Bring back old Scepter 3 Feast of Corruption
I understand your pain but the condi lobby was just to strong. Anet decided to please them.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
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^ agreed.
Scepter is ranged Condi weapon and Axe is a ranged Power weapon now. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you want a hybrid weapon try the staff with the mark n°4, it deal good damage.
I played a hybrid build and that fix reduce my direct damage but increase my condition damage, making me happy anyway.
But that fix reall ymake the Necromancer to have a Condition Weapon.
Every class have a condition weapon, exception only for the Necromancer, that haven’t a full condition weapon (and guardian but with the virtues every weapon can become a conditionw eapon).
Actually the condition damage finally don’t have a useless Power based skill on they’re main condition weapon, making it really good.
If you want a midrange dps weapon try the Axe, actually deal more damage and have more range, and with the skil 2 it deal a really high damage.
Or the classic Dagger that is always good.
im’ happy expecially for my sPvP condi build why finally have a “complete” way to deal condition damage wit the scepter, expecially why I play a Mm build, then that condition damage can increase my damage by a lot.
The Scepter is the Only condition weapon we have, let us play it in a full condition damage way.
Maybe because :
- faster auto attack
- less clunky animation
- better cripple uptime
- Poison (anti regen tool)
- used to be way better at LF generation (Now the 2 are just bad)
- No easily interruptible channeled skill
Well, I find this way enough to prefer scepter to axe.
NB.: See? the lobby answered you.
(edited by Dadnir.5038)
Scepter is a condition weapon. Loving the changes and want them to stay as-is.
You are doing something horribly wrong if you were running scepter as a power weapon.
I would recommend running Axe as your main ranged power weapon, you can also use staff, or DS. most power builds use DS as their primary ranged damage. Pair that with melee dagger/WH to get very higher LF generation.
Scepter is a purely condition damage weapon, its one broken skill was finally fixed.
I run a power scepter build and losing the additional damage per condition is just…dots…
I used to be able to crit 4-5k damage after Signet of spiting the enemy with FOC but now…I’ll be lucky with…I don’t know…2k damage?the additional torment stacks got nothing to do with me.
please bring back the old scepter 3 Feast of corruption that gives 8% additional damage per condition
Troll post?
I run a power scepter build and losing the additional damage per condition is just…dots…
I used to be able to crit 4-5k damage after Signet of spiting the enemy with FOC but now…I’ll be lucky with…I don’t know…2k damage?the additional torment stacks got nothing to do with me.
please bring back the old scepter 3 Feast of corruption that gives 8% additional damage per condition
Hell no, bro! lol
I agree with you that old scepter 3 was great for power build. Hit pretty hard for the cooldown imo. Also scepter autos were fast and it felt good. But I switched to axe and it definitely feels more powerful. I was stuck in between dagger and scepter for quite some time… I didn’t want to be in the enemies face with dagger and scepter didn’t do as much dmg as I wanted. Although blood bond was good with scepter power build.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!
But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
lol scepter works even better for power now stop the troll
btw the staff coment make my laugh
I understand your pain but the condi lobby was just to strong. Anet decided to please them.
That kitten condition lobby, wanting necromancers to have at least one condition weapon. They’re ruining this class, I tell you. Condis have no place on a necromancer.
Seriously: is you use the scepter as a direct damage weapon you have to find another build.
And finally we have a real condition weapon, please don’t try to bring back a direct damage skill only why you’re not good enough to use the direct damage weapons to deal direct damage.
Tbh there are necros that used scepter in power builds and a few were mentioned around in this forum, axe was that bad it’s not there yet but I’m not going to deny that scepter was used in power builds it does offer better debuffs than axe. Wasn’t axe originally a condi weapon as well?
The Dhuumfire thread
By release, no, but it unloaded a bunch of bleeds and unholy feast used to be basically AoE feast of corruption (bonus damage per condi)
By release, no, but it unloaded a bunch of bleeds and unholy feast used to be basically AoE feast of corruption (bonus damage per condi)
Quite funny axe would have a better condi weapon with proper changes and scepter power assuming they kept debuffs but replaced bleeds with vuln. Off-topic but the OH dagger and focus need help to back up either axe or scepter WH CD can’t cover both swaps.
The Dhuumfire thread
Assuming this is not a troll post, if you are running a scepter for power, you are doing something terribly wrong. The vulnerability alone with the addition of the new range for the axe make it a far better weapon for any power build.
Although you could use anything for a weapon in any build, using a scepter in a power build is akin to wearing full clerics in the same build. You could, and things will die eventually, but why voluntarily shoot an arrow into your own knee?
OP always makes flamebait posts. Better to disregard it or not get too worked up.
I used scepter with my power build too but I’ve always preferred conditionmancer over power. The change just means that I can start using a weapon that was designed to be a power weapon (axe) on my power build instead of a condition weapon with a gimmicky burst. I’ve got a lot of nice screenshots of ridiculous Feast of Corruption crits anyway, it was fun while it lasted. The torment stacking is much more fun anyway.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Maybe because :
- faster auto attack
- less clunky animation
- better cripple uptime
- Poison (anti regen tool)
- used to be way better at LF generation (Now the 2 are just bad)
- No easily interruptible channeled skillWell, I find this way enough to prefer scepter to axe.
NB.: See? the lobby answered you.
I get where you’re coming from, and I totally support a hybrid weapon.
But not when there isn’t a feasible condition weapon out there.
Staff already has decent hybrid potential if you’re desperately looking for a weapon that fits your demands. Scepter was hybrid and that was standing in the way of unlocking a good chunk of class potential.
So now we have:
- Dagger: 1H Melee cleave power weapon
- Axe: Ranged power weapon
- Scepter: Condi weapon
- Staff: Utility / Hybrid weapon
and soon
- Greatsword: 1H Melee cleave power weapon
Having the scepter being a hybrid weapon, or rather a “master of nothing”-weapon; was really hurting the necromancer. If anything we’re still short on having proper condi weapons and frankly the change to scepter isn’t all that great, especially not with the nerf from Lingering Curse on top. (Might as well just make it baseline if you’re gonna kick that trait into the dirt)
[…] especially not with the nerf from Lingering Curse on top. (Might as well just make it baseline if you’re gonna kick that trait into the dirt)
That’s basically what they did. More specifically, they made half of its effects baseline (duration buff on skill 2, the extra bleed stack on autoattack chain) and then reduced the trait effect by half. This had actually been a requested change in the past, to improve build diversity by making scepter suck less without its associated trait.
The problem is, it ended up switching from “ugh, I feel like I have to take Lingering Curse with Scepter” to “ugh, is it even worth taking Lingering Curse?” It really could use a bit of a boost. Personally I’d love to see it as a universal boost to condition duration; I’m still a bit sore about the loss of 30% duration after the Specialization update. I’ve seen other people suggesting it as a shareable aura of +30% condition duration, which would be powerful and impressively unique.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
Well there’s your problem.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!
But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!
that honestly depends on what you’re doing with that reaper. soldier/knights doesn’t tell me much.
Or, how about we don’t keep a power weapon skill on a condition weapon, making the weapon bad for both builds at the same time? There was no logical reason Scepter had a skill that had almost no benefit for the primary use of the weapon, and now it does. Let’s not hold back balance for the sake of old off-builds that were questionable already.
Well, everybody’s got the right to voice it’s opinion and my opinion is that pure condi weapon are not healthy whatever profession you play. They come to be either overpowered while on full condi setting or just terribly bad.
Condi spec that work well and feel balanced aren’t supported by “condi weapon” but by hybrid weapon, sigils/runes, traits, utilities skill and profession mechanisms.
I’ll be honest, I think the poison thief dagger make it a condition weapon hundred time better than this scepter. Even in full condi gear the dagger will still do good direct damage, you’ll be able to stack plenty of bleed via dodge/on crit/DD#3 and put easily 12-14 poison stack on steroids.
For me this change to the scepter only put this weapon on the level of the ranger’s shortbow.
i liken the necro old scepter to a warrior sword.
A necro old scepter FOC does a lot of burst damage when used at the right time.
same as a warrior sword’s skill 3 Final Thrust.
the warrior sword works well as both a condi weapon and a power weapon or a hybrid weapon depending on how you use it.
i hope scepter returns to being a condi or power or hybrid possible weapon
I think your main problem is trying to get power dmg out of a mainly condition based weapon. Thats like trying to get conditions like torment, chill and blindness on axe. Cant get Orange juice out of Lemons.
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!
But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!
that honestly depends on what you’re doing with that reaper. soldier/knights doesn’t tell me much.
PvP, and being a general bruiser that holds a point while yelling at people until their condis fall off.
My friend wants to to use dagger isntead of axe, but I think the range makes it viable at least for utility and smacking a target thats trying to kite you.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.
Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.
Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…
This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!
But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!
that honestly depends on what you’re doing with that reaper. soldier/knights doesn’t tell me much.
PvP, and being a general bruiser that holds a point while yelling at people until their condis fall off.
My friend wants to to use dagger isntead of axe, but I think the range makes it viable at least for utility and smacking a target thats trying to kite you.
I’d still probably take soul marks and staff over axe/warhorn.. Actually. Yeah I would. Unblockable is extremely handy. I mean, you have wail of doom. But it doesn’t have the range of reaper’s mark. Plus the cool down is only a 2 second difference. Yeah, you don’t get the boon corruption, but you can substitute unholy feast with "Nothing can save you. Another thing to note about the staff with soul marks is that your build seems to use chill. An unblockable chill from chilblains and from reaper’s mark can fuel that engine a bit more quickly. But I’d probably test it out first. Try both, see which one works better for you.
Also, you don’t have sigils on your build. Sigil of energy is always good. And I’d try sigil of hydromancy. Since reaper triggers sigil swaps you can quickly toggle into reaper’s shroud and get a chill burst on adjacent foes.
I’m too lazy to put up sigils since those typically don’t hold things together. You could you nothing can save you, but I think suffer and weaklings are better.
My main point is that the lack of condition damage makes the staff pitiful for damage even if the utility is nice. My build doesn’t revolve around chill at all actually, it’s just kinda there. The big thing though is that the warhorn is needed on this build to get from point to point faster since I don’t have any other source of movement speed. Rotation speed in conquest is extremely important. I also don’t need putrid mark because I have shrouded removal and tons of other condition removal from shout runes.
So yeah to be honest, I take axe/horn more for the amazing warhorn than the axe itself, but it does help with incidental damage and support with the boon strip and let’s me damage a fleeing target in a teamfight. It worked great last beta even without the range, and will be even better now.
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