Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood
Balancing the class with some improvements.
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood
Not trying to troll, I read a lot of posts like this and tend to think your really not supposed to play like the traditional dot casting necro. As an example, I use staff and dagger/ horn. I am still not full exotics and hit for 900-2k staff auto attack 1-2k mark are Welsh just kitten and with daggers I’m getting 900-1500×3 and 3-4k bite finishes auto attack.
Yeah I think dagger auto attack damage is fine, although keeping someone in range can be rather hard if they really want to get out of range, and getting someone into range initially is rather tough (gap closer would be great)
The staff auto attack skill is extremely easy to move out of the way of, I was fighting a necro just last night that used staff, and I was easily able to strafe all his attacks. Mark’s doing 1-2k damage isn’t going to do much, as players have minimum 20k hp, so having them as a whole increased in damage by 25% or more would be great, or having the #2 mark doing significantly more damage… although honestly I think scepter having an increased range to 1200 would be better, and it’s direct damage improved a bit as well.
I’ve always been a necromancer fan, and have never liked doing conditions, I typically enjoy pets, and any form of direct damage I can find… I wouldn’t expect direct damage to be better than an ele (which they arent great right now either) but it should still be pretty solid.
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood
I agree with most of your points however I have to disagree on #4, we are much better off in the range department than guardians who’s only skills that reach out to 1,200 range are slower moving than our staff auto attack. Engineers and thieves also have very limited long range options, with the former being pigeon holed into one kit and the latter only having one weapon attack that can reach long range.
Maybe, but those classes also have numerous other advantages over us that makes up for that. But if we had some good closing/escape abilities it would lessen the need for more/stronger ranged abilities.
Henett: Elementalist of Fort Aspenwood