• Blood Magic
• Death Magic
• Axe
• Scepter
All of these things still suck, let’s be honest.
Robert Gee said he’ll take a look at scepter and axe, so I’ll start with some scepter ideas. I’m afraid that if he doesn’t receive any real ideas then all we’re going to get are number changes.
This is very clearly the necromancer’s condition based weapon but it pales compared to other class’s condition abilities.
Blood Curse (Scepter chain#1) – Fine as it is.
Rending Curse (Scepter chain#2) – Change to 5s of torment.
Putrid Curse (Scepter chain#3) – Increase poison duration from 4s to 5s.
Add projectile animation to chain 1,2 and 3 and change to 20% projectile finishers.
Grasping Dead
IMO, this skill is fine. You could change it to a pulsing AOE field but I don’t think it’s necessary.
Feast of Corruption
- First, change the skill to have a pulsing animation like the Risen Plaguebearer in Orr.
- Second, make every pulse (5 pulses like Risen Plaguebearer) transfer 1 condition and grant 2% life force per hit
- Alternatively, make every pulse inflict poison and grant life force.
The argument against a condition transfer change would be players deeming this skill to be too powerful. However, compare this skill to other necromancer condition transfers. Plague Signet is a 30s ICD, group support, 5 condition transfer, 1200 range instant cast stunbreaker. Putrid Mark is a 20s ICD, 1200 range, blast finisher that can be traited for life force and to be unblockable – also very fast cast. Our Plague Sending trait is also instant. Deathly Swarm is a bouncing blind condition transfer with a mere 18s ICD.
Feast of Corruption (scepter #3) would be a (2s?) channeled ability that simply transfers 1 condition per successful hit and grants some life force. Similar to other condition transfers, this skill won’t be very useful if your opponent doesn’t use conditions against you. We’ve also seen how powerful channeled abilities become after players become accustomed to them – see: rangers rapid fire. A very powerful skill on a 10s ICD as well but players now know how to counter it.
___________________________Blood Magic___________________________
Minor Traits.
Mark of Evasion – Fine as is.
Vampiric Presence – Replaces Vampiric. Minions siphon health made baseline.
Last Rites – Fine as is.
Adept Traits.
Grandmaster Traits.
Vampiric Rituals – Wells now pulse protection and allies in your wells siphon health.
Anyway, that’s all I feel like thinking about. I’d like to merge some fear traits, remove some traits, change some traits like making banshees wail change warhorn skills (warhorn 4 becomes fear) but that’s a waste of my time and I’d have to think about creating entirely new traits by merging traits.