Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fhenrir.5297


Hey Guys,

Been necro since pre launch here, I thought I’d finally share the build I’ve been running with since before the big necro boost (with some tweaks) and probably the highest dps I’ve achieved in pvp (i.e small scale fights).

here’s the link:

The build takes advantage of the mainstream 30/20/0/0/20 build build which max out conditions while also equipping the 2 best dps minions and giving them training of the master making them hit around 1k dmg/hit on most targets.

- My condis are not shorter nor weaker than any other condimancer.
- I have plague signet which gives me an extra stun break that also cleanses all my condis and supports the team in middle team fights (1 condi clear every 3 sec for allies around). – I can place the worm in a high up place and not worry about him being killed easily
- The worm offers me a nice escape if the fight isn’t going well
- That build has plenty of lifeforce with soulmarks, minions dying etc
- For those massive condi cleansers and ccers out there, that build also has very decent direct damage that still goes on even if you’re stunned, allowing you to pretty much be able to come on top of any fight.

Let me know what you think and give it a shot if you didn’t still :o.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: vesta.3170


You should go with Fear lasts longer instead of Marks giving you life force.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fhenrir.5297


You should go with Fear lasts longer instead of Marks giving you life force.

tbh I much prefer having more survivability than longer fears. Soul Marks gives me a bunch of life force every rotation and skills like dark path or terror are part of it so yeah, I guess it’s up to personal preferences but most of my fears have 2 ticks already anyway.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jayce.5632


Not too sure I would run epidemic without corrupt boon and/or plague signet. I would lose soul marks and as mention by vesta, go with master of terror, but only if go for the 50% condition duration instead of the 40% you have now. If your worried about building life force, you could drop worm and go with spectral grasp. Swap path of midnight for spectral mastery. No better way to support your team than by single handily setting up a focus fire with just one skill while serving up some unsuspecting foe for all to see.

i7-6700K – M.2 PCIe 512GB R/W:2500/1500MB/s
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


Yeah, I do like it but I’d also go with Master of Terror. I know it’s hard to build life force at the start of the fight but it makes SUCH a difference!
I’d also choose Corrupt boon over epidemic buut that’s debatable.

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yngvar.7614


I see you have Sigil of Earth and Sigil of Geomancy on your Scepter/Dagger combo. This is a bad setup, as the Sigil of Geomancy cooldown also effects Earth. As such, everytime you swap to scepter, your earth sigil won’t be able to proc for 9 seconds. I’d recommend swapping either earth or geomancy to corruption.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


I don’t think that’s true Yngvar, I use the same setup and they proc just fine.

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lopez.7369


What Yngvar said is correct. Sigil of Geomancy triggers a 9-second inner cooldown on Sigil of Earth and Sigil of Geomancy.

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


The only thing I would change is dropping Earth sigil for something else. Doesn’t particularly matter too much, but something like Corruption could be good. Otherwise the build looks just fine to me.

Btw, Flesh Wurm isn’t second highest DPS, he’s third (though by a very marginal amount).

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Condiminionmancer - High spvp DPS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stx.4857


Standard build just with swapped traits/utilities.

I personally wouldn’t use some of those but to each his own.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief