Best ascended gear for Soldier Reaper?
I dont understand. Zojja is zerk, soldier is well..soldier so what do you mean by ascended gear for soldier? you mean you have soldier trinkets..?
and for what game mode?(pvp or pve)
I dont understand. Zojja is zerk, soldier is well..soldier so what do you mean by ascended gear for soldier? you mean you have soldier trinkets..?
and for what game mode?(pvp or pve)
Sorry, I worded my post poorly. I’m just wondering what’s the best gear to get for a Soldier Reaper.
Is Zojja’s armor the best way to go? And it’s for PvP.
no use apothecary armor
I dont understand. Zojja is zerk, soldier is well..soldier so what do you mean by ascended gear for soldier? you mean you have soldier trinkets..?
and for what game mode?(pvp or pve)Sorry, I worded my post poorly. I’m just wondering what’s the best gear to get for a Soldier Reaper.
Is Zojja’s armor the best way to go? And it’s for PvP.
Ok first things first, Zojja is a name for the ascended stat called beserker which is power precision and ferocity.Soldier is another stat which based on power toughness and vitality.By saying you want zojja’s armor on soldier reaper you contradicting yourself.
Now if i am to ignore the “soldier reaper” part, I would suggets that you mix some Valkyrie or Marauder gear with beserk, tho it is possible to run all zerk but you will mostly die if pressured in smallscale fight.
Is Zojja’s armor the best way to go? And it’s for PvP.
Just when you think it can’t get more confusing…
There is no armor in PvP. Well, of course your wear armor, but only for esthetic reasons. However, it’s pointless to make distinctions between ascended and lower tier stat prefixes because you get your stats by picking an amulet in your build editor.
Is Zojja’s armor the best way to go? And it’s for PvP.
Just when you think it can’t get more confusing…
There is no armor in PvP. Well, of course your wear armor, but only for esthetic reasons. However, it’s pointless to make distinctions between ascended and lower tier stat prefixes because you get your stats by picking an amulet in your build editor.
I just assume by pvp he means WvW.
Well if it’s WvW or PvP, for both Zerker with Scholar is a bad choice.
For PvP there is the Celestial Necro with Rune of Strength or the Carrion Reaper with rune of nightmare that are good.
There is also a Soldier Reaper build with rune of strength, but I never tried it before. There is also a couple of older build, that I don’t think are still competitive, but I still see from time to time. Like the Minion master in Soldier and Rune of the Pack. Or the Power Necro in Marauder with rune of the pack.
Of course there is always variation in runes so there is no one best answer here. The best is to find a decent build that you like to play and adjust it to your need. One build can be great in the hand of a pro, but not be the best for a new necro or not be that effective when you don’t really like playing it or when it doesn’t fit your gamestyle and you always end up in the wrong situation for your build.