont work, making you fight the game engine instead of enemy.
- Suffer! – if….if…if only this one was ever so slightly tiny better, shout builds would be perfect
- NCSY – i honestly havent ever put this on in PVP, but i guess not everything works everywhere
Suffer is just a worse version of plague signet. Maybe 2 condies transfered would still be acceptable meta level strong but thats the limit.
Overall, each shout covers something, so theyre pretty versatile, you just really need to spam and hit them traited to make them worth it. Theyre worth it when they hit.
Reaper Shroud
Been perfect design from start.
Love it.
I hear in PVE the numbers are still even lower half, but i dont think PVP can handle anything higher…Maybe a split between modes on the auto just for PVE, since it is the majority and casuals like to see big numbers.
But leave RS as it is in PVP, it be a shame to get it overnerfed.
This were just the only real problems left on Reaper, the rest 90% of specialization feels and is great.
Thank you very much R.Gee, poeple already appreciate what you did and its no secret reaper is a contender for top elite spec.
^if PvP can handle the Warrior axe autoattack and necro’s dagger auto, I don’t see why it wouldnt be able to handle a buffed RS 1 because RS1 WITH Reaper’s Onslaught is about equivalent to those two.
I suppose RS might have a wider cleave but if there’s 3 people on you at once in sPvP, I really question what the heck is the other team doing, especially if the three people in question nicely arranged themselves into a perfect line for you to autoclave them down.
(edited by Xae Isareth.1364)
^if PvP can handle the Warrior axe autoattack and necro’s dagger auto, I don’t see why it wouldnt be able to handle a buffed RS 1 because RS1 WITH Reaper’s Onslaught is about equivalent to those two.
I suppose RS might have a wider cleave but if there’s 3 people on you at once in sPvP, I really question what the heck is the other team doing, especially if the three people in question nicely arranged themselves into a perfect line for you to autoclave them down.
Well, see, it’s not so much what they’re doing as it is what you’re doing. A reaper makes a wonderful distraction for 2+ opponents
^if PvP can handle the Warrior axe autoattack and necro’s dagger auto, I don’t see why it wouldnt be able to handle a buffed RS 1 because RS1 WITH Reaper’s Onslaught is about equivalent to those two.
I suppose RS might have a wider cleave but if there’s 3 people on you at once in sPvP, I really question what the heck is the other team doing, especially if the three people in question nicely arranged themselves into a perfect line for you to autoclave them down.
Well, see, it’s not so much what they’re doing as it is what you’re doing. A reaper makes a wonderful distraction for 2+ opponents
In which case the extra cleave doesn’t really help. I’m not even sure if it has more cleave.
Deathly Chill
Change the trait so that skills applying chill does also applies an additional damaging condition, like poison, instead of changing chill functionality.
I think this would help conditions build a lot, making the trait work much more consistently in the various situations.
Reaper is going to be my new main, but I have a few concerns and suggestions.
Decimate Defense is actually too strong in the master tier. Consider lowering the critical chance from 2% to 1% per stack of Vulnerability (a total 25% critical chance if the target has 25 stacks of Vulnerability). Another option is to replace its position in the trait hierarchy with Reaper’s Onslaught while also toning down the effects of Reaper’s Onslaught (eg. keep the 15% attack speed, but reduce the recharge on reaper shroud skills from 5s to 2s). Please discuss this with the design team if they like my suggestion.
Soul Eater is a fun trait, but it’s clearly not viable. It almost seems like Soul Eater’s effects should be a baseline on greatsword skills. Consider making an entirely new master trait in its place or buff the Blood Magic life-stealing traits.
There’s a possibility that healing from Blighter’s Boon may be too strong. This trait may need more testing. On another note, I would not add an internal cooldown to this trait. Doing so would only break the versatility of this trait.
From a design point of view, I would move the increased chill duration from Cold Shoulder (GM minor) to Chilling Nova (Adept major). This would incentivize players to pick Chilling Nova if they are going for a chill build. As it is now, Reaper chill builds don’t even need Chilling Nova, because support for chill builds is already a baseline. I would like support for chills to be an option instead of a hand-out.
That’s all for today. I’ll continue to keep a focused analysis when I go over the other classes’ traits.
Is this a troll or you you died to many times to a reaper…
Reaper is going to be my new main, but I have a few concerns and suggestions.
Decimate Defense is actually too strong in the master tier. Consider lowering the critical chance from 2% to 1% per stack of Vulnerability (a total 25% critical chance if the target has 25 stacks of Vulnerability). Another option is to replace its position in the trait hierarchy with Reaper’s Onslaught while also toning down the effects of Reaper’s Onslaught (eg. keep the 15% attack speed, but reduce the recharge on reaper shroud skills from 5s to 2s). Please discuss this with the design team if they like my suggestion.
Soul Eater is a fun trait, but it’s clearly not viable. It almost seems like Soul Eater’s effects should be a baseline on greatsword skills. Consider making an entirely new master trait in its place or buff the Blood Magic life-stealing traits.
There’s a possibility that healing from Blighter’s Boon may be too strong. This trait may need more testing. On another note, I would not add an internal cooldown to this trait. Doing so would only break the versatility of this trait.
From a design point of view, I would move the increased chill duration from Cold Shoulder (GM minor) to Chilling Nova (Adept major). This would incentivize players to pick Chilling Nova if they are going for a chill build. As it is now, Reaper chill builds don’t even need Chilling Nova, because support for chill builds is already a baseline. I would like support for chills to be an option instead of a hand-out.
That’s all for today. I’ll continue to keep a focused analysis when I go over the other classes’ traits.
Is this a troll or you you died to many times to a reaper…
Ya know, normally I would agree or just say nothing, but I can see WHY he thinks this, the amount of vul we can apply and how quickly we can apply it is staggering in RS, even DS. Soul eater should revert back to giving all GS skills life steal, lots of Lifesteal, or an individual amount per skill.
Disagree about the cold shoulder duration, we need chill to last as long as possible since we don’t have much mobility to stick to a target with our GS. I would say though we probably wouldn’t mind a damage modifier on say…..chilling victory? .
BB, I do kinda sorta agree, but like he says NO. ICD! A slight adjustment on the healing values would be fine I think though to make it 1/2 to 3/4 that of altruistic healing.
Reaper is going to be my new main, but I have a few concerns and suggestions.
Decimate Defense is actually too strong in the master tier. Consider lowering the critical chance from 2% to 1% per stack of Vulnerability (a total 25% critical chance if the target has 25 stacks of Vulnerability). Another option is to replace its position in the trait hierarchy with Reaper’s Onslaught while also toning down the effects of Reaper’s Onslaught (eg. keep the 15% attack speed, but reduce the recharge on reaper shroud skills from 5s to 2s). Please discuss this with the design team if they like my suggestion.
Soul Eater is a fun trait, but it’s clearly not viable. It almost seems like Soul Eater’s effects should be a baseline on greatsword skills. Consider making an entirely new master trait in its place or buff the Blood Magic life-stealing traits.
There’s a possibility that healing from Blighter’s Boon may be too strong. This trait may need more testing. On another note, I would not add an internal cooldown to this trait. Doing so would only break the versatility of this trait.
From a design point of view, I would move the increased chill duration from Cold Shoulder (GM minor) to Chilling Nova (Adept major). This would incentivize players to pick Chilling Nova if they are going for a chill build. As it is now, Reaper chill builds don’t even need Chilling Nova, because support for chill builds is already a baseline. I would like support for chills to be an option instead of a hand-out.
That’s all for today. I’ll continue to keep a focused analysis when I go over the other classes’ traits.
Is this a troll or you you died to many times to a reaper…
Ya know, normally I would agree or just say nothing, but I can see WHY he thinks this, the amount of vul we can apply and how quickly we can apply it is staggering in RS, even DS. Soul eater should revert back to giving all GS skills life steal, lots of Lifesteal, or an individual amount per skill.
Disagree about the cold shoulder duration, we need chill to last as long as possible since we don’t have much mobility to stick to a target with our GS. I would say though we probably wouldn’t mind a damage modifier on say…..chilling victory?
BB, I do kinda sorta agree, but like he says NO. ICD! A slight adjustment on the healing values would be fine I think though to make it 1/2 to 3/4 that of altruistic healing.
I agree that all GS skills should steal life and I also agree that the Cold shoulders merge with Chilling nova make sense, but the rest…
Reaper is going to be my new main, but I have a few concerns and suggestions.
Decimate Defense is actually too strong in the master tier. Consider lowering the critical chance from 2% to 1% per stack of Vulnerability (a total 25% critical chance if the target has 25 stacks of Vulnerability). Another option is to replace its position in the trait hierarchy with Reaper’s Onslaught while also toning down the effects of Reaper’s Onslaught (eg. keep the 15% attack speed, but reduce the recharge on reaper shroud skills from 5s to 2s). Please discuss this with the design team if they like my suggestion.
Soul Eater is a fun trait, but it’s clearly not viable. It almost seems like Soul Eater’s effects should be a baseline on greatsword skills. Consider making an entirely new master trait in its place or buff the Blood Magic life-stealing traits.
There’s a possibility that healing from Blighter’s Boon may be too strong. This trait may need more testing. On another note, I would not add an internal cooldown to this trait. Doing so would only break the versatility of this trait.
From a design point of view, I would move the increased chill duration from Cold Shoulder (GM minor) to Chilling Nova (Adept major). This would incentivize players to pick Chilling Nova if they are going for a chill build. As it is now, Reaper chill builds don’t even need Chilling Nova, because support for chill builds is already a baseline. I would like support for chills to be an option instead of a hand-out.
That’s all for today. I’ll continue to keep a focused analysis when I go over the other classes’ traits.
Is this a troll or you you died to many times to a reaper…
Ya know, normally I would agree or just say nothing, but I can see WHY he thinks this, the amount of vul we can apply and how quickly we can apply it is staggering in RS, even DS. Soul eater should revert back to giving all GS skills life steal, lots of Lifesteal, or an individual amount per skill.
Disagree about the cold shoulder duration, we need chill to last as long as possible since we don’t have much mobility to stick to a target with our GS. I would say though we probably wouldn’t mind a damage modifier on say…..chilling victory?
BB, I do kinda sorta agree, but like he says NO. ICD! A slight adjustment on the healing values would be fine I think though to make it 1/2 to 3/4 that of altruistic healing.
I agree that all GS skills should steal life and I also agree that the Cold shoulders merge with Chilling nova make sense, but the rest…
Yeah, honestly, if BB’s healing were reduced at all, it’d be just about useless as a recovery mechanic. It gives, what, just over 100 health per boon? With a full stack of 25 might or whatever else, you only get about a 3k heal. Essentially, what anyone near an ele can get incidentally. But we have to work for it. If anything, it could use a slight buff, but, really, it’s good as is
@ Robert Gee
Any update for us please? regarding feedback given in BWE3?
Deathly Chill
Change the trait so that skills applying chill does also applies an additional damaging condition, like poison, instead of changing chill functionality.
I think this would help conditions build a lot, making the trait work much more consistently in the various situations.
I dont think this would happen because then fear/blind could cause 4 condis constantly when traited and chill would always have a cover condi buffer.
On suffer. It should be changed the way all the other shouts have been to have a baseline effect then a scaling effect.
soul eater should definitely get siphoning on all attacks, maybe 100 per hit base? Give grave digger another gain when you hit with it, like generating life force or give it back that original 3% cooldown reduction from grave digger blows on top of the additional siphoning.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
Oh god, I think I just got a heart attack. Don’t bump this thread!!
Yeah what in the world, got me all excited.
I’d like to see some update on reaper changes.
Chill out guys
Chill out guys
…..was that a reaper pun?
Chill out guys
…..was that a reaper pun?
Deathly Chill
Change the trait so that…I dont think this would happen because then fear/blind could cause 4 condis constantly when traited and chill would always have a cover condi buffer.
Yes I see the potential problem, however is not like the necro is not able to put multiple condition at once, so I do not think it would be that huge imbalance; after all we are discussing a grand master trait.
A different way to solve this would be to make applying chill to do damage instantly, instead of chill itself doing damage over time. The damage should be balanced obviously, but still could scale on condition damage attribute.
Chill out guys
Would you say reaper GS… has no chill?
…Death walks amongst you. Well, more of a loping jog, really…
(1) +25 Precision
(2) +10% Chill duration
(3) +50 Precision
(4) 25% chance when struck to summon a shambling horror. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
(5) +100 Precision
(6) +15% chill duration, +25% move speed
((suggestion for new profession-complimentary runes for HoT))
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
Did you just make those runes up? They look real but I was hoping for something better.
Did you just make those runes up? They look real but I was hoping for something better.
Just suggesting something that uses existing parts and should dovetail into Reaper mechanics nicely .
I’m certainly open to suggestions as long as they fit within the scale/patterns of existing runes.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’d swap out precision for power as I already use decimate defenses. Instead of shambling horrors, I would prefer to see a chill on hit similar to grenth runes (makes being hit by ranged backfire on them occasionally).
The +25% movement speed is always nice but I feel it would be a bit to OP along with the chill duration, but I would most likely carry an extra set of armor just for that bonus.