Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


My old build used 15 spite. I figured because I wanted 15 in blood magic for the life siphon, why not, having 5% of your power in a power-hybrid build go to healing; sounded great.

I actually had the brilliant idea of testing that tonight. I received a whopping +42 HP on my consume conditions. Yes that is 5882 vs. 5840…

Needless to say I run 10 Spite now… what a waste.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

According to what I know the absolute, bare minimum increase in healing you should get with consume conditions and power to healing is 53 (it’s not a great trait how ever I look at it).

How much healing power are you getting out of it according to the hero panel? Consume conditions is supposed to be a 1:1 ratio of extra hp vs healing power as far as I know.

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


… you know that CC has a base 5,240 heal right, not 5840. I gain 105 from the Death into Life trait at 2k power (missing 2 ascended trinkets to full soldiers; well except a ring that trades vit to precision to get to the 10% crit chance).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

He mentions an investment in blood magic I can only assuming the figures he is giving include that and any other bonuses he might have to healing power.

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talentless.5708


He mentions an investment in blood magic I can only assuming the figures he is giving include that and any other bonuses he might have to healing power.

Yeah, you’ll have to forgive me, I took note of the +healing amount and estimated the total heal which was 58xx. This was not intended as a base number, just what I was getting with current build between 15 spite and 15 blood magic vs. 10 spite and 20 blood magic. I just didnt feel +healing power was/is effective to build around on necro.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


+HP is a poor trait in any profession. This because ANet wants to avoid the obvious healing bunker in SPVP. So instead they got the LF bunker during beta and now the elementalist and guardian boon bunkers. And while ANet plays SPVP whack a bunker, PVE becomes a game of avoidance and spike.

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


+HP is a poor trait in any profession. This because ANet wants to avoid the obvious healing bunker in SPVP. So instead they got the LF bunker during beta and now the elementalist and guardian boon bunkers. And while ANet plays SPVP whack a bunker, PVE becomes a game of avoidance and spike.

I think all the D/D Eles running apothecary would disagree with you. Healing power is only a bad trait if you can only make use of it with your main heal and regenerate. If you also have additional heals that use it on top of that it is much more appealing. Hell it would even be significantly better for necro if regen worked through DS, as I have mentioned before.

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


That is because D/D eles rock a non-6 skill, x3 given that evasive arcana is basically a must have for D/D from what i can tell, that gets a x1 payout from +HP.

Most other healing effects, when they are even slightly affected by +HP, get it at x0.5 or lower. Meaning that +HP is on par with +Condition Damage when it comes to poor payouts (burn gives x0.25, bleed is worse at x0.05 but make up for it via the stacking mechanic).

Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Healing power in the proper necro support build will allow you to heal allies for 6-7k every 32 seconds, and another 6-7k on a separate CD when you pick one up from downed state. In addition, you can get staff 2 to give regen for 2k over 6-7 seconds, having it permanently on your frontline fighters. With Apothecary gear this still gives you close to 3k armor, and decently high condition damage so you can drop Epidemic to “support” any condition damagers, and bring the two of the three wells that blind/corrupt boons/convert conditions, depending on which area of the game you are in/what you feel you need.

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Bug? - 5% Power to Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


Again it is NOT any individual ability but the build effectiveness overall you need to consider as Bhawb eluded to. All of those attributes he mentioned are predicated on a specific build/gear combination to be that effective. And that is the way we are as a profession.