Condition Duration Runes Broken?

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


My testing seems to indicate the rune set bonuses for condition duration are no longer doing anything.

Doing some routine tests in the mists, I noticed by Barbed Precision no longer ticking twice on procs (at 100% bleed duration) and my scepter auto attack only ticking 8 times when it used to tick 10 (5 seconds + 100%)

I messed around some more with traits and armor and everything affecting duration and noticed if I took all my armor off, my scepter still bled for the exact same duration 8 ticks. Which was just the remaining 40% from food and 10% from spite.

Would appreciate if some of the other necros out there with these armor runes could test this out.

I had heard that Giver weapons were supposedly bugged for giving their duration bonus, I really hope this hasn’t happened to runes as well, as it would be a big damage nerf for a lot of us, and overall effectiveness nerf for all conditions affected by these.

Edit: Necromancer Runes x6 also appear to be broken. Putting them on top of Master of Terror and 30% Spite, they will not give the last 20% to make Fear last 2 seconds and for Terror to hit twice.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


I can verify this, I use the Nightmare runes and I do NOT get the +10% duration anymore. I use Blood is Power to check the durations (because it has a very long duration) and it is 30 seconds with and without my armor on.
Food still seems to work.
I really wish they do a quick patch to fix this.
And yes, Giver’s weapons dont work either but thats nothing new.

This completely ruins my build since Im build for maximum fears and not getting 2 ticks off a fear means its not worth the traits.

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(edited by Galrukh.6532)

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Tested some more and found Bleed Runes are still ok, as well as Might ones, though that doesn’t really concern us usually.

The Condition Duration and Fear Duration are the bugged ones at the moment, and until they are fixed I’ll have to swap to something else, but its ridiculous because when they fix this I don’t want to go buy new Lyssa runes, they are not cheap. Maybe I’ll just spend tons of saved karma on a second set of Rabid Stuff instead.

Condition damage and builds already have enough disadvantages in this game for them not to allow silly bugs like this to slip through the cracks and screw us even more.

Anyway, I’ve submitted both of them via the bug report.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zainey.5021


Argh you’re right – good find.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZBeeblebrox.4928


They really need to fix it so that your tooltips update based on condition duration, fear duration, etc.

For example, I run S/D on my thief, so I daze a lot. Thief sword daze is 2 seconds base. Well, I have 6 mesmer runes on her, so it’s supposed to be +33% daze duration, meaning 2.66 seconds. However, the tooltip still says 2 seconds. I can never really tell if the 33% duration is doing anything; the time is so short that I can’t effectively count that .66 seconds, and it doesn’t show on the tooltip. Either it’s broken, or the tooltip isn’t updated to show 2 1/2 or 2 2/3 seconds.

Would be nice if they could do the same thing with bleeds. At least with bleeds, you’re right, we can test with Blood is Power. But fear is the same issue as Daze. It’s so short that you can’t time it yourself.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Deimo.2615


Yep, the Runes are not working … I am not getting a second tick on my fears :/

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


So they fixed the bug then on nightmare and lich runes to give only 10% total duration (instead of the old 20%) I assume or they give nothing now? Funny they fixed that and left giver’s broken. I wonder if this effects mad king runes in any way, or just those.

You said the necromancer runes as well? That one surprises me…. as it shouldn’t be lumped in with the others that were over-performing.

I can comment that food/traits seem to be fine. I stopped running duration runes all together recently so I cannot comment on those.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


Well for nightmare it should mean that they do nothing now instead of being reduced to 10%.
I have food 40%, trait for 50% duration on fear and the 10 from nightmare runes should give me 100% and that should give me 2 ticks on my fears, I only get 1 so that must mean that nightmare does nothing at all.
And ofcourse my Blood is Power is locked at 30 sec. with and without armor further proving that nightmare runes does nothing at all.

Help build the next big RvR game.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


So they fixed the bug then on nightmare and lich runes to give only 10% total duration (instead of the old 20%) I assume or they give nothing now?

They just do nothing, like the Giver’s stuff. As noted above its easy to test with Blood is Power since its so long, even 10% should give you 3 more seconds soon as you look on the debuff under the mob, but nope nothing.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Wow that is terrible. If conditions weren’t getting blank stomped enough as it is with the cap problems. Now that you have said this I will have to re-test everything I am using tonight to make sure I am not wrong about food/etc and just didn’t notice.

Very troubling indeed. And what is worse, given how they have responded to giver’s weapons, this may be a long fix in the making.

Now if something was broken with zerker gear or divinity/eagle/ogre runes… im sure that would sit for months also…. lol

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Wish they would fix this ASAP. Do we really have to wait till the next month’s big update?

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Derk.3189


Well, it took them 2 months to even ACKNOWLEDGE the giver’s weapons not working, and have no ETA on even fixing them, don’t get your hopes up guys.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


How does this even get affected? They had to have touched it in some way or another for some reason. It doesn’t just get “affected” by adjusting loot tables or something, it doesn’t work that way with coding. This is a completely separate line of code than anything else this update even brought. Wasn’t any reason for them to touch the code.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


The question I have is have you submitted a ticket in game as well as opening one on the forum page for them?

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Submitted in game yesterday and I added a thread about it in the bugs forum.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Derk.3189


How does this even get affected? They had to have touched it in some way or another for some reason. It doesn’t just get “affected” by adjusting loot tables or something, it doesn’t work that way with coding. This is a completely separate line of code than anything else this update even brought. Wasn’t any reason for them to touch the code.

They were repairing some runes in this patch.

Condition Duration Runes Broken?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Good news! A human moderator just deleted my post for lack of substance, indicating that someone was reading this thread. Possibly good news that it may get some traction as a noted issue!

And I did add substance to the discussion moderator person, because I was directing those to the bug post that Pen made… I guess I could have linked it…. oh well.

I am going to test Lyssa/Mad king later today to make sure this is limited to the posted above and not other duration runes.