Build/strategy for Necromancers and Liadri
The most common tactics were condi necro or axe berserker necro with lich form. This allowed you to dps while kiting and in the case of lich form you never got pulled by the orbs. Also well of darkness is helpful to prevent those adds from killing you.
The fight is more about being situationally aware than anything else.
Energy sigils or the endurance regen food lets you do it fairly easily with the dagger build too.
Tho as mentioned the fight was 40% knowledge of the fight, 40% luck with camera not bugging out, 19% build and 1% your specs/graphical options menu.
I actually used a condition spec based around blood is power. Its high damage for little cast time allowed for walking forward which gave you better chances. Another thing that helped was spectral walk for extra swiftess. Unforunatly the spec used Dhuumfire so I don’t know if it wil still work.
condi 0/6/4/4/0 was quite good, mostly for the part in blood magic. Gaining 45 life each hit was an huge advantage for the first part.
Maybe a 6/4/0/4/0 with the new trait in spite could be interesting.
I remember going 6/4/0/0/4 with spectral build/Close to death, full rampager armor & Lich form as Elite & conserve it till phase 2 then go haywire on with it while minding her AOEs & watch her melt. Edurance food and sharpening stone are essential.
(edited by Yendorion.2381)
I failed miserably last year with a power build time after time. Switched to dire condi and got it done on my next try. Blood is power was pretty key for the constant damage and might boost.
This guy used the Lich kitting trick and did it in about 2 minutes.
[LaZY] Ascendants Of The Imperium
Armor: All Knights exotic (this pre-dated Ascended).
Trinkets: Knights or some variation of Power, Precision, and Toughness.
Weapons: (All Knight’s stats) Dagger/Warhorn and Axe/Warhorn.
Spite – V, VIII, XII
Blood – II and V
Don’t recall the other trait points distribution. This may have been back when I still used staff on occasion, so I may have had some points in Death Magic. As this would have pre-dated the ability to freely retrait at will, I didn’t bother paying to change my traits specifically for this fight.
Skills: Consume Conditions, Well of Darkness, Signet of the Locust, last one I don’t recall (may have been Blood is Power). Lich Form was the elite, I believe, but I don’t recall using it in the fight in which I beat her.
Consumables: Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew and Master Maintenance Oil.
The above, with a few minor adjustments, was largely my standard build at the time; I didn’t radically change anything just for the Liadri fight.
The Fight: Stay mobile, use Well of Darkness to kill the clones (if they’re blind when they contact you, they still die but you take no damage), dagger Liadri when you have the freedom to do so, switch to axe when you have to dodge/avoid the AoE to maintain damage at range while on the run.
I just did her, got her within a 10 minutes given a couple of tries (it’s been a long time) with the method illustrated in my previous post.
I killed her with full PVT gear (rare quality), D/D-Staff and… I don’t quite remember the build but I think it was 20/0/20/30/0 (4/0/4/6/0 today) with well of darkness, spectral walk, signet of Spite and the main star: Lich Form.
No other buffs, all traits related to Marks/Wells and I don’t remember the runes but maybe of the Soldier since I was doing a lot of WvW :/
But the most important is to learn how the AoE works, and dodge/blind the clones. Once you know that, you can kill her with any build.
I did it with exotic zerker gear. Staff, axe/warhorn. Don’t really remember my traits/utils. 6/4/2/0/2 maybe? Close to death, spiteful marks, unyielding blast, shrouded removal. Blood is power, signet of the locust, and either spectral grasp or walk. Like I said, memory a bit hazy.
Once phase 2 pops, blood is power, spam your marks out and hit DS 5->4->3->a few 1s.
Exit DS, enter lich form. Spam 1 as you run in a circle to avoid the AoE.
If she’s not dead by the time your lich form ends BiP should be back up and you probably want to use your heal here as well. DS skill rotation, staff spam, axe 2, whatever you need I guess.
EDIT: So here’s another question. Has anyone done 8 orb Liadry with a necromancer? Please share.
(edited by DreamAvenue.7692)
I just did it today, and it’s so very much about execution. I just used my WvW traits/gear (Cavalier armor/Zerker otherwise, Traveler runes, Sigil of Energy x2 and Sigil of Air/Fire, Dagger+Focus/Axe+Dagger), equipped 3 stun-breakers, and used Lich Form to burn in the last phase. You can negate most of the damage you might take to pressure you in the first phase by just jinking further around the edge, since the projectile speed is so slow. The Weakness applied in the 2nd phase can be a bummer, but if you want to bring Well of Power to try to negate it a bit while in Lich Form to help burn, by all means.
Otherwise, it’s just a matter of executing, which is really, really cool.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Did it (8 orb, AGAIN, yay for bugs during initial release) with mostly PVT (ascended zerker trinkes but backpiece since im too lazy to swap em between characters), tho had to use rabid S/D since axe didnt sodding wanna work on gravity orbs.
Over the flame legion arena, energy food, leeching sigil on S/D while energy hydromancy on staff, the karka 150 toughness nourishment 0/0/4/4/6 traits, chain fearing, WoD/WoP/SoL and Lich form ofc.
Tho arenas and hitboxes are still as buggy as always.
I just used the basic condi build with scepter/dagger. Gear was all rabid, and the sigils were that torment and bleeding one.
No food or anything like that was used.
I did this last year after getting light in the darkness for kicks but its simple easy, maybe even cheating, As some of u might have noticed lifesteal hurts liadri even while she is in phase 1 so simply put, stack all ur lifesteal which means yes(for once) a use for vamp sig. Last year when i did it i stacked all lifesteal options possible, this year with the extra dmg available from sig u hardly have to even change ur build assuming u have a decent amount of crit chance.
traits, 6/2/0/6/0
SPITE= lower sig cd, axe training, and last can honestly be w/e i just have for the minor amount of pwr gain to ever so slightly scale the siphons
CURSE=ranged wells
BLOOD=increased siphons, siphon in crit, wells siphon
weapons=axe+warhorn(u dont even have to use the warhorn u can just axe auto+#2 on cd
gear=preferably pwr to make siphons scale more
skills=vamp sig, well of darkness, well of corruption, well of suffering.
i did this in knights armor rest full zerker utilizing lifesteal food aswell with no vamp runes or blood/leeching sigil(but if you use those u can speed up your kill)
i killed liadri easily before the match got close to ending just use axe auto+#2 on cd and any other skills, axe 3 or ds 4 and what not to kill orbs as they spawn. Use wells on cd except for darkness you just save that to blind all the adds and pop them if u get stuck in a tight spot or think they are an eyesore and want them gone.
Hope it helps any1 thats stuck on her or was wondering if this works.
Full zerk with axe/dagger and dagger/empty. 6/2/0/0/6 standard ds build .
Consume condis, signet of spite,WoD,speed signet.
phase 1 on d/d spam d2 for extra healing while moving around.before throwing last crystal on her do well of darkness and let the blinded shadows explode to clear the area a bit.
Throw last crystal and change to axe.
a quick axe 2 +3 pop lich form and aa. lice 3 to slow her down and gain distance when needed, lich 5 to remove criple when around in circles and use dodge only on key situtations to avoid big aoe.
Don’t forget food! That strat is not viable without food. Candied Dragon Rolls are cheap. And vampire runes help too. There are also sigils that let you next attack lifesteal on swap. So, I use those and had axe Warhorn with leeching and axe dagger with energy.
Dire Gear for reliable signet and vampiric procs (rare or even green is ok) helps too.
I also dumped 2 points from power and put them into death magic for protection on my wells. Or. 4 2 2 6 0. Makes it more facreroll
All you need is 4/4/0/6/0, or 6/2/0/6/0, lifesteal food, sigil of blood on axe, leeching on two warhorns, and the lifesteal traits. you want as much precision as possible but there is a video of a guy doing it naked so its not super important.
All you need is 4/4/0/6/0, or 6/2/0/6/0, lifesteal food, sigil of blood on axe, leeching on two warhorns, and the lifesteal traits. you want as much precision as possible but there is a video of a guy doing it naked so its not super important.
Kinda, he does have 50+ crit chance and is constantly tapping DS for fury.
You can faceroll lifesteal in phase one… kinda cheating though.