Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucas.9162


So, I’ll admit, hitting an opponent with Corrupt Boon right after they used an Elite with 6 Runes of Lyssa, was one of the most fun things to do in PVP. It was right up there with hitting off an Epidemic of 15 or more bleeds.
It just felt good.

Now, we can still do it, but it only corrupts 5. I wish that was the problem. For some reason, the Corrupt Boon prioritizes certain boons over others. Apparently Stability, Retaliation, and Vigor are not important boons to Corrupt Boon. No, no, it chooses to leave them on.

I just don’t understand why they had to nerf it in the first place, much less give it a priority, and on top of that, leaving the best ones to corrupt as the lowest on the list. If they made it corrupt random ones it’d be better, or corrupting the ones of the longest duration would be even better…

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


I don’t quite understand the nerf either, but it kinda lost it’s place on my bar, sadly. There are times when I wish I had it, then I slot it and barely notice that it was used (if it even hits). What’s more, even if it did corrupt the longest duration boons the duration doesn’t get converted to the condition; it has a predetermined duration. It just kinda falls short all around now, and that’s if it hits. Sometimes I think it has some hidden RNG factor that decides whether it hits or not.


Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


i always wondered about that. when i use focus #5 i always found i could count on might getting stripped. which for my build was important.

would be nice to see if we could find out what the priority for boon removal.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I always thought removal was based on first-in-last-out; is this not true?

“Boon f—king” someone was one of the best parts of playing necro. Too bad it’s been nerfed into the ground.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enferian.2705


would be nice to see if we could find out what the priority for boon removal.

Someone did the work for you… here it is:

And i aslo think it was a stupid nerf, but i still like to use it when the enemy team is boon heavy. At least it helps my allies kill them faster by corrupting protection and regeneration…

(edited by Enferian.2705)

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I would give back the spectral wall fear in a second for corrupt boon back the way it was.

Its turned out to be a larger nerf then I had expected, that skill lived on my bar. My real worry is Anet nerfs some of the buffs given necros while the leave corrupt boon in its nerfed state.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Corrupt Boon is useless now. It was aleady easy to dodge, long cooldown, if they run ‘straight tru you’, they avoided the effect, etc. Secondly i’ve seen guardians still survive, a full 9 boon corruption. They have the tools available. Third of all 45 sec cooldown is VERY long for a skill so easy to fail. The reward was, IF it succeeds, you got a bomb. A lot of skills work that way, think about Kill Shot. Now it’s useless. In it’s current stait, cooldown should be brought to 20 secs, to even make it worthwhile on the bar.

And I share Xom concern. Nerfing Corrupt boon to later nerf, the recent updates to necromancer, would completely be out of whack.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: DarnDevil IV.2143

DarnDevil IV.2143

I would love to get the full boons conversion back for the price of losing the unblockable effect (but it still would convert aegis) or they could remove the self poison and make it to do instant 200 damage to the caster for each boon converted (max amount of conversion = 9, which equals 1800 dmg to yourself).

That way you will only get punished for succesful conversion, not from a missed one, and you can’t use the poison for extra 1.5+k damage.

High risk, high reward.

(edited by DarnDevil IV.2143)

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enferian.2705


I would be ok with this change if it was more reliable to hit and if the cooldown was lowered to 25 seconds.

In the end i think that this patch created more problems than it solves…

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Petty sure the strongest spam boons (protection – down to 25%/10%, aegis*blocking in general* – only blocks damage not actual skill effects, vigor – down to 75%, Might – 25 at 80) will be nerfed in some time soon, so no worries.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Petty sure the strongest spam boons (protection – down to 25%/10%, aegis*blocking in general* – only blocks damage not actual skill effects, vigor – down to 75%, Might – 25 at 80) will be nerfed in some time soon, so no worries.

Boons need to be less accessible rather than having their effects nerfed; at the very least vigor and protection. Might can be changed around to be less accessible to classes that spam it coughcoughengicough.

It would be a much better change than just making them completely pointless. Rather than making them useless or negligible, they would need to be used strategically and not spammed. I’m not sure if they would even be useful then, though, honestly. Not like Necro’s would ever know the difference, anyway.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


Petty sure the strongest spam boons (protection – down to 25%/10%, aegis*blocking in general* – only blocks damage not actual skill effects, vigor – down to 75%, Might – 25 at 80) will be nerfed in some time soon, so no worries.

that sounds awful, just like the horrible retal-nerf.
what chesire said; they should have big effects but less accessible.

Btw, do you have a source for that? or just speculation?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Its turned out to be a larger nerf then I had expected, that skill lived on my bar. My real worry is Anet nerfs some of the buffs given necros while the leave corrupt boon in its nerfed state.

And with all the talk about necros now being OP (including from Anet), I’m pretty this will happen.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Petty sure the strongest spam boons (protection – down to 25%/10%, aegis*blocking in general* – only blocks damage not actual skill effects, vigor – down to 75%, Might – 25 at 80) will be nerfed in some time soon, so no worries.

that sounds awful, just like the horrible retal-nerf.
what chesire said; they should have big effects but less accessible.

Btw, do you have a source for that? or just speculation?

Gut feeling and how much they are needed in pvp, also how much builds around them appear in hotjoins that copy said actual pvp streams.
So far i got a nice list of correct guesses (DD ele, Retal nerf, Confusion fix, Thief port and backstab/mug combo, Necro buffs not actually fixing anything, Bfrenzy getting nerfed, pressure we can push being too much, warriors actually being capable solo fighters now with technically more damage output that is also mostly pushed into special baskets instead of even).

The numbers are actually just random speculation/what would make sense with a-net logic.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Well imo its obvious, corrupt boon CD must be halved, thief can steal 6 condis in no time where we have chance to convert 5 every 40 sec.
The funny thing is that only problem people had with this ability is that it was OP when used against someone who has every single boon so instead of limiting people ability to run around with every single ingame boon they nerf corrupt boon.
Now its more RNG than ever before, you not only pray for it to hit but also for it to convert right boons.

Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Batlav.6318


they could make the CD even longer
could add 1 sec cast time to it and so on
but no they had to nerf single target long cd ability with no idea why…


Can't Lyssa-bomb anymore...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I think this is the reason it was nerfed.

Guy browsing through necro skills, sees corrupt boon. “WTF, I can’t spam LoLYourselves mindlessly?” Makes thread saying it should only convert 5 condis. Dev reads thread and says, “Seems about right, let’s do this.” and Boom, CB nerf.