Change Death Shroud
No I really like how you can put up any build and have 4 good skills available at any time.
100% World completion.
Like DS but hate that our damage inside DS drops so early or that it even drops PERIOD!
No I really like how you can put up any build and have 4 good skills available at any time.
If you play a power build they are useful skills… not so much if you are conditions necro.
About the only problematic power is #2. It often doesn’t land, it takes forever to reach target…
I would love to see it replaced by plain charge power, something like bull rush.
Otherwise DS is fine as-is. Except that stability in DS and lowered CD should be both available at the same time (make lower CD a 25-point gimme?)
One thing I do hate about DS is that our #1 bolt drops in damage BY A LOT at lower levels of Life Force. I can hit for 2K non-crit with stacked might at full, but only 800ish at low life force. This is HUGE difference that makes me deal a lot less bolt damage.
No I really like how you can put up any build and have 4 good skills available at any time.
If you play a power build they are useful skills… not so much if you are conditions necro.
And a melee power build at that.
Honestly, #2 is a gap closer with a bleed and a chill. Only really relevant if you go MH dagger.
DS #1 is a pure power cannon that only really pack a punch above 50% DS.
DS #3 is a one second fear that you need to hammer out button sequences to do interrupts with (i have barely time to slam the dodge when i see something coming, let alone hammering two-three keys in sequence to attempt a interrupt).
And #4 do not really buy you more time in DS, even in the event that you manage to drain 5 targets for the duration without getting smacked. Tho had the heal effect healed me as well as allies i may consider it more, same goes with the heal on DS exit.
(yay for #’s being auto turned into bullet points…)
DS has 2 good abilities for any spec fear and siphon
DS2 is situational for most specs but very useful for condition specs depending on your opponent – use your noodle you can figure it out.
DS1 is only good for power builds but that doesnt negate the fact DS is very useful for condition specs
why not add a GM trait that adds a condition to the DS1 nuke but reduces the direct damage a bit?
major problem with power builds is scaling damage from amount of lifeforce:
another class can burst away your burst before you can get off your first or second nuke in DS by taking you from 100% lifeforce to below 50% lifeforce in a hit or 2