Welcome to the necromancer.
To fill you in, a large majority of our (most prized)traits are either cooldown modifiers or % damage modifiers to the tools we are already granted. Because of this, picking “special” traits is not a large problem for many. The bigger problem is… what gear should a necromancer use?
The gear you choose (Armor, Accessories, and Slotted Upgrades) will be the biggest factor of how your Necromancer performs. To compliment this, you’ll see direct relations between the passive attribute bonuses and major/minor traits in any given trait line.
- Example 1: Death magic grants Toughness and Boon duration, which compliments greater marks and staff mastery for defensive aspects of your Staff marks.
- Example 2: Blood magic grants Vitality and Healing power, which compliments Dagger+Staff play from siphoning, well usage, and staff2 regeneration as well as an increase in healing output. Vitality serves as a gain to your HP buffer.
I’ve broken down both power and condition damage into tiers, each tier sacrifices one or more defensive stats that are inherent in popular 3-bonus exotic pieces of armor. Armor bonuses work like this:
Major Bonus / Minor Bonus
or for exotic and some rare pieces:
Major Bonus / Minor Bonus / Minor bonus
Naturally, you find that most offensive gear sets (Berserkers, Soldiers, Valkyrie, Carrion, and Rabid) to have an offensive stat as the major bonus, and one or more defensive stats to be a minor bonus. Sometimes, a second offensive stat is offered as a minor bonus as well. (such as critical damage or precision)
To organize the trade-off between defensive stats and offensive stats, i’ve broken down Power and Condition damage into increasing tiers, and as you invest into a higher tier of either Power or Condition based gear, you will naturally lose out on more defensive stats.
Power Based Gear
=Berserker, Soldier, Valkyrie=
Tier 1: Power
Tier 2: Precision
Tier 3: Critical Damage
If you notice, Berserker gear offers all three tiers of Power-base attributes. You get the Power/Precision/Critical Damage combo (Maj/Min/Min) so you have a high power base with a precision and critical damage bonus, which raises the end of your DPS curve. The trade off is, you get no sources of vitality or toughness. Therefore, at level 80, you will have only 916 Vitality+ Base armor to provide you protection from your foes. (1800 armor) and only 18,000 HP to fight with. If you don’t understand the benefits of Toughness or Vitality to the necromancer class, I recommend you search the terms in the forums.
The next step down in Power based gear is Valkyrie Armor. It offers TWO of the Power-based attributes, and substitutes vitality for precision. You gain a greater HP buffer (more hitpoints) at the trade off of critting less, yet you maintain a high critical damage modifier.
The last step down in power based gear is Soldier’s Armor. It offers Power/Toughness/Vitality and retains only the first tier of the power base aspect. It substitutes toughness and vitality instead of higher crit chance and damage.
Power based gear Dmg<=>Tank scale: Berserker<=>Valkyrie<=>Soldier