Badges of Honor as Necromancer
I think it’s because you don’t have ranged burst damage with those weapons.
Have you tried ranged wells or LifeBlast spamming?
Traited staff should get you plenty of bags. Works for me anyway.
if you’re mind is set on farming bags/badges in WvW to get invader gear, run w/ full outblown berserker gear and use dagger mh and just melt people and buttonmash F.
do this w/ cover of others. you should get around 20-30 badges per hour.
Im running a cond. mancer with wells and epidemic and every zerg rush i maybe get 1-2 bags which usually dont even contain any badges. Tried farming them for my gift but gave up and now just do the jumping puzzles each day with my characters for the badges.
Seriously, spaming wells into the zerg, then staff marks, pick the target with the most cond and hit epidemic and just see numbers flying around everywhere and i barley get any loot. The only time ive ever seen a serious amount of loot bags was when i was on the cannon during a siege which lasted for about 30mins and even then i only got only 16 badges, while the other 20 bags contained only blues and scaps. maybe a green.
i get tons of badges as a crit mancer. drop staff 2 swap to scepter/dagger drop your aoes, pop epidemic then pop your wells and staff 3/4.
i just started WvWing seriously a couple weeks ago when I hit 80 and have about 200 badges
if you’re mind is set on farming bags/badges in WvW to get invader gear, run w/ full outblown berserker gear and use dagger mh and just melt people and buttonmash F.
do this w/ cover of others. you should get around 20-30 badges per hour.
Pretty much this. I think power build necro are a joke, so i go all out crits with berserker gear.
For WvW i get tons of loot by spamming my staff marks and my wells (make sure you trait for it to be ground targeting, its 900 range). Don’t really care too much about survivability because its a zerg out there so you are screwed either way.
I ran around on my necro today spamming Greater Mark staff skills everywhere and seemed to do fine. Was really only there for the exploration but there were several scuffles.
Currently, running staff and scepter/wh condition build with Epidemic. Got 31 badges in 2 hours yesterday. I think you need to work on your rotation, perhaps marks placement and choice of target for epidemic. I don’t use wells for WvW at all.
[NP] Night Pact
I have never noticed an issue getting loot with Necro. Sometimes it has taking as much as 8 seconds for a loot bag to spawn after a kill, but I always get loot bags.
I am pretty sure anyone not getting loot is either doing too little damage to each target or is not in the area long enough to catch loot bag spawns.
I run lots of builds in WvW but the one I use for farming is a Crit Damage and Death Shroud focused power/Roamer.
I have only 260 badge since game start. I use condi gear staff+epidemic.
I get very few loots and badges. A daily with 1-2 hour playtime about 10-20 silver.
I have full exotic gear carrion.
Necros, for the most part, don’t do enough damage to earn a loot bag.
I dunno how it works exactly, but I think it’s something like this.
From the moment a person enters combat the computer tracks how much healing and damage they take. So if they have 20k life, and they take 5k damage, and then heal to full, their total is 25k, and everyone that meets a certain thresh-hold, for damage done to that person when they die, gets a loot bag.
So if you are a necro and you drop mark of blood on the wall and it hits someone, lets assume you get off ten tics before they cleanse the condition and run. 10×150=1500
…and now lets assume they run away from you and into some warriors fire from his longbow, which ticks for 600, and then they get hit with a #3 longbow bomb for another 2500 damage before they run away for a total of 6000 damage.
While they stood on the wall getting hit by the warrior a mesmer used confusion on them and they did 3k damage to themselves…
A grenader got in a hit for 1k, and they are bleeding for another 600.
..and they got away from the edge just in time to take a 8k ballista hit with another 1k bleeding attached to it, and a catapult hit for 6k.
As they lie on the ground trying to heal, a mage drops an earth staff #2 bleed explosion, the warrior drops another fire field and #3 bomb, you drop another mark of blood, but it doesn’t do anything since no one ran in to rez, and the catapult hits him for another 5k to finish him off.
So based on the total damage done to the guy, the computer then gives the catapult, ballista, and warrior a loot bag.
Necro fields are almost always a bad thing, so people tend to run like hell from them. Fire fields can be good, and half the time people run into them to shoot flaming arrows ’n such.. so for warriors and mages, a little confusion goes a long way.
Fire and poison tick slowly and often go unnoticed. Necro bleeds tic like a machine gun, and anyone that sees a necro attacking them, knows to cleanse the bleeds once they have some stacked.
So what I’m getting at is, people die from the damage they don’t see coming. Fire fields, confusion, burst damage.. that’s what kills.
Necro damage is obvious to anyone receiving it, and it’s low damage too, so even when you do get to see your bleeds ticking away, odds are something else killed them.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Necro damage is obvious to anyone receiving it, and it’s low damage too, so even when you do get to see your bleeds ticking away, odds are something else killed them.
We need a skill called “Rend Flesh” that allows us to rip conditions and boons off our foes dealing significant burst based on the conditions and boons removed. Put it on a longer cooldown for balance if you have to but something like this would eliminate the ‘sad’ that is necro bleed stacks getting cleansed almost immediately after we get the stack created (and have burned our weapon CDs doing it)
Necro damage is obvious to anyone receiving it, and it’s low damage too, so even when you do get to see your bleeds ticking away, odds are something else killed them.
We need a skill called “Rend Flesh” that allows us to rip conditions and boons off our foes dealing significant burst based on the conditions and boons removed. Put it on a longer cooldown for balance if you have to but something like this would eliminate the ‘sad’ that is necro bleed stacks getting cleansed almost immediately after we get the stack created (and have burned our weapon CDs doing it)
I completely agree that either this or a trait of some kind that makes condition clears against necro dots have a chance to fail, would be a big step into making using conditions more fun. Being able to dot up a target, fear it, then clear my conditions off that target for big damage would be great, since they will be clearing those conditions when the fear ends anyways.
Necros, for the most part, don’t do enough damage to earn a loot bag.
I would say to all necro’s read this line, read it again then re-read it and then completely disregard it!!!!
As a necro I get a regular 15-30 badges in W3 and I only play for around 2 hours max (due to work, family etc… I have limited time to enjoy the game atm )
lets start by waking people up to 1 fact…
Necro is NOT a burst class… in fact lets repeat this to make it completely clear…
Necro is NOT a burst class
We are an attrition class that can put out crazy mass AoE conditions assuming you play smart, you can actually pretty much insta-gib ppl with a well placed Corrupt Boon and then followed up with Epidemic you will see groups melt, it doesn’t happen often but when it does… at that point… you will see the joy of playing a Necro xD
We don’t have warrior’s kill shot, elementalist style escape from everything, thief’s cloak and burst and then run when something doesn’t die, guardians incredibly bunker playstyle but we are and remain a solid mid/backline class that excels at pressure when played right.
If you want silly OP 1 shot skills or crazy burst then you shouldn’t be playing a necro plain and simple.
Their are loads of different builds out there I use at present as it is a solid all-rounder for WvW but remember your job is to put pressure on groups you are not Rambo/Leeroooooooy or <insert fictional OP char here> (or Chuck Norris)
Accept that you are a back/midline class, accept that your job is pressure pressure PRESSURE, accept you have great survivability but you are not godlike but most of all Accept 1 fact above all others…
Necro is NOT a burst class
Once you come to terms with that you may adapt your playstyle and actually enjoy the beauty of the necro (and remember we are underpowered still, there are a good number of changes needed so what will we become when/if Anet get their act together and resolve all the issues with necro and make all our weapons viable, lower our stupidly long cast times and rebalance our traits a bit better)
Necro’s have a way to go but they are still deadly when played right and are definitely a royal pain in the butt in most WvW situations as we love zergs to play against
Soul of Onyx – Guardian
(edited by OnyX.9027)
It is nice but you do not get loot.
you also get a lot of lootbags but tbh who really cares about loot it’s only real use from a bag is to sell to pay for repairs to your gear, if you are playing WvW for market profit then you are in the wrong part of town xD grind orr instead
What they should do is get rid of repair costs in WvW altogether as they make no sense at all
Soul of Onyx – Guardian
Traited staff should get you plenty of bags. Works for me anyway.
^ this
-though; slightly offtopic… the JP is the best place to obtain badges imo; i got 500 for the gift of battle in a week or two
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
If your not getting loot bags in wvw with staff as a necro, your doing it wrong :/
Necros, for the most part, don’t do enough damage to earn a loot bag.
I would say to all necro’s read this line, read it again then re-read it and then completely disregard it!!!!
As a necro I get a regular 15-30 badges in W3 and I only play for around 2 hours max (due to work, family etc… I have limited time to enjoy the game atm
lets start by waking people up to 1 fact…
Necro is NOT a burst class… in fact lets repeat this to make it completely clear…
Necro is NOT a burst class
We are an attrition class that can put out crazy mass AoE conditions assuming you play smart, you can actually pretty much insta-gib ppl with a well placed Corrupt Boon and then followed up with Epidemic you will see groups melt, it doesn’t happen often but when it does… at that point… you will see the joy of playing a Necro xD
We don’t have warrior’s kill shot, elementalist style escape from everything, thief’s cloak and burst and then run when something doesn’t die, guardians incredibly bunker playstyle but we are and remain a solid mid/backline class that excels at pressure when played right.
If you want silly OP 1 shot skills or crazy burst then you shouldn’t be playing a necro plain and simple.
Their are loads of different builds out there I use at present as it is a solid all-rounder for WvW but remember your job is to put pressure on groups you are not Rambo/Leeroooooooy or <insert fictional OP char here> (or Chuck Norris)
Accept that you are a back/midline class, accept that your job is pressure pressure PRESSURE, accept you have great survivability but you are not godlike but most of all Accept 1 fact above all others…
Necro is NOT a burst class
Once you come to terms with that you may adapt your playstyle and actually enjoy the beauty of the necro (and remember we are underpowered still, there are a good number of changes needed so what will we become when/if Anet get their act together and resolve all the issues with necro and make all our weapons viable, lower our stupidly long cast times and rebalance our traits a bit better)
Necro’s have a way to go but they are still deadly when played right and are definitely a royal pain in the butt in most WvW situations as we love zergs to play against
Disagree. I burst down my monthly 50 completely easily using wells and some daggerwork.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
What is Jumping Puzzle?
staff scepter/dagger necro here 3k + achievements, 12k + wvw kills umm loots ? badges? stopped after 1k badges, atm i hardly loot cas there goes the vs zerg, if i loot i lose 5 kills xd
P:s: bad pc i never see the enemy zerg, so am always in between 5 to 20 enemies, i survive stuffs none can, thieves cant kill me, and yea i think am a tanker, i die cas i dont use stun breaker cas i am soooooo laggy it never comes out rite, but kills n bags ? who can get more than me i doubt, necro will get the most badges /period
What am I doing wrong?
What is the difference?
1, “necro will get the most badges /period”
2, “Necros, for the most part, don’t do enough damage to earn a loot bag.”
I’m right, you don’t do enough damage, and the fact that there has been a thread about this on the front page, in one form or another, since the game launched proves there is a problem.
If watch oreowolf’s video, you’ll see that the necro gets 5-7 badges… that’s crap…
How often does a zerg wipe? that video shows zerg after zerg wiping likely 80-100 players killed in total. It likely took hours of gameplay to make that recap video, and even in the best case scenario, he only got a handful of badges.
prothorin, you can google “WvWvW jumping puzzle” and see lots of videos, each pvp map has one, and if you want to get badges fighting against zergs, build a well placed arrow cart.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
He’s gotten tons of loot bags, which you clearly are stating we don’t get. If your not doing enough damage with your sceptre auto attack as a conditionancer,well that’s your fault 900+ hours played as a necro, 90% of that is in pvp. I’ve never had a problem getting mass lootbags, so maybe your just unlucky? Also, lootbags are not an 100% garenteed drop; even if you deal 100% of the damage to the player. Getting lootbags and getting badges from those lootbags are two different things. So OP, which are you having a problem with exactly? You say you do not get drops while the title of the thread is about badge rate drops.
Last time when is use ammocart I do not get any loot. 15mins continous use to defend the hill inner gate. Jagger horror appeared 20-30 times and I get lots of XP but zero loot.
I think same as necro damage ammo cart damage was too low.
I get a decent amount, this is just a hunch though. I will have to start with a clean slate every day and see how many I get.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.
I have problem with gold and badge.
I’m glad if the repair costs balance not negative after 1-2 hour wvw.
Therefore, very few of the necros play wvw.
I have my necro and a warrior geared out in full exotic berserker sets. From my personal experience, my necro gets more kills AND lives longer than my warrior. I run a rifle/greatsword or sword&horn build as a warrior, and a full blown crit&wellmancer build as a necro. Yes, my warrior will one shot the occasional player in zergs(highest killshot was 32k on an underleveled player),but it is much more efficent to melt a groups faces off with groundtargeted wells Again, only my personal experience
I get around 5-10 badges of honor per hour playing Necro.
Perhaps a good idea would be to post our kills/badges ratio. Although you can get many free kills it could serve as a general damage/effectiveness measurement.
I’m at work right now but I will edit my post later with numbers
Edit: 702 kills, 161 badges = 4.36
(edited by KoKaLo.7539)
I have 7.2k wvw kills and roughly 1.5k badges.