Condition Damage in the Combat Log?

Condition Damage in the Combat Log?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Marinzine.3056


Hello fellow necromancers,

So I’ve been taking the little numbers displaying for condition damage (bleed, poison, etc) for granted lately and opened my combat log -to see if I could truly get an appreciation for how much damage they were doing over the course of a fight- only to notice that none of the DoT effects were listed, only direct damage from the scepter (Blood, Rending, and Putrid Curse).
Have I missed something, maybe an option to change what appears in the combat log? Is there a way to precisely gauge how much of my damage throughput is coming from conditions vice direct damage hits?

Condition Damage in the Combat Log?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Druitt.7629


I haven’t found a way to see it in the combat log. I believe minion/pet damage is also not listed. (That’s the only way I could tell if my Jagged Horror was hitting anything: I’ve never been able to pull his numbers out of the cloud above my target’s head, so I’m not sure what he does, if anything.)

Condition Damage in the Combat Log?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Marinzine.3056


Well that’s a true bummer. It feels like this is an oversight. If any ANet personnel are reading: Do you know if there’s any plans to include condition-based damages in the combat log for the next (or any) upcoming patches?