Competitive elite for reaper spec.
90 seconds is probably too much too for such a temporary effect.
Nerf the skill as much as you’d like, but get the cooldown to 60 seconds and we’re talking (and this is before the shout trait takes effect)
I don’t have to remind people that flesh golem charge is a CC that hits 10 players and has a 45 second cooldown, so Necromancers having a CC on a minute cooldown should not be ontroversial.
Flesh golem is pretty telegraphed and easy to dodge, it also doesn’t give you stab.
I’m detecting a troll in disguise here. “Nerf it all you want” is just going to lead to some kittenty elite with a 60 second CD and nobody will be happy, 90 seconds for a 5 target aoe CC with a chill that grants yous tab is quite enough (before the shouts trait takes effect) but i guess it’s kinda nice to know somebody thinks 90 seconds isn’t to much to ask…..
I’d love a signet elite. One that has an active effect similar to the warrior heal that regains all adrenaline. Ours would regain all life force and stun break as the active. I guess it would be more similar to guardian’s renewed focus…since it essentially would recharge our class mechanic like the guardian one does for their virtues. No invulnerability or heal on it like the other professions version…just a refill on life force and a stun break. There would need to be a decent passive on it since it would be an elite signet. I’m thinking a decent chance for quickness on our critical hits on enemies and a guaranteed health siphon on those criticals as the passive. They are building us as a selfish profession that only contributes dps, so I think we need a dps elite for a power build. This is all assuming of course, that they eventually come to their senses and let us use utilities in shroud…or at least signet passives.
That skill still needs some tweak, even with upcoming changes it will not be enough.
90 sec cd on a stun with 1 secondish cast. Flesh Golem is better than that and both are telegraphed.
The only thing that would make me pick CttB is the chill, that is a soft cc with dmg on top of that, because of trait(we don’t know if it will pay off yet).
I think i am more than fine if they reduce the cd to 60 seconds and proportional reduce chill duration as well. Otherwise just go Flesh Golem or Reaper of Grenth.
I’m of two minds about the skill. Testing it in Pvp, it seemed to be up whenever I needed it (mostly because my go to CC was RS 5).
But the cooldown is still too long to take.
A kitteny elite on a 60 second cooldown is still better than the current version, which is completely removed by, say, a shoutbow’s “shake it off.”
Anet nerf it however you want, but get the cooldown down to something we can use.
I’m of two minds about the skill. Testing it in Pvp, it seemed to be up whenever I needed it (mostly because my go to CC was RS 5).
But the cooldown is still too long to take.
A kitteny elite on a 60 second cooldown is still better than the current version, which is completely removed by, say, a shoutbow’s “shake it off.”
Anet nerf it however you want, but get the cooldown down to something we can use.
Quoting yourself on this “it seemed to be up whenever I needed it” contradicts your final statement.
Honestly I think people are in the wrong mindset thinking all skills need to be spammable. This skill isn’t supposed to be. Yes, maybe the 120 CD is a bit excessive but there’s NO way they would bring it down to 60. It’s an elite skill, it should be a game changer. The problem is not that this skill has a long CD, the problem is that other classes have broken elites that can be used multiple times in a single fight, like warrior’s rampage, or (despite how much I like Revenant) Jade Winds.
I think 90 seconds is fine, specially when you factor in Augury of Death getting up to 35% Cooldown reduction, which would then bring it down to 60 seconds. Though I do think it need to be 3/4 to 1 second. (More than enough time to notice a big wind up animation and have it apply weakness.
Seems like the main problem is that it’s lacking in pvp. in pve it’s great
Take the chill line
Elite shout>AA(6% lf 3 might)>chilling nova(6%lf 3m) AA(6% 3m)>Optional shouts or wells for more might and lf> AA3 also more chill application and if you spec for bitter chill you can be applying vuln the whole time.
Although the conditions here are assuming you’re always hitting the max number of enemies, you can still see how you’d be able to gain quite a lot of LF and might through use of that skill.
The problem is in pvp your chill just gets removed and the majority of the elite is wasted, sure it’s a long duration chill but if any guard with a medi build can just go “lolnope” it’s kinda pointless. IMO an elite shouldn’t be able to be invalidated by something as simple as a condi cleanse…. but hey, maybe it’s intended to be used for pve, i guess we’ll see.