[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Drek BloodMark- Fort Aspenwood
Power Necromancer, rawrrawrrawr [Rawr]

Traits 30/0/0/20/20 ( tired of posting build over and over again.)

Utility skills;
Consume conditions
Well of Corruption
Well of Suffering
Spectral Armor
Flesh Golem/Charge

Power: 2,199
Toughness: 976
Vitality: 1,505

Attack: 3,180
Critical chance: 38%
Critical damage: 58%
Armor: 1,896
Health 24,262

Armor runes:
Runes of Divinity (10+ all stats 2% critical damage)

Dagger of Blood (30% chance on crit to steal life 2s cd)
Dagger of Air (30% chance on crit to cause a lightning strike 5s cd)

Weapon switch:
Axe of Blood (30% chance on crit to steal life 2s cd)
Focus of Leaching (On swap the next attack steals life)

A power Necro build is not for the weak and under trained. It requires skill, and knowledge of what other class can do, what their bursts are and when the best time to burst is. After learning that, then you will be able to play somewhat coherent. thats about 10% of the fight. 30% is not missing a burst. 30% Knowing what to do when you miss your burst. And the Last 30% is the use of Death Shroud (DS).

When versing other Classes:
Note- I will not Discuss uses of DS Until further down guide. As well as Spectral armor.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150



Frenzy 100 Blades: Its either you get caught or not to start off. I will start of what to do when you do get caught. IF caught, immediately DS fear, roll away from the spin and use Vs combo (See below). IF warrior brings certain trait the gives stability on a Fear/cc absorb as much damage you can with DS. Roll from spin use Vs Melee combo.

Hammer Warrior: Your worst enemy. CC will destroy your ability to stay equal in the fight. Thank Devs. for DS. Hammer warriors will tend to use such combos as Back Breaker to Staggering Blow to Earth Shaker. In This tendency only save your rolls for the Burst and CC. Deathly swarm is your best friend for it will blind, and transfer vulnerability to them. Once you can grab a hold of your VS combo Easy game. If he happens to take frenzy then fear immediately for there will be no hope left in humanity towards your ability to move. IF said trait is brought ( Balance stance trait grants stability for 8 seconds if CC/feared Sorb as best as you can.

Condition War: … You should win this

Warrior Overlook: For any how this said warrior is a Very good player. They will either pop Endure Pain during frenzy, or will shield block your VS Melee combo. There is multiple ways to get out of our VSCombo. If this instance happens and said Warrior is in fact one that knows how to play against a Power Necro. This is what should be going on in your mind. Is his trait stability down? Is Endure Pain up? Is Shield Block up? ( I shouldn’t have to tell you how to play against shield block.) Once those questions are answered. Its time to weapon switch. Once switch is done have your Rendered claws on auto attack to stack vulnerability. Use Unholy Feast.. Get that retaliation working. If at this point of time if the warrior has more health than you keep a decent distance with the cripple from Unholy Feast. Use Reaper’s Touch to get some Regeneration (regen.) working. Then Spinal Shiver to Kite immediately followed by Ghastly Claws (While continuing to kite). Weapon swap to re-use Vs Melee combo.
If said warrior is lower health than you at this point, you got some breathing room good for you. Spinal Shiver to close up Reaper’s Touch (For full bounce effect damage) Ghastly to kill(if not dead weapon swap and he should be yours).

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


I will only be going over Pistol Whip and Condition spec for thieves.

Pistol Whip: Now here’s where things get complex. Usual Pistol Whip thieves i go against always have the jump on me. Not to worry, Watch the Daze, Watch the Haste. When a thief pops haste means he has no more rolls. Its a good thing. Now to get into to fighting a pistol whip thief. For you to beat a competent thief you need to be on your toes. He gets the jump Take 1-2 Pistol whips during his initial burst than pop DS. Most thieves will jump in with steal while stealth and fear you during combo while immobile. DS DS DS. Cannot stress that enough. If you are feared wait about 2 seconds if you can fear. If he’s draining you horribly Pop the fear. If he evades.. Pop out and roll away. Now 2 instances can happen here. He can be dumb and just start charging towards you, or he can stealth again. If he starts charging towards you VS Melee combo him. If he stealths during burst He should still be in the same spot. So just be auto attacking on top of him. If he goes stealth, weapon swap, Unholy feast, and get ready to be jumped again. I Will usually drop well of Suffering on top of me so he doesn’t just come barging in. If possible when he pops out use your kite with Spinal shiver. If you cant (by this time you should have at least some DS) pop your DS, fear should be off CD and depending on health Either gap close or life transfer* Watch the weapon switch*. When a thief using PW they usually runs short bow as his WS (Weapon Swap). Once he does that depending on which weapons you have out it should be an easy fight. If your axes are out ghastly claws and what ever 3-4-5 skill is off cd, Weapon swap to life siphon. To again Vs Combo. With thieves once you catch them they are dead. Key Hints on Vs a Pistol Whip Thief. Daze is annoying. learn to play with it happening.

Condition thief: (The Death Blossom) Easy fight. Take all the advice given from PW thieves now apply to this. Except let him bleed you just heal and get your health back with no more bleeds. You need to know that death blossom evades attacks. Catch him when hes out of initiative. VS Melee combo, dead.

Other thief builds: apply PW advice catch and kill. Good hunting.

Thief Overlook: Main thing I need to discuss here. IS thieves guild and haste. During an event a thief pops thieves guild. DO NOT PANIC. Try to catch the thief with well combo then immediately pop DS to life transfer. Thieves guild gone. Try your best to catch the thieves from thieves guild in wells, Makes it a tad easier. Now for Haste. Watch the thief for when he pops haste. This is his key to bursting you down before you get a chance to move. A good timed fear can handle it. Remember Haste only lasts 4 seconds.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


I will only be going over Tank and subject title of any other build.

Tank Engineer: Your worst nightmare. You simply cannot kill this guy. (atleast a good one). One main tactic I use is to all out burst and cc him as much as possible in the beginning. Stay on this guy as much as possible. The only time you need to roll is when the big bomb is out. Other wise its just a long battle of whoever can just finish off who. Not much advice to give. use your combos correctly and who ever the bettter player is will come out on top.

Any other Engineer: Just catch him. Gee Gee. A good rifle engi will be able to slaughter you. Good rolls, a blind and CC’s to a catch( Dark pact hit). Once you catch again gee gee. Roll big bombs.

Engineer Overlook: Always prepare to fight a Engineer twice. Elixir R is a not cool skil. it revives them once they are down. When they drop the supply crate, drop your wells on top of them then use Life transfer.


Damage: DS the burst, every time. Overlook will give more detail. Good eles will give you a hard time. Dodge the ride the lighting because updraft usually comes after. Thing you want to look for on CD is Water/Air. When they are fire spec, Burst. (When other attunements are on cd)

Support: Long haul fight. Watch attunements when water goes on cooldown. BURST. Otherwise be prepared for backup inc.

Elementalist Overlook: Key thing here in these fights is to Watch the attunements. When they switch attunements the previous attunement goes on a 9 sec CD. Enough time to land a burst. Keep eye on this. it is key to beating an elementalist. The flying rocks around them give them Protection, and stability. Mist form will troll your burst. But note, it is on 60 sec cd.


Mesmer: I hate mesmers.. Lol JK. its easy to troll them. Unless they moa you…. But Spectral armor blocks moa!!!!! Anyways to continue. Moa will kill you verse a good mesmer. I dont know about the names of mesmer attacks and i am too lazy (ATM) to look them up. But really the power of mesmers come from there clones. So when u see 2- 3 clones out DS to life transfer. Clones gone. Then pop your VS Melee combo once clones are dead and chaos storm is dead. Mesmers like to stack confusion so heal when u have 6 stacks or so. Watch out for Blurred Frenzy. you want to pop your combo once this is down. Otherwise its whoever the better player is.

Mesmer Overlook: Key to win this fight. Is to get rid of clones.

(edited by Tony.2150)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Team Fights

During Teamfights… Yes i know where not as supporty as a conditionmancer. But why do i care if im not. Pick a focus Catch and kill. You are single handily one of the best revivers/Rez stoppers. If your traits are lined up right. Rezzing people are no problem. Stopping rez is easy. You have DS Fear and Minion charge. That gives you enough time for a stomp. Pretty much sums it up for teamfights.

Holding Nodes
1v1 tactics. If said be 1v1

All you need to do is HOLD OUT. Your team mates are coming!!!! Depending on who your versing . What you need to be focused on is staying alive. Any melee class you see, Your dodges, Your Darkpact, your Spinal Shiver, Should be focused on the Melee Class. DS Life transfer to stay alive fear people away. Immobilize enemy away from you. Hard fights. Honestly, to be able to hold longer, watch how many conditions you have.. If you have a lot then heal.
Good luck…


Vs combo: Deathly swarm, Enfeebling blood, Dark Pact, Well of Suffering( because it ticks 7 times), Well of Corruption, 1 Full auto attack combo, Flesh golem Charge, full auto Combo, DS fear.

Vs Guardian combo: Same as Melee combo but save Well of Corruption for Save your Selves. (Not always but most of the time)

This guide is for Tourney play.
You can criticize all you want. I’m Still winning and I’m Still here.
F.y.i This is not theorycraft…….

For all you Haters

Dps Outlook
This is actual numbers… If you don’t believe me, i will Re run averages with Screenshots.

Dagger dmg numbers: AVG
Heavy: Non-crit : (330-357)x2,540-570, 989-1010
crit avg: (825- 857)x2,1000- 1200, 1980-2160
Medium: Non crit: (460-585)x2,730-860,1k-1.4k
Crit:(900-1080)x2,1400-1650, 2.8-3k
leaving light golem out numbers were off
Well of S dmg 590-617, 1.2-1.4k crit x7
Well of C 286, 596 crit x6
Enffeble 400-500 824-1k crit
dealthy swarm 450-500, 1,023 crit
dark pact 604, 1200-1400crit
Flesh golem charge- 1.2k-1.7k +121
Rendering claw-250-304, 576-666 crit
Ghastly claws. Avg hit 229, 478 crit x8 multiplier
Unholy feast 640-690, 1.5k crit
Reapers touch (close up bounce): avg 350-400, crit 800-1k x3
Spinal shivers: 350-400,771-900 crit

Lets do some math shall we.

Now im going to add up the damage output with one combo WITHOUT one crit.
ON heavy only. All numbers that do not have a Heavy/medium infront are all applied to a Heavy Target Golem.

Adding lowest numbers possible with no crit.
Dps Output: Lowest Dps numbers in full combo : 12764 Damage output.

Now Adding Highest Numbers possible with no crit.
Dps Output: Hights Dps numbers in full combo: Roughly 14,049.

Now lets say 35% of those numbers are crit. Total of 23 Dmg output spells.
So being 23×.38= 9.5 so we will round up saying that 9-10 hits will be crit.
So lets say that 10 hits will crit out of 23
I will randomly pick ones that i see crit often.
Last hit of Dagger auto attack.
So i will say 3 out of 7 hits of Well of Corruption hit.
2 out of 6 of Well of Suffering.
and Necrotic Slash and Stab.
Dark Pact.

So being said
RNG Crit Damage output with lowest number calculations(non-crit): 18130

Thats the Low Average of all Crit/Non-crit attacks. Imagine now being mixed with normal RNG play.

Tourney Screenshots. <— this is just for some math magic dude who thinks he knows everything…. Just for you bro (because i couldnt stream on my laptop.)

(edited by Tony.2150)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


3rd pick guy left after the win.. IM not a scum to post 4v5 on a forum…
These are tourneys with my team Magic. They dont play around me. I play with them. L2P
Use of DS: To fear/gapclose/ Absorb burst.
Use of spectral armor: Gain LF and protection.


(edited by Tony.2150)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Maybe I’m just having a brainfart but I don’t see you ever actually explaining what you mean by “Vs melee combo” or “VS Combo”.

Do you mean “Versus melee combo” as In Dark Pact -> Life Siphon or Dark Pact -> Switch to Axe etc.
…or do you mean it as in Vampiric Slash combo? (The old name of Necrotic Slash iirc)

Either way most of the Thief stuff I already knew but for some reason I never considered the Attunement cooldowns of the Elementalist.
Very interesting.

I’m amazed by how many people don’t realize how important Death Shroud is.
PvE, WvW or PvP it’s always useful.


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Im sorry about that i decided mid write (while drinking :P) to change Vs melee combo- to just flat out combo. Other words Verse Melee combo Deathly swarm is a must. Other wise verse non melee’s its used to transfer bleeds/immobilize and other such conditions.
Hope that clarifys any “brainfarts”

Edit: And during Combo I never switch out to axe because the dps i get out of axe is < Dagger Auto attacks.. Mainly when i verse good players the axe comes out

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: SimVanLee.3421


Hey Tony.2150

Really a nice Guide to Power…. i allready feel the power.
I know you allready spend a lot of time for this guide, but would you mind to tell me the 7 traits for this build ?

EDIT: From looking at the stats you postet i allready know you are using Berserkers Amulet an Jewl

Corvin Bloodroot † 80 Sylvari Necro † Kodash
Corvin Caboom † 80 Norn Engineer † Kodash
Corvin Mistwalker † 80 Norn Revenant † Kodash

(edited by SimVanLee.3421)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: SimVanLee.3421


I messed it up edited my post …and thx for the traits i will try this ASAP

Corvin Bloodroot † 80 Sylvari Necro † Kodash
Corvin Caboom † 80 Norn Engineer † Kodash
Corvin Mistwalker † 80 Norn Revenant † Kodash

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ninjaboy.5631


I will vouch for Tony.

I fought this guy in some epic 1v1s. Tony is one of the best 1v1 Necros out there.

99% of the Necros I fight in tournys are horrendously bad and effortless to farm.

You don’t want to come up against Tony without being ready for a battle.

If I wasn’t hooked on a staff for group play I would definitely consider his weapon options even with a MM build.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Edit To entire post. I was tired/drunk while writing. Mixed up Well of suffering and well of corruption in some cases. I apologize.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Ninja appreciate the love. Very epic 1v1 fights. Right back at you. Good fights.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Since ATM it wont let me edit one of my posts. Sorry for spam bumping. Truly i am.

Pro Tip: Dark Pact someone against wall, Position Flesh Golem in way where he charges target in the wall. .. Find out for youself ;p

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dictan.4186


I would like to say that power builds don’t suck, but they are behind. More on that later.

Might I suggest runes of the scholar 5 and a rune of air? you gain 100 more power with only a loss of 2% crit damage. I have found dps higher even if marginally with this rune setup for power.

Your sigils are off because of an important mechanic concerning sigil stacking. whenever an on hit sigil goes off all swap sigils or on hit sigils go on cooldown. Your sigil set up atm is putting 3 of your sigs on cd every time one is activated. The same rule applies to swap sigils putting on hit sigils on cooldown. For a dramatic example imagine proccing sigil of rage and not being able to use your sigils for 45 seconds. A better is to have 1 constant sigil 5% damage or 5% crit chance on your main hand and a swap or a on hit sigil on your off hand. Fire or lightning being the best choice for crit build(35%ish+) and might swap being the best choice for power damage. I see you want healing instead of higher dps so to each his own.

Now let’s get to the big number you put after your combo. I would assume the combo is referring too the Vs combo. The time you take to do all of that alot of professions can do as much or more damage. I’m not saying it’s not alot of damage I just feel the big number makes it out to be more than it is.

Lastly as stated before power necro does not suck, but it is also not the shining paragon people make it out to be. there is a power gap between builds mainly due to large base damage differences weapon wise, access to quickness, and power ratios. Thief and warrior namely are our biggest competitors power melee wise and they are having a much easier time of it with much higher damage. Also I don’t get the point of the posting those 3 screenshots. With the state of tourneys as it is anyone can do what’s shown on those shots. Especially since Anet allowed guild stacking vs pugs. Myself as a solo pvper I find it odd when people try to prove how good of a player they are through means such as this. As far as I’m concerned all the tourneys I que win or lose are nothing more than practice and make no real showing of a players worth. No real tournaments have even been started yet, the field is obviously not competitive seeing as guild stacking can occur vs randoms, and the game isn’t even a month old yet.

  • don’t encourage people to exploit golem charge =\ that multi hit bug should be shelved soon as it’s supposedly effecting world pvp concerning buildings
Loving you is like a battle and we both end up with scars.

(edited by Dictan.4186)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Boomshakaboom.5403


I’ll be sure to try this out, I currently play a ridiculous OP necro tank build and condition spam when bored

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


@ Dictan.4186

Sorry for late response. I was banned of forums.

Regarding runes, i Prefer divinity, but to each his own.

Regarding sigils, Thank you now i have cleared up and changed my weapon sigils.

In Regards to Power gap. I honestly dont feel the need to over explain this so i will keep it simple. Thief’s Hp >20k health. Glass cannon warrior (Power/crit) >22k health. that’s roughly around what health they carry. Now When my burst is down IM not useless. I have many other skills to keep damage up and survivability. To what means can other classes do better? Its not all about numbers its about playstyle. Any thief i usually come across Very few that bring new spels that i have to adapt to, One catch dead. Now theres no power gap there. Any Warrior i come acrosss, Yes he may hurt Alot. But there are easily shutdown. I’m Sorry for the Tourney posts. But honestly Some guy was harassing my Tourney play. Saying i only win the first match. So thus i posted 3 pictures of tourney matches in the last round. Not saying that those teams were good. (we knocked out the good teams in the 1st two maps). Plus 2/3 of those games were guild vs guild.

Hehe I know but its pretty cool to flesh golem charge on a wall. if u can line it up on a player.

Access to quickness/power ratios. Thats not to big of a deal for me. Most Melee clases have haste. Warriors take 50% more dmg. And theives lose all endurace.. If i had haste that did that. I wouldnt rock that. Yea power ratios are bad on necros. But come to understanding that Well damage is Power, Auto attacks are power. And all other spells cast are weak power ratios. SO my main source of so called "Burst’ (Ie. 100 blades, Haste pistol whip spam, my combo is burst). Is from wells and not the pitty spells i use to stack weakness and blind.

(edited by Tony.2150)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sivorick.1674


Amazing write up. Thanks for sharing. I ran a dagger/power/well build towards then end of testing phase and had a blast with it. In a 5v5 environment it’s a solid spec to play.

Sivorick Andrathi
The Guardians – Isle of Janthir

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Why thank you. Took a bit of time to write it up. My only reason to write this up, because people only believe condition is Tourney viable.. Honestly a support ele brings more to the table than a conditionmancer, besides ( if traited right) Rezzing, stopping stomps, and whe nthey try to rez.

Honestly, Once you get the hang of a power necro, which is hard i do admit. You can see why Necros can be feared in fights. for example. Last night i was doign tourneys. Team sent me to thier point (windmill). I single handily killed a support ele, to a mesmer ( note 1v1s). Then survived long enough in a 2v1 with those same classes til my teamate guard came by for support and we won. After that they never came windmil again.. lol

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nesso.1806


Tried it today, it’s actually a rather solid spec. Just gotta know how to react to your opponents moves (ie, knowing their skills/spells and how to counter them). I can honestly see how this could be a viable tourney spec.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenyoga.6910


My only issue with the spec is the reliability of the minion in terms of AI. When he’s working the spec is leaps and bounds better, when he’s not there goes 800 dps out the window till he wakes up. Also without having him at 50% more health traited he’s going down faster than you may want at times. I’m playing a similiar spec and have played a minion build prior that was more tanky (not sure which I like more, I’m still getting use to the power necro).

I wrote up a whole article on the necro specs

And as much as I like the necro there are just better more reliable options for the roles we currently fill.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nesso.1806


Eh, I see the minions as supplemental dps but more importantly as another CC on our arsenal. He’s very nice to have, but I can more than manage for the minute or so that he’s down. Of course talking about this spec, which doesn’t center around the Flesh Golem.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mathemagician.7314


+1 for a well written guide!

My only two beefs with power necro atm is how huge wells are to our dps yet how easy they are to avoid(1 dodge roll gets you out of the well and avoids all the damage), and how far behind in terms of other power classes we are. Not saying we can’t make it work, obviously you do. And after trying it, I have made it work; but the skill I had to pour into making it work would go miles farther in another power class.

Power Necro has some tricks! They just need a little boost imo. And minions need to stop being dumb.

Good guide!

80 Necro: Yami Blind @ [US]Sea of Sorrows
Commander for [Sexy] of the Synergy Alliance

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Im sorry about that i decided mid write (while drinking :P) to change Vs melee combo- to just flat out combo. Other words Verse Melee combo Deathly swarm is a must. Other wise verse non melee’s its used to transfer bleeds/immobilize and other such conditions.
Hope that clarifys any “brainfarts”

Edit: And during Combo I never switch out to axe because the dps i get out of axe is < Dagger Auto attacks.. Mainly when i verse good players the axe comes out

I still don’t understand what you mean by the combo here though.


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


@ LastDay.3524
Vs combo: Deathly swarm, Enfeebling blood, Dark Pact, Well of Suffering( because it ticks 7 times), Well of Corruption, 1 Full auto attack combo, Flesh golem Charge, full auto Combo, DS fear.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Not sure why you think this is comparable to other Prof. Its damage is much lower. It can’t take as many hits, and it so easy for Foes not to get hit by wells its not even funny. Also a well placed team will just knock you out of your wells so that even you don’t get their effect.

Also your main damage are on 30+sec CD.

While is good your trying to get the best out of the Prof, the sad thing is that too much is broken, and too much just flat out does not work.

For the amount of surivability DS gives us we can’t generate Life force fast enough to make up for it.

If you want to see a Prof take hit go look at some Guardian vids or just try one. They can tank 3+ guys for a long time. They can keep reflection up and just go tanky letting their foes kill them selves. Even with 30 SR and our one stability trait, we still get knocked back by good players. They just wait three sec after DS and kill us.

Good players are learning that we have 0 defense right after we leave DS and they save their CD for that moment.

While I don’t think Necro’s are broken, and that we can do some stuff, we are still in a very weak state right now.


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Not comparable to other classes?

While When i use wells i reap no benefits from standing in them.
Other profs yes put of more dmg. But they can be shutdown easier than me. IM not here to take hits. and tank specs are easily overrated.
Good players can kill tanks.
Necros have too many boon removals and condition transfers not to be up there with other classes.
And you can always change amulet to be more tanky.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


@ LastDay.3524
Vs combo: Deathly swarm, Enfeebling blood, Dark Pact, Well of Suffering( because it ticks 7 times), Well of Corruption, 1 Full auto attack combo, Flesh golem Charge, full auto Combo, DS fear.

Can’t say that I’ve ever tried that.
I mean I’ve used Dark Pact to pin people inside Wells before but I’m surprised to hear that a combo so long can work.

I don’t know why I never thought of using Flesh Golem in that way though!


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


yeah it makes them take full well damage. while knocked down + a extra 1.2-1.7k hit

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tracker.6483


Thanks for the writeup Tony.

For those that don’t like Wells. Try minions.

Bone Fiends have constant ranged dps and have a skill you can activate to imobilize for 2 secs.

Bone Minions have constant dps, and each one can be exploded for 1.5k each on target for burst called Putrid Explosion.

In VsCombo, replace the wells with 2xPutrid Explosion(can immobilize with Bone Fiend first).

You can give them +30% dmg (including your Elite minion) instead of taking shivers.


(edited by Moderator)

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


F.Y.I Link doesnt work. And thank you for posting a different option. As soon as i decide to swtich specs i will write another comprehensvie guide for condition/tank/Minion master.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tracker.6483


Edited using your website (for some reason mine won’t work).

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Achilevel.1807


Hey, thanks for putting the time and effort into such a comprehensive guide.

Do you mind saying which sigils you’re going with now, if the on-crit ones don’t work well together due to the cooldowns?

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


I’m still using sigil of blood and offhand is your preference. I’m still deciding between 5%crit:/5%dmg/ and sigil of leeching. My original build is with leeching.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: woeye.2753


Thanks a lot for this guide! With all the discouraging comments about how weak necros are I stopped leveling my little necro. Which made me very sad for the necro is the only profession which I truly love.

Do have any videos online? I’d love to see you in action!

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


I wish i knew a program that wouldnt chop up my Gw2 when recording. If you or anyone else have any idea im up for grabs. To post videos/Ways to play i would love to do that. But my laptop gets pooped on by xsplitt.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

I wish i knew a program that wouldnt chop up my Gw2 when recording. If you or anyone else have any idea im up for grabs. To post videos/Ways to play i would love to do that. But my laptop gets pooped on by xsplitt.

Have you tried?



[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Yea, But i have to pay for more than 30 sec of recording. Any idea around that? Or should i just post 30 second clips lol

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Because your build generates lots of Life Force with the dagger. Replacing the Spectral Armor with Spectral Wall would both increase your damage and your defense. The only thing you lose is stun break. And while its only 3% damage boost each use, when they fix it, it should go up to 10%. With it only being a 40Sec CD you could use it twice in the same time spam as Spectral Armor.


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


I cant lose that stun break. Just cant.
Stun break helps me out in so many situations.
Only time i use spec walk is when on treb if our team has me on treb.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041


[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: steveraptor.9603


That is actually a very good build tony.
I played with it for the last 2 days and im having a great success.
Its also good variation from the boring condition build.
good work.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Why thank you.
To what is on my guide yes it is a lot of info.
But not the tricks of the trade, those you will need to learn to become a good necro.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kindran.1896


Hey Tony I have a question for ya. I tried that combo of yours and it just doesn’t work out for me. Every time the opponent is able to roll out before golem charge hits. I use dagger3/wells*2/auto attack chain/flesh golem charge. How do you get the charge to go off before they roll out of the well? its like a .5 – 1 sec opportunity for them to escape.

Death’s Demise shall arise when Life’s Creation Nullifies.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torothin.3271


Sadly this build is still weak. when you scale it to others. Let’s face it, we chose the wrong class or nobody has figured out how to play it correctly yet…

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150



Did you even Read for all you haters
ALL NUMBERS are calculated on HEAVY GOLEM…… SO with that in mind thats a thief 1 shot. thats a mesmer 1 shot. please please dont comment if your gonna hate. I play my build well and i have no problem “scaling to other classes”… Sadly to say my laptop cannot stream for its to choppy. But JUST PLEASE. If your gonna hate leave this thread. Because i know how to play against said “other classes that scale better”. And i do beat them….
Bet you didnt even read half of it.
18k With lowest number of AVG even lowest crit AVG ON HEAVY GOLEM….
Just read dude… all that i got to say. Now if you be so kindly to post a thiefs burst on this thread.. Go for it. For it is a 40% chance to miss part of there burst. And for a 100 Blades. its about a 50/50 depending if you noob stomping or not.

Tired of people trashing builds that they havent even mastered to play yet.
Do you see me trashing on anyone’s post. No So step out my thread plz.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150



Your not utilizing your immobilization. When the Immobilization is about to run out Flesh Charge them. Its a secure Knockdown (without being evaded). Just flesh Golem charge before the immobile is out. and it works Hope that helps

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


@Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Choppier than xplitt … So sadly to say i cant stream but whenever i do have an opportunity to i Will, and i will post in guide.

[Comprehensive guide] [Tpvp] Power Necro: People think they suck.. Im here to prove you wrong... *Wall of Txt*

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150

