Changes that I would like to see

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


I believe that these changes would do wonders for necromancers and build diversity. Even changing spiteful marks alone into a healing ability will increase the effectiveness of currently bad traits such as mark of evasion or mark of revival.

Changes to curses such as withering precision inflicting weakness with life blast could allow for offensive builds that use death perception to have an active form of defense. This change could also allow for a dhuumfire and withering precision life blast build and more. We will see terror get nerfed if the opponent has few conditions on them but deal even more damage with more conditions.

We will see a lot of bad traits become not bad and support necromancers may actually become a thing.

These changes will make blood magic actually synergize for once as well as turn unholy martyr into an active ability that is actually useful and synergizes well with many other abilities as well. A simple change to full of life converting vitality into toughness will even make blood magic synergize with death magic, which it never did before.

Parasitic Bond

Deaths Embrace
Spiteful Talisman
Spiteful Removal
Signet Mastery
Spiteful Spirit
Reaper’s Might

Death Into Life

Spiteful Marks – Marks now cause healing on allies instead of a damage increase.
Axe Training
Training of the Master
Chill of Death

Siphoned Power

Close to Death
Parasitic Contagion – Scaling off of healing power instead of condition damage.
Barbed Precision

Toxic Landing
Chilling Darkness – Chill duration changed from 1s to 3s with 3s cooldown per foe.
Weakening Shroud – Weakness and bleed inflicted are now 3s.
Reaper’s Precision – Increased chance to gain life force from 33% to 50%.
Focused Rituals

Furious Demise

Master of Corruption – Corruption skills also grant 5% life force when used.
Banshee’s Wail
Terror – Damage scaling changed per amount of conditions on foes. (Nerf & Buff)
Spectral Attunement

Target the Weak

Lingering Curse
Withering Precision – Life blast inflicts 3s of weakness on critical hits. (No cooldown)
Path of Corruption
Death Magic
Armored Shroud

Dark Armor
Spiteful Vigor
Minion Master
Ritual of Protection – Changed to pulse 1s of protection rather than 3s when cast.
Staff Mastery
Shrouded Removal

Soul Comprehension

Greater Marks
Reaper’s Protection
Death Shiver
Flesh of the Master

Deadly Strength

Death Nova
Unholy Sanctuary – Healing increase or 3s of protection when entering death shroud.
Necromantic Corruption – Tainted shackles turns all might stacks into torment stacks if immobilize lands at the end of the channel.

Blood Magic
Vampiric – Moved from major to minor baseline.

Full of Life – Moved from minor to adept. 5% of vitality is converted into toughness.
Dagger Mastery
Mark of Evasion
Ritual of Life
Vampiric Precision
Deathly Invigoration – Moved from master to minor.

Bloodthirst – Moved from adept to major baseline.

Transfusion – Moved from adept to master.
Ritual Mastery
Vampiric Mastery
Quickening Thirst – Changed to be 33% movement speed when wielding a dagger.

Blood to Power

Vampiric Rituals
Fetid Consumption
Unholy Martyr – Revamp. Life Transfer draws conditions from allies. (Underwater version changed to no longer do this as untraited effect)

Soul Reaping

Fear of Death
Vital Persistence
Path of Midnight
Spectral Mastery
Speed of Shadows – Changed to grant 3s of swiftness when entering death shroud.
Unyielding Blast

Last Gasp

Mark of Revival
Near to Death
Master of Terror
Soul Marks

Strength of Undeath

Foot in the Grave
Death Perception
Renewing Blast

(edited by Zefrost.3425)

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Spiteful Marks – Healing added to marks instead of a damage increase.

Do you mean you get a flat heal when marks hit an enemy? And could you explain the mechanics, does it work like Soul Marks or does it scale with people hit, do you need to actually “hit” the mark or does a mark always heal no matter how its proc’d? Love the idea in concept.

Parasitic Contagion – Scaling off of healing power instead of condition damage.

Why not both? It can heal for a base X% + (Y*Healing Power)% scaling

Chilling Darkness – Chill duration changed from 1s to 3s with 3s cooldown per foe.

Great idea

Weakening Shroud – Weakness and bleed inflicted are now 3s.

I don’t feel the bleeding needs to be nerfed for a 1s weakness increase. It should have been 3s always

Reaper’s Precision – Increased chance to gain life force from 33% to 50%.

Also solid idea

Master of Corruption – Corruption skills also grant 5% life force when used.

I feel like this doesn’t really fit. It’d be much cooler if it got rid of the drawback to using them, or maybe applied the self-detriment to the enemy.

Terror – Damage scaling changed per amount of conditions on foes. (Nerf & Buff)

I don’t think Terror needs this kind of change. It basically makes it weaker for general pressure (which we need more of), and it makes it even stronger for fear bombs (which are very strong already).

Withering Precision – Life blast inflicts 3s of weakness on critical hits. (No cooldown)

Not sure about the duration, that’s a ton of weaknesss with some +duration, otherwise I like it.

Ritual of Protection – Changed to pulse 1s of protection rather than 3s when cast.


Unholy Sanctuary – Healing increase or 3s of protection when entering death shroud.

Healing increase (base) would be nice, otherwise the trait itself isn’t the issue, its issue is the builds that want to take it aren’t good for totally different reasons.

Necromantic Corruption – Tainted shackles turns all might stacks into torment stacks if immobilize lands at the end of the channel.

Is this just a completely changed trait? Because this doesn’t make sense for this tree anymore if it is. This trait in its current form would serve very nicely to be able to make builds that keep minions alive, contrary to DN.

Vampiric – Moved from major to minor baseline.

Interesting. Not sure if good or not but certainly a buff

Full of Life – Moved from minor to major. 5% of vitality is converted into toughness.

Not sure that this would really be taken.

Deathly Invigoration – Moved from master to minor.

I don’t think this really makes sense. The trait is pretty niche, making it a minor means a lot of builds get a trait that they get fairly low usage out of.

Bloodthirst – Moved from adept to major baseline.


Transfusion – Moved from adept to master.

Pls no.

Quickening Thirst – Changed to be 33% movement speed when wielding a dagger.

Nice change.

Unholy Martyr – Revamp. Life Transfer draws conditions from allies. (Underwater version changed to no longer do this as untraited effect)

Good change.

Speed of Shadows – Changed to grant 3s of swiftness when entering death shroud.
Also solid.

Overall a lot of good ideas. Some I don’t agree with, but mostly on point.

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My PvP Minion Build

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


I tried to keep information minimal to make it look tidy in the unrealistic expectation that Anet might read this and because Anet could really care less what numbers we put in suggestions I think, since they’d be doing the fine tuning.

The spiteful marks healing allies would be like soul marks, yes. No idea what the heal amount or scaling would be, but it would definitely help out quite a few build variations.

The necromantic corruption change is a total revamp, yes. This is because Tainted Shackles is the only death shroud skill that has no affecting traits and I don’t like that there are currently 3 grandmaster traits for minions, so this seems like a good spot to put a trait for Tainted Shackles.

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


the change unholy matyr would leave the underwater version of the skill as follows
apply weakness to yourself. I like the idea but this would need to address if put through

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Withering precision is laughably awful, after the weakness buff/trait nerf. I would literally prefer arcane precision tier weakness application to withering precision – 20s ICD is kittenous. I don’t really like the idea of making it lie dumbfire either, simply because I don’t like traits that are essentially wasted when you’re not in DS.

Also our class already has a huge amount of AA spam. I’d prefer how the trait used to be (it was like 3s weakness, 25% chance on crit, no ICD). Basically being able to apply a condition like this more often, is far more useful then being able to apply it reliably, with long duration, but very infrequently. It’s all about the pressure.

Also I still think death magic adept minor or major should be 2s (hell, even 1s) aegis. Gives us a block that needs to be used intelligently… almost as if, encouraging skilled play?

Edit: Oh lawd, I didn’t realise Anet censored a type of illness, how truly awful, I guess anet would rather we not mention the existence of kitten sufferers.

(edited by War Mourner.5168)

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

withering precision – add 33% chance on crit
unholy sanctuary – 3sec of prot. sounds amazing
necromantic corruption – not 25 might to 25 torment i hope
full of life – im really glad you suggested this, because it reminded me that necros need reasons for going into blood magic (any at all). i would suggest this being a 10% vitality to power sorta thing.
quickening thirst – 33% chance on crit to gain 1sec of superspeed (cd 3 sec)
near to death – switch places with strength of undeath (SoU now gives you + toughness while under 50% life force and hp)

disclaimer – i appreciate you taking the time to post all this, these are my ideas that were possible due to yours, im not trying to ruin your parade or anything like that.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Good ideas, but A-net never reads any of this…

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I would like a skill that heals me for 400hp per second without me having to do anything

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


I would like to bump this because it has so many nice changes that would benefit necromancers.