(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
Condition Issues?
I stay away from groups in PvE unless they’re a bunch of burst toons. Tagging enemies have never been a problem for me though. Between ground targeting wells and staff with greater marks, I can tag all the enemies I want. When it comes to boss time, I just go to Lich Form and auto-attack 1. When that finishes, I spam DS 1, then spam my wells and staff skills. What else can I do?
Popping lich form is more than I usually do.. I usually just throw my hands up in the air and log onto my guardian.
As far as conditions go, they are usually just as bad in pvp as well. Several classes can pick a few traits and then drop conditions without even pressing a button.
…engineers can even become immune to conditions at 25% health for god’s sake
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Yeah. I reckon you can randomly put trait points in your thief and still kill people faster than a necro by pushing random number between 1-0.
Condition damage, duration and impact needs to be looked at for sure. You can’t have an attrition build, who damage is so easily removed. A 1-2 second chill, whoopidie-f-ing-dooo, esp when the removal of that condition happens faster than the refresh on the skill. Or bleed, you bust your BUTT to stack on 15 bleeds (sacrificing to some degree your damage output becuase you want to be a DoT oriented class, and watch as they one click your conditions off… remove 1 condition, removes ALL stacks of it. Totally mitigates your dmg output.
It is to dang easy for most classes in GW2 to just wash you major outsource of damage, or heck, have a another class do it for you.
My conditions are no more viable at level 80 vs level 80s than at level 1 vs level 1s, because condition damage scales up linearly without any added effects that would make us masters of condition damage. For example, we can’t increase difficulty of removal. In my opinion, I think necros specializing in conditions, should also have traits that make it more difficult to remove. Instead of +33% condtiion duration, which is a joke when the condition gets removed, I think there should be a grandmaster trait that makes it 33% harder to remove (or something). Make it dependent on your condition dmg, more condition dmg, the harder it is to remove. It would make condition necros really viable and dangerous. I would actually run it more in wvw. In addition, it woudl make having a necro around more useful, as we can remove conditions from others easier that most other classes.
Try using a Sigil of Corruption to help boost your Condition damage. Also Blood is power or a Sigil of Strength as well.
I must say outside of large parties and the wvw zerg ive never run into this problem. In those situations.
That’s why I’m not using the condimancer build.
When my friend fought me in sPvP. I had my well-o-mancer and he had a condimancer.
He started throwing everything at me, got me to 10-12 bleeds and others cond. I used my #4 mark, and sent them back to him. Everything he did was wasted by a single skill. He tried to do it again, when he was about dead, I used my CC heal. Finished with full HP and he was dead.
Yeah condition!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
That’s why I’m not using the condimancer build.
When my friend fought me in sPvP. I had my well-o-mancer and he had a condimancer.
He started throwing everything at me, got me to 10-12 bleeds and others cond. I used my #4 mark, and sent them back to him. Everything he did was wasted by a single skill. He tried to do it again, when he was about dead, I used my CC heal. Finished with full HP and he was dead.
Yeah condition!
He could have sent them right back on you with his Putrid Mark or Deathly Swarm. A moderate-to-high Toughness Condition-spec’ed Necromancer should always beat a power spec Necro given equal player skill. Necro power abilities start with low bases and no amount of power is going to bring their damage up to the direct damage of classes with higher bases.
You are welcome to try my friend
If he sent them back, I will just consume them. And good luck to him for consuming my not existing condition.
Deathly swarm is bugged, it doesn’t throw back every conditions.
Powermancer can’t rely only on damage, you have to use every tool you have to make up for the lower damage output. DS being one of them.
Our top sPvP player is a Well-o-mancer after all. well it was, not sure he still is!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
You are welcome to try my friend
If he sent them back, I will just consume them. And good luck to him for consuming my not existing condition.
Deathly swarm is bugged, it doesn’t throw back every conditions.
Powermancer can’t rely only on damage, you have to use every tool you have to make up for the lower damage output. DS being one of them.
Our top sPvP player is a Well-o-mancer after all.
well it was, not sure he still is!
NA sPVP server 99 – come duel.
Can’t, not at home
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]