Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Royce.2013


After doing everything I could to entertain myself with an under powered yet intensely interesting class, I find myself going back to kiting in Diablo 3….I still download every patch GW2 comes out with with hopes of them restoring the only class I have an interest in playing. How many other forum trolls are looming out there and waiting for “that patch”?

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


Dude, I agree this game has some problems, but D3? My god, I was bored of D3 immediately.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Royce.2013


I know, I know, its horrible but jesus, at least blizzard listens to the crowd. Dont take me for a blizz fan boy cause i hated them after D3 but Anet has climbed that list faster than blizz managed to.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: cerulean moth.2743

cerulean moth.2743

11/15 is the promised first balance patch. I’m hoping for some cool stuff. Hang tight everyone – This game will likely take a year to get ironed out.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


cheers to that. seriously, it is likely the only thing that will keep me playing necro.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

I’d rather Anet test and make needed, logical changes rather than a new nerf/buff every patch.

I hated that about other MMOs. I’m extremely happy that they’re waiting and testing rather than using the live populace as beta testers.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: kailin.4905


I have to say I disagree completely with the idea of waiting for one big “everything is fixed” patch. The biggest issues with this method are that when it does arrive it may be just as bad or worse than how it is now. We don’t know what they are tweaking and if it really addresses any of the issues that we deal with playing the class regularly. Also in waiting what may be upwards of 6 months for fixes to the basic operation of the class many people are simply going to quit or move on to the OP classes. I know personally I consider my necro my main but have leveled a thief and now working on a guardian just because I feel they are two of the most completed classes. Having played all three I can also honestly see how thiefs or guardians will get on here and argue they are not OP. And in many ways they are right, its just that everyone else is broke to the point they feel really OP. Lastly I feel that Anet is really hurting themselves in the way they are treating the community. In regards to the necro class specifically there has been some vale of silence as to what if anything is in the works for a class they openly acknowledge has 100 bugs. And if the community tries to speak out in any way to get answers they lock the thread and hand out infractions…

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


15th patch will greately affect my playtime of Gw2. It will tell me if there is future in this games PvP or not. PvE is fine as it is.

At the moment despite problems in WoW PvP, its vastly superiour to Gw2 PvP, altho WoW PvE is complete garbage compared to Gw2.

Chronicles of a hopeless necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Try torchlight 2, made by the people that did DI and DII (most had already left before DIII work started.) games only $20 and is a great deal better then DIII

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET