Celestial Dhuumfire Death magic
it’s not viable with DS. autoattack is very slow and you won’t be able to stack many burns. even as Reaper the max you can stack is around 8 with giver weapons and every condi duration item available, and even then you have to continuously autoattack and nothing else. in pvp players will not stand there looking at you building burn stacks on them
I dont think deathmagic is the right tree for celestral builds so no i dont think it is viable.
I think deathmagic is more a tree for minion masters and condi builds (putrid defense, reapers protection, corruptors frever).
Crusader amulet also kinda works if you go into soul reaping and take the 50% critchance trait in DS (in deathmagic you then would take the shroud traits. Also shrouded removel, deadly strength and unholy sanctuary). Though i find unholy sactuary kinda weak…
I dont think deathmagic is the right tree for celestral builds so no i dont think it is viable.
I think deathmagic is more a tree for minion masters and condi builds (putrid defense, reapers protection, corruptors frever).
Crusader amulet also kinda works if you go into soul reaping and take the 50% critchance trait in DS (in deathmagic you then would take the shroud traits. Also shrouded removel, deadly strength and unholy sanctuary). Though i find unholy sactuary kinda weak…
Unholy sanctuary has its uses, a lot of times in WvW I’ll have people who will go all out on me when I get below 50%, thinking that I’m out of life force or don’t have enough to enter DS, only for me to have Sanctuary activate and burst them down. But the heal is too weak to really do much of anything, unless you have vital persistence and plenty of protection. The same thing happens in PvP from what little I’ve played. It’s rather funny to “Accidentally” flash DS and then just watch them go hog wild haha.
I dont think deathmagic is the right tree for celestral builds so no i dont think it is viable.
I think deathmagic is more a tree for minion masters and condi builds (putrid defense, reapers protection, corruptors frever).
Crusader amulet also kinda works if you go into soul reaping and take the 50% critchance trait in DS (in deathmagic you then would take the shroud traits. Also shrouded removel, deadly strength and unholy sanctuary). Though i find unholy sactuary kinda weak…
Unholy sanctuary has its uses, a lot of times in WvW I’ll have people who will go all out on me when I get below 50%, thinking that I’m out of life force or don’t have enough to enter DS, only for me to have Sanctuary activate and burst them down. But the heal is too weak to really do much of anything, unless you have vital persistence and plenty of protection. The same thing happens in PvP from what little I’ve played. It’s rather funny to “Accidentally” flash DS and then just watch them go hog wild haha.
I also dont think it is useless but i think it is undertuned and because of that you are better of taking something else. Higher basehealing or maybe some extra lifeforce when the fatal damage effect triggers would help it alot.
basically it s exactly what i thought..
i don t like a lot condi build for necro, and the hybrid with spite ( from my POV ) is better than pure condi or pure power ( just tasty), but i’d like to try Corruper’s favor..
in the beginning i was curious to try CF and unholy martyr, but i should replace spite, and i don’t think it’s worth