Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
Condition damage build, which armor?
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
Rabid gear is better than Carrion in every possible way, search any of the many posts on this for clarification
1) Plague signet can be a liability in certain dungeons with bosses that immobilize (Arah 3), the cooldown is also quite long and you lose the passive ability on cd. The signet also transfers the 1st condition the rest are copied (stupid mechanic if you ask me)
2) Vitality is not needed in dungeons, if you want to support your team I would advise a well-centric build
3) Rabid
As for the build signet recharge is pretty meh, Mark dmg is equally meh on a condition build 10% contributes only a fraction to your dps. Close to death is fine but remember it doesnt apply to condition damage (not sure whether this is a bug or not)
Curses and Death are fine I would agree with all those traits
In terms of runes look for undead, sigils of earth, of agony and of corruption respectively
Edit: Your english is fine
The link is bad.
However, if you want to go heavy condition damage, I would support going with Rabid (Primary condition damage, secondary precision and toughness) armor (available from Arah and Twilight Arbor) and Runes of the Undead. This maximizes your condition damage and also ups your effective health (maximum effective health is estimated to be where your armor is 1/10 your max HP). Jewelery should be Carrion (primary condition damage, secondary power and vitality) primarily due to ease of getting it (it’s craftable).
Condition damage builds pretty much necessitate Scepter/dagger and Staff as your weapon sets (how many builds don’t have staff?) For the staff, I would suggest an Apothecary’s staff (primary healing, secondary toughness and condition damage) to get the most out of Mark of Blood. For both the Scepter and dagger, Rabid or Carrion is again your best bet. Carrion will net you more raw damage at the cost of some condition damage here, but overall, it’s a pretty even tradeoff.
Also, for supporting in dungeons, I would recommend at least 10 in Death Magic for Greater Marks. Certain dungeons (like Arah explorable path 3) this should be swapped out (jagged horrors are usually fine, despite what people say on here, but in that particular path, melee-only is an ungodly massive detriment) You should be able to keep perma-regen on whoever is on the front lines with it.
Also, a tip for those bosses that lay out a bunch of conditions: inform your party that when that happens to group up tight on the boss where you drop a Putrid Mark. Now your party is condition free and the boss has a large number of stacks.
(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)
Copy/paste links this forum doesnt like ; alternatively post links using tiny URL.
I would disagree with carrion offsets, I am still doing the theorycrafting on it but certain pieces of your armour should be swapped out for Rampagers for an increase in dmg while losing some survivability
I think low value item slots (atleast from a power perspective) are head legs chest and rings
Note that I only suggested Carrion on the jewelery (which are typically comparatively low stats) and one-handed weapons (which also are). Carrion gear can be crafted, so it’s much easier to get your hands on. Rabid is still usually superior.
Thank you very much for the replies, shame on me as I didn’t notice Rabid stats.
Seems like TA and HotW will be my favourite dungeons for some time.
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
don’t forget Arah lolol
don’t forget Arah lolol
Oh yes, and CM too!
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier