Best Burst Possible.

Best Burst Possible.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


So I went line by line avoiding the flaws and pitfalls of our broken and shattered class to come up with a design that gave us the absolute best burst possible for a necromancer.

I don’t think it’s possible to obtain anymore burst than this puts out. Thought it feels like you have to get the stars to align to pull off the combo, when it does happen it’s nice. Though most of the time you’ll end up getting run down or kite’d trying to make it happen.

It really frosts my cupcake that I have to not only take wells but a major trait to try and hold someone within melee range just so i can get a cycle or two off with my dagger. The thing should come with a cripple at the end of it’s Necrotic Slash cycle.

Anyways build explained in the first video.

2nd Video shows me mow’n down svanir and a few other peeps head to head in the 2nd video.

Hope this tides you over until we get our bug fixes!




Best Burst Possible.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


I have ran a similar build, and it is fun, but that’s about as far as it goes. Once you’ve blown your minions up and used you burst, you’re just left with a terrible build which does nothing.

Best Burst Possible.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


It’s a little sad that, for our profession, “burst” means “steady but unremarkable pressure consisting of auto-attacks”.

Best Burst Possible.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872



It’s like being a thief with only 4 initiative that only recharges every 15 secs, but it is the best burst possible. =)

Best Burst Possible.

in Necromancer

Posted by: phamtrinli.6425



/15 length