Blighters Boon Is bad.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Really just horrible.

We are not guardians where we can put out a lot of boons. Needs to be changed to be a GM trait or moved down and have a new GM trait.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead.5829


It’s really not. It’s just not as good and teamplay synergistic nor multi-build friendly as it was before.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Other than Might, what boons does necro/reaper give themselves on a consistent basis to make this crap trait, GM worthy?

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kornfanxxx.9143


Other than Might, what boons does necro/reaper give themselves on a consistent basis to make this crap trait, GM worthy?

in pure pvp i could agree it is a lackluster GM. However, I could see some serious viability with potent foods in pve/wvw, such as procs from the 33% chance to grant might off critical hits you get with dumplings, Ect ect.. PvP can’t be the dev’s only notion to balance the trait. Rev’s in pvp matches synced with a BB reaper were really strong though. Idk, i like and dislike the changes.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


RS #3 triggers what, 8 total Stability stacks, for about 1040 healing total without healing power. Axe #3 gives you 1 “stack” of Retaliation per enemy hit, which can translate into 5% LF or (I believe if you get the trait that uses it on Shroud), 650 health. Focus #4 can potentially give you 2 stacks of Regen, though that’s unreliable.

And why exactly are we ruling out might as a boon? You can spec to get a stack of might on Shroud #1, on hitting a chilled foe, on hitting foes below a threshold. You can use Runes of Strength to proc more mights, Sigil of Battle procs 2 stacks of might when you weapon swap if you want, etc. YaaW can give you up to 10 stacks of might.

I use Blighter’s Boon currently in my build, and I really enjoy it. All the little pieces add up, and I’m not even fully specced to take full advantage of it. I just think it’s a good supplement.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kornfanxxx.9143


RS #3 triggers what, 8 total Stability stacks, for about 1040 healing total without healing power. Axe #3 gives you 1 “stack” of Retaliation per enemy hit, which can translate into 5% LF or (I believe if you get the trait that uses it on Shroud), 650 health. Focus #4 can potentially give you 2 stacks of Regen, though that’s unreliable.

And why exactly are we ruling out might as a boon? You can spec to get a stack of might on Shroud #1, on hitting a chilled foe, on hitting foes below a threshold. You can use Runes of Strength to proc more mights, Sigil of Battle procs 2 stacks of might when you weapon swap if you want, etc. YaaW can give you up to 10 stacks of might.

I use Blighter’s Boon currently in my build, and I really enjoy it. All the little pieces add up, and I’m not even fully specced to take full advantage of it. I just think it’s a good supplement.

this x1000,

And i know it might be obvious but BB, also applies on might reapplication, so even at 25 stacks of might your still healing. and there’s no ICD, so if you proc might 3 times instantly, thats 3 individual procs, which can turn into an impressive number. not quite as potent as ele’s heal glyph. But I mean, it proc’s off anything the necro makes. Use sigil of strength. I do and its amazing in tangent with 1 spam/chilled might procs. Try it

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


The problem for me is not that it is a bad trait. It is an inappropriate trait. Current BB is a death magic trait: selfish sustain.

Reaper is all about chill and scalable defense/offense. Currently BB does not scale in team fight, while it used to. There is no tweaks in number which will change that.

So yes, BB is a useful trait. It does work well in a might stacking build. But this is not a reaper GM.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kornfanxxx.9143


The problem for me is not that it is a bad trait. It is an inappropriate trait. Current BB is a death magic trait: selfish sustain.

Reaper is all about chill and scalable defense/offense. Currently BB does not scale in team fight, while it used to. There is no tweaks in number which will change that.

So yes, BB is a useful trait. It does work well in a might stacking build. But this is not a reaper GM.

I think the direction the dev’s want BB to take IS for celestial/maura/soldier might stacking builds. as it stood it far outweighed the others the second you saw a herald or tempest on your team. Whereas chill scaling to condi damage gave condi reapers a viable alternative to BB or RO. BB did lose synergy yes. but it also did make some gains in scaling and the ability for the necro to control and promptly abuse its healing ability. whether it’s GM worthy or not I guess could be argued by the build around the trait.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead.5829


Reaper is all about chill and scalable defense/offense. Currently BB does not scale in team fight, while it used to. There is no tweaks in number which will change that.

The amount of healing/lifeforce could be changed to increase by multiples off of how many enemies are around you, for each boon you apply to yourself, but this could give rise to some ridiculous situations when against a lot of minions/clones/etc.

Buuuuuuuut, hinging all of our teamfighting ability on a single trait in the elite spec line is bad design. Those still using base necro would want access to teamfight scaling as well, I’m sure.

While the current implementation is bad for build diversity when paired with the rest of the necro lines, because it requires Spite, so too was the old version; it was required for the profession as a whole to do well in teamfights. I’d rather see every line get some scaling to its defense.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Blighter’s Boon was nerfed for the builds that needed it most: shroud-based soldier teamfighting builds. They relied entirely on Decimate Defenses/Death Perception to have enough damage to be at all relevant as a bunker (since we still bring very low support), and Blighter’s Boon was absolutely necessary to have the sustain to bunker. The trait is still just fine for 1v1 builds, though it definitely pushes you towards having Chilling Victory. But 1v1 builds didn’t need any more sustain, and as I listed in another thread we have far more boon sources that don’t at all scale with enemies hit than we do that scale. And our best source of scaling boons used to be YAAW, until it received a 50% nerf to how much might it can generate per cast, which again heavily hurts Blighter’s Boon based teamfighting builds.

We asked for scaling defenses, we got scaling defenses, and they were nerfed because apparently we’re not allowed to be teamfight bunkers, and very specific builds on other professions were making us OP. No attempts with ICD, nah let’s just remove an entire type of Reaper build because Herald spams 10 boons every 3 seconds.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


i’d rather see this trait as a minor one

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


So I’ve recently understood why BB got nerfed, I did a dungeon with two friends playing revenant. They were afk next to me when I looked down and saw perma swiftness, fury and 15 might…

Ridiculous that we were the ones to get nerfed to compensate.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: HardRider.2980


Might is a key thing for necros, so why rule it out.
We can get a ton of it easily.
Even if you dont go spite line… might food, might sigil, gives us a nice amount topped with stab.
Before It was OP tbh.
I was hoping they would just reduce the healing number then to change it to boons we only give.

I’m currently trying out Blood Magic line considering Life steal heals through RS <3
So everything helps from my own might gain and life steal :p

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This trait was nerfed because WvW.

kitten WvW.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


This trait was nerfed because WvW.

kitten WvW.

WvW, PvE and PvP according to Robert. Mainly PvP because after seeing a couple of nos’s games with him standing next to his revenant teammate he just couldn’t die. Seriously, why not just increase the interval of which revenant’s could apply boons from facets and adjust their duration to match?

Also can’t forget tempest and heat sync. Really I think might was the only problem with the trait since ten might meant 10% life force or 1000 Heath. And we all know how easy it is to stack or get might in this game….

I mean I get, understand and think the nerf was justifiable, but it just screwed us over horribly the way they nerfed it, you’re pretty much forced into spite to get any mileage outta this trait now.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: kschmidt.5901


The change really forces you to go Spite to get anything decent out of BB. That killed a lot of potential build diversity. I’d really prefer if they split it based on if it was a self-applied boon or an ally applied one.

Best way to keep ally applied healing in line would be a X/second cap. So let’s say 5 boons/3 seconds. Then if you got hit with a huge 10 stack of might you’d only benefit from a portion of it and then it would be on cooldown for ally applied boons.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bysvyken.6235


Whilst I find it pretty good in PvE with might granting food buffs, it’s seemed pretty underwhelming in sPvP so far, even with as cheesy a boon granting build as I can manage.

How about giving the trait an ICD but only on boons granted by allies. This would bring back some of the team support role it encouraged, whilst not letting boon-diarrhea professions ruin the balance.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead.5829


So I’ve recently understood why BB got nerfed, I did a dungeon with two friends playing revenant. They were afk next to me when I looked down and saw perma swiftness, fury and 15 might…

Ridiculous that we were the ones to get nerfed to compensate.

But if their permabuffs are balanced (and I’m not saying they are or aren’t), and the issue is that the trait we have was too strong when combined with them, it makes perfect sense for that trait to be nerfed (limited) in some way. Maybe not this way, but some way.

The notion that we shouldn’t be nerfed because of something another class does isn’t fully thought out.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


My PVE necro heal 600+ hp per second (could reach 1k+ depending on number of surrounding enemies) while in DS because of that trait. Still not accounting the whole Blood Magic line and minions and dagger#2 and so on… It’s not supposed to be a standalone trait, it’s a synergetic trait. It’s like taking Deadly Chill on berserker gear and say its damage sucks.

BB is fine. The only thing missing is Zealot amulet.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Oh man, a whole 600 HP/s in PvE. Welp we did it boys, nevermind Blighter’s Boon is obviously amazing nothing to do here wrap it up.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: CCLegion.5936


This trait only really sucks in sPvP because Necro is still lacking in scaling ways of getting boons. It still provides great sustain in WvW but it is no longer broken beyond belief.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Oh man, a whole 600 HP/s in PvE. Welp we did it boys, nevermind Blighter’s Boon is obviously amazing nothing to do here wrap it up.

Cop out one sentence and mock it. Typical forum whiner. Refusing to understand and see anything beyond that one particular thing they want.

At least I tried.

roll eyes

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Oh man, a whole 600 HP/s in PvE. Welp we did it boys, nevermind Blighter’s Boon is obviously amazing nothing to do here wrap it up.

Cop out one sentence and mock it. Typical forum whiner. Refusing to understand and see anything beyond that one particular thing they want.

At least I tried.

roll eyes

The interesting part is that Bhawb isn’t a typical forum whiner. He just really hates that Necros almost immediately lost the first thing they received to allow allies to fully support a Necro, since you could heal the Necro through Shroud by applying boons.

Good on you for making it work for you, though.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I also don’t like it when people use meaningless examples to try to say a trait is fine when it isn’t. Having a high HP/s in PvE is completely meaningless, I mean I’m happy that you are enjoying it but that isn’t an example of the trait functioning properly. Just like the dev’s example of PvE zergs or WvW having “too much sustain” (as though we can’t get it already without Blighter’s Boon) was ridiculous.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Are you certain? If I recall, raids aren’t out yet so even saying we had a place in raids with old BB is unsubstantiated.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Are you certain? If I recall, raids aren’t out yet so even saying we had a place in raids with old BB is unsubstantiated.

great sustain without giving up much damage, just what a tank needs.

Actually it is really simple. Next time try to figure it out by yourself before posting.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gerrark.9870


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Are you certain? If I recall, raids aren’t out yet so even saying we had a place in raids with old BB is unsubstantiated.

great sustain without giving up much damage, just what a tank needs.

Actually it is really simple. Next time try to figure it out by yourself before posting.

For someone who’s being really antagonistic and sure of themselves on how raids will work it’s abundantly clear you didn’t try what tiny example we had lol.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Are you certain? If I recall, raids aren’t out yet so even saying we had a place in raids with old BB is unsubstantiated.

great sustain without giving up much damage, just what a tank needs.

Actually it is really simple. Next time try to figure it out by yourself before posting.

And you’re absolutely certain that it would have resulted in a tanking spot?

And now, you’re absolutely certain that Necros will not have any raid spot, because of the loss of BB?

Where did this certainty come from, exactly?

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I think it’s a great trait with my current Build

It really depends on your build on if it will work for you, you wouldn’t use it on a condi reaper for example because having your chill do damage would be priority number 1.

Having 15% extra attack speed in WvW and PvP is always situational as most enemies know to kite a Reaper, so what good is attacking faster if you can’t hit them anyway?

With BB, you can either heal yourself or give yourself Lifeforce… It doesn’t sound like much until you are able to start off EVERY pvp game with Life force for that first engagement.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I think it’s a great trait with my current Build

It really depends on your build on if it will work for you, you wouldn’t use it on a condi reaper for example because having your chill do damage would be priority number 1.

Having 15% extra attack speed in WvW and PvP is always situational as most enemies know to kite a Reaper, so what good is attacking faster if you can’t hit them anyway?

With BB, you can either heal yourself or give yourself Lifeforce… It doesn’t sound like much until you are able to start off EVERY pvp game with Life force for that first engagement.

Outside of shroud, the only way you gain boons with your build is SpecWalk and hitting a target below 50% health…… so much Life Force generation….. oh and your runes…. you must be unstoppable.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I think it’s a great trait with my current Build

It really depends on your build on if it will work for you, you wouldn’t use it on a condi reaper for example because having your chill do damage would be priority number 1.

Having 15% extra attack speed in WvW and PvP is always situational as most enemies know to kite a Reaper, so what good is attacking faster if you can’t hit them anyway?

With BB, you can either heal yourself or give yourself Lifeforce… It doesn’t sound like much until you are able to start off EVERY pvp game with Life force for that first engagement.

Outside of shroud, the only way you gain boons with your build is SpecWalk and hitting a target below 50% health…… so much Life Force generation….. oh and your runes…. you must be unstoppable.

wow you’re a salty one haha

like I said… I think it’s great with my build. It’s my personal opinion from my experience and it has proven to be really useful, to me.

I don’t rely on my traits for boons either, that would be silly.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)