Big events and world bosses

Big events and world bosses

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dekazer.3017


I’m pretty new to this game, and i have played my necromancer to lvl70. My only problem with necromancer is dealing damage to mobs in big events and world bosses, how people get loot from mobs with necromancer in bigger events? What build i should do for that and how i can deal good single target dps to world bosses?
thx in advance.

Big events and world bosses

in Necromancer

Posted by: Funky.4861


This is a problem for the class, as loot triggers on direct damage, not damage over time which is where a lot of necro dps comes from. If you try to make a power build, use an axe as it’s slightly ranged (meaning u don’t have to run/port into melee range with a dagger main hand) and maybe try charging ur flesh golem in for some straight-up dmg. You could try to gap close with DS#2 then pop out, see how it works for you. Just bear in mind that once ur in melee range of a champ mob, it will obey Sod’s law and AoE 1/3 of ur HP away ^^