Conditionmancer still sucks
Guardian/Mesmer will completely wreck a necro in a condition fight.
This is the sentence that spoiled you. The necro has terrible application, yes, but it should always win a condition fight.
Guardian stacks 15 burning on you > plague signet > instantly win.
Mesmer stacks 8 confusion, 10 torment and 5 burning > putrid mark > instantly win.
<class> stacks <tons of conditions> > putrid mark/plague signet/dagger 4 > instantly win.
All you need is one moment to target your opponent and transfer the condis.
Of course, if you’re condi vs something else, then you’ll do worse than another profession going condi as necro’s application is mediocre, that is a fair statement.
But as long as you’re against another condi user, you really should just win.
Play with corrupt,transfer and consumption don’t try to stack conditions especially with Wetfire. Here’s my set up for condition necro until they make Wetfire worthy. My cele necro build is more effective but this works as well.;1kH-G0F43J-K0;9;4679;9;4X-X7V;1hoHAhoHA2Q
The Dhuumfire thread
This is how you win against classes that have better condi application than you:
Guys the necro now can be delete.
1)We have only transfer condition so if they don’t put condition on us we are died.
2) You are speaking of guardian and Mesmer. Guardian have a lot of remove condition so they put on use fire we send it back and they remove it (their damage isn’t only for burning). Mesmer put on use a lot of condition and become invisible or every dodge reflect projectle (number 4 of dagger), I forgot now they remove condition.
3) We Befoure can win a battle versus a ranger. Try now!!! If the enemy player have a bit of experience (3 days) you can be a Veteran but with the necro you can’T even touch him.
4) Always the people speak of 1vs1 the problem we don’T play 1vs1 but 5vs5 so we are destinate to die. We don’t have any way to escape.
Take the Elementalist he hasn’T a lot of condition to put on his enemy,but just with that 2 or 3 condition he can easily kill a necro.
Guys the necro now can be delete.
1)We have only transfer condition so if they don’t put condition on us we are died.
2) You are speaking of guardian and Mesmer. Guardian have a lot of remove condition so they put on use fire we send it back and they remove it (their damage isn’t only for burning). Mesmer put on use a lot of condition and become invisible or every dodge reflect projectle (number 4 of dagger), I forgot now they remove condition.
3) We Befoure can win a battle versus a ranger. Try now!!! If the enemy player have a bit of experience (3 days) you can be a Veteran but with the necro you can’T even touch him.
4) Always the people speak of 1vs1 the problem we don’T play 1vs1 but 5vs5 so we are destinate to die. We don’t have any way to escape.
Take the Elementalist he hasn’T a lot of condition to put on his enemy,but just with that 2 or 3 condition he can easily kill a necro.
Beep bop, l2p issue detected.
If you feel like that’s how it works and you play on EU servers, i’d be glad to do some friendly duels in pvp.
I’ll use necro, always starting with no life force and i won’t change build, while you can pick any build, profession and equipment of your choice.
If you’re interested just add me, worst case scenario we both have some fun with a healthy dose of duels. ;D
Still sucks and I still have people whispering me and partying me saying it’s OP.
I’d honestly rather conditionmancer stays sucky because I know that when I kill people it’s taking skill to do it.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Guys the necro now can be delete.
1)We have only transfer condition so if they don’t put condition on us we are died.
2) You are speaking of guardian and Mesmer. Guardian have a lot of remove condition so they put on use fire we send it back and they remove it (their damage isn’t only for burning). Mesmer put on use a lot of condition and become invisible or every dodge reflect projectle (number 4 of dagger), I forgot now they remove condition.
3) We Befoure can win a battle versus a ranger. Try now!!! If the enemy player have a bit of experience (3 days) you can be a Veteran but with the necro you can’T even touch him.
4) Always the people speak of 1vs1 the problem we don’T play 1vs1 but 5vs5 so we are destinate to die. We don’t have any way to escape.
Take the Elementalist he hasn’T a lot of condition to put on his enemy,but just with that 2 or 3 condition he can easily kill a necro.Beep bop, l2p issue detected.
If you feel like that’s how it works and you play on EU servers, i’d be glad to do some friendly duels in pvp.
I’ll use necro, always starting with no life force and i won’t change build, while you can pick any build, profession and equipment of your choice.
If you’re interested just add me, worst case scenario we both have some fun with a healthy dose of duels. ;D
Sure we can do 1vs1 xD will be fun…
I don’t want speak to much. I know very well the necro and if you are conditioner you will not burst me down and the wrongest things that can happened to me is loose some healthy, go away, recharge it and kill you in any situation i’ll have invisibility and enough skill for escape. You can just die.
Win or loose, don’T change the fact that the Necromancer for the party don’T give nothing, mobility is zero, condition like bleeding, poison and other now do less damage than befoure, in a point in pvp if you are vs 3 your only hope is that the other crash Internet.
I thought this thread would be about how condition builds in general are useless in team fights because teams passively cleanse eachother doing normal attack rotations so that you’d need like 3 or 4 dedicated condition builds to be able to outdo their cleanse!
I mean the burn builds kinda counter that right now, just because burning does so much damage and is so easy to stack on guardian, but it can still be cross cleansed and necro can’t compete with thay anyway.
Condition builds will never be competitive with zerk dps in teamfights, but they pay for this by generally being sturdy and damaging enough to win most 1v1s, which don’t always happen in conquest pvp.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Guys the necro now can be delete.
1)We have only transfer condition so if they don’t put condition on us we are died.
2) You are speaking of guardian and Mesmer. Guardian have a lot of remove condition so they put on use fire we send it back and they remove it (their damage isn’t only for burning). Mesmer put on use a lot of condition and become invisible or every dodge reflect projectle (number 4 of dagger), I forgot now they remove condition.
3) We Befoure can win a battle versus a ranger. Try now!!! If the enemy player have a bit of experience (3 days) you can be a Veteran but with the necro you can’T even touch him.
4) Always the people speak of 1vs1 the problem we don’T play 1vs1 but 5vs5 so we are destinate to die. We don’t have any way to escape.
Take the Elementalist he hasn’T a lot of condition to put on his enemy,but just with that 2 or 3 condition he can easily kill a necro.Beep bop, l2p issue detected.
If you feel like that’s how it works and you play on EU servers, i’d be glad to do some friendly duels in pvp.
I’ll use necro, always starting with no life force and i won’t change build, while you can pick any build, profession and equipment of your choice.
If you’re interested just add me, worst case scenario we both have some fun with a healthy dose of duels. ;DSure we can do 1vs1 xD will be fun…
I don’t want speak to much. I know very well the necro and if you are conditioner you will not burst me down and the wrongest things that can happened to me is loose some healthy, go away, recharge it and kill youin any situation i’ll have invisibility and enough skill for escape. You can just die.
Win or loose, don’T change the fact that the Necromancer for the party don’T give nothing, mobility is zero, condition like bleeding, poison and other now do less damage than befoure, in a point in pvp if you are vs 3 your only hope is that the other crash Internet.
Added you, see ya ingame! ;3
This is how you win against classes that have better condi application than you:
This is how you win against classes that have better condi application than you:
Those timings! xD
Well, it could’ve been much better. On it’s own, it’s currently at the bottom
We could still escape from there, but I think it would require a patch, not hotfix.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
I got a 1,4k terror tick today…and dhuumfire has no ICD…although id prefer 2-3 stacks with ICD…so condi necro is abit weird now but he isnt bad, at least the build i play^^
Guardian/Mesmer will completely wreck a necro in a condition fight.
This is the sentence that spoiled you. The necro has terrible application, yes, but it should always win a condition fight.
Guardian stacks 15 burning on you > plague signet > instantly win.
Mesmer stacks 8 confusion, 10 torment and 5 burning > putrid mark > instantly win.
<class> stacks <tons of conditions> > putrid mark/plague signet/dagger 4 > instantly win.All you need is one moment to target your opponent and transfer the condis.
Of course, if you’re condi vs something else, then you’ll do worse than another profession going condi as necro’s application is mediocre, that is a fair statement.
But as long as you’re against another condi user, you really should just win.
You know I really want to agree with you here. Timing and skill is everything, but even with plague on transfer traits, plague signet, putrid mark, and dagger offhand sometimes the condition application from other classes is still too much.
You really have to nail every transfer. I’ve had alot of transfers mysteriously fail on me for some strange reason or guardians just COP it all into boons and it basically turns into a CD war between you and the guardian for transferring and corrupt boon vs. clear.
In a CD war, the guardian will win because he can apply burning faster than you can transfer, clear better, and his standard survival and weapon set skills are superior to yours. Your CDs are also longer so getting into a trade war with a guardian 1v1 will not usually go your way.
It also takes too much effort to make work. Your playing reactively in a meta that is strike first to win.
On the bright side, at least MM rocks.
Guardian/Mesmer will completely wreck a necro in a condition fight.
This is the sentence that spoiled you. The necro has terrible application, yes, but it should always win a condition fight.
Guardian stacks 15 burning on you > plague signet > instantly win.
Mesmer stacks 8 confusion, 10 torment and 5 burning > putrid mark > instantly win.
<class> stacks <tons of conditions> > putrid mark/plague signet/dagger 4 > instantly win.All you need is one moment to target your opponent and transfer the condis.
Of course, if you’re condi vs something else, then you’ll do worse than another profession going condi as necro’s application is mediocre, that is a fair statement.
But as long as you’re against another condi user, you really should just win.You know I really want to agree with you here. Timing and skill is everything, but even with plague on transfer traits, plague signet, putrid mark, and dagger offhand sometimes the condition application from other classes is still too much.
You really have to nail every transfer. I’ve had alot of transfers mysteriously fail on me for some strange reason or guardians just COP it all into boons and it basically turns into a CD war between you and the guardian for transferring and corrupt boon vs. clear.
In a CD war, the guardian will win because he can apply burning faster than you can transfer, clear better, and his standard survival and weapon set skills are superior to yours. Your CDs are also longer so getting into a trade war with a guardian 1v1 will not usually go your way.
It also takes too much effort to make work. Your playing reactively in a meta that is strike first to win.
On the bright side, at least MM rocks.
That’s why you wait to corrupt boon after they COP.
I was having a hoot running a Condi build in WvW earlier today.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Well, it could’ve been much better. On it’s own, it’s currently at the bottom
We could still escape from there, but I think it would require a patch, not hotfix.
Yep. We need Anet to go over and fix our staff/scepter skills and traits, we desperately need better consistent pressure. One thing that is very noticeable is other professions have skills that apply large amounts of bleeds at once, whereas Anet seems stuck to the idea that Necromancers have to apply conditions for absolutely ridiculous durations, which are totally useless in PvP/WvW.
Like many other issues we have, our condi problems stem from ANet focusing too kitten Necromancer’s theme in a vacuum and ignoring how the game actually works and how to make our theme work in that context.
Well, it could’ve been much better. On it’s own, it’s currently at the bottom
We could still escape from there, but I think it would require a patch, not hotfix.
Yep. We need Anet to go over and fix our staff/scepter skills and traits, we desperately need better consistent pressure. One thing that is very noticeable is other professions have skills that apply large amounts of bleeds at once, whereas Anet seems stuck to the idea that Necromancers have to apply conditions for absolutely ridiculous durations, which are totally useless in PvP/WvW.
Like many other issues we have, our condi problems stem from ANet focusing too kitten Necromancer’s theme in a vacuum and ignoring how the game actually works and how to make our theme work in that context.
Low stacks, long durations is useless in PvE aswell. Sure, the mobs don’t cleanse, but the TTK for high stacks, lower duration is still a lot higher, especially since those classes can reapply the stacks when/before they run out anyways.
I think you might be playing the class wrong! Condi Necro isn’t an attrition build at all! It’s very much a burst build! It’s the condi equivalent of SD Fresh Air Ele! And losing to burn Guardians and condi Mesmers! That’s just crazy! I smell some L2P issues! Also I would never run Master of Corruptions with Consume Conditions! Self blind on a class with long cast times and slow animations? No thanks!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Who the hell still uses dumbfire?
And you DON’T need dumbfire to be effective as condi nec anymore.
I stopped using it since 6/23 and I have been doing so much more damage with the signet boon conversion.
Also, if you’re playing the spec right, you should love going up against other condi specs. Those transfers that you have will both save your life and rekt your enemies.
Ever seen those try hard engi that keep you down with slick shoes while putting conditions on you blindly and you instagib them with plague signet?
This is a L2p issue.
I think you might be playing the class wrong! Condi Necro isn’t an attrition build at all! It’s very much a burst build! It’s the condi equivalent of SD Fresh Air Ele! And losing to burn Guardians and condi Mesmers! That’s just crazy! I smell some L2P issues! Also I would never run Master of Corruptions with Consume Conditions! Self blind on a class with long cast times and slow animations? No thanks!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Guardian/Mesmer will completely wreck a necro in a condition fight.
This is the sentence that spoiled you. The necro has terrible application, yes, but it should always win a condition fight.
Guardian stacks 15 burning on you > plague signet > instantly win.
Mesmer stacks 8 confusion, 10 torment and 5 burning > putrid mark > instantly win.
<class> stacks <tons of conditions> > putrid mark/plague signet/dagger 4 > instantly win.All you need is one moment to target your opponent and transfer the condis.
Of course, if you’re condi vs something else, then you’ll do worse than another profession going condi as necro’s application is mediocre, that is a fair statement.
But as long as you’re against another condi user, you really should just win.
So not really condimancer, more like transfermancer?
I think you might be playing the class wrong! Condi Necro isn’t an attrition build at all! It’s very much a burst build! It’s the condi equivalent of SD Fresh Air Ele! And losing to burn Guardians and condi Mesmers! That’s just crazy! I smell some L2P issues! Also I would never run Master of Corruptions with Consume Conditions! Self blind on a class with long cast times and slow animations? No thanks!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
I can’t tell if you’re serious when you say it’s the condi equivalent to SD Fresh Air Ele. How many damaging conditions can you stack in the time it takes an SD Fresh Air Ele to do thousands of damage instantly? Maybe 2 bleeds? Burn Guardian seems more like SD Fresh AIr Ele, but perhaps I’m missing some specific nuance to the Fresh Air Ele that makes the analogy sound.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
The Fresh Air Ele has the Phoenix/Arcane/Lightning Flash burst and then spends its time using Air 1 to deal damage and its other skills for surviving! The Necro deals incredible burst condi damage in its fear chain and then spends its down time auto attacking with scepter and trying to survive for the next fear chain burst! You can literally one shot people with a fear chain! IDK what you’re talking about with the “2 bleeds” lol! Crazy! The only difference aside from power vs condi is the Ele is mobile and fragile while the Necro is slow and tanky!
I only have 200 games on my Necro but I haven’t been playing anything but that for the past week and I can give lessons if you want!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
The Fresh Air Ele has the Phoenix/Arcane/Lightning Flash burst and then spends its time using Air 1 to deal damage and its other skills for surviving! The Necro deals incredible burst condi damage in its fear chain and then spends its down time auto attacking with scepter and trying to survive for the next fear chain burst! You can literally one shot people with a fear chain! IDK what you’re talking about with the “2 bleeds” lol! Crazy! The only difference aside from power vs condi is the Ele is mobile and fragile while the Necro is slow and tanky!
I only have 200 games on my Necro but I haven’t been playing anything but that for the past week and I can give lessons if you want!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
That’s a very strange way of playing terrormancer especially when you see the cooldowns. I prefer to play my terrormancer by using my fears to interrupt the key skill of my foe or give me some breathing room. I’m not sure how many games I have on a terrormancer build though.
I’ll pass on the lessons. And when you say “burst condition damage”, you’re talking about doing an extra 1k/second while the player is feared. The rest of the damage is set up from all of your other abilities, which probably took at least 3-4 seconds to pile on. Considering burn stacking potential in the game now, 6 seconds for all of your damage to get rolling doesn’t seem very bursty.
The main reason it feels bursty is because no one seems to notice what is happening until their health starts dropping. They don’t see the bleeds stacking 2 at a time over the first several seconds.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I played a Burning Ele a lot over the weekend using carrion gear and could peak 12 – 16 burning with 2x duration without too much other optimization. 5 – 9 stacks was easy to maintain, if the mobs in PvE survived that long.
The main problem with condi necro is that it just cannot apply enough stacks of bleeding & poison at a fast enough rate to warrant using it vs many other condi specs/classes which can apply condi damage much faster.
This is why the terrormancer trait has to do so much damage & why outside of having an enemy feared the condi necro will have allot less condi damage going out then many other classes.
The solution I would suggest is to reduce the damage done by the terror trait but make scepter and staff have a bit more potential for applying bleeding & or poison.
This would make the consistency of pressure higher but reduce the need to burst someone down inside of a fear chain or not win.
(edited by Ragnar the Rock.3174)
conditionmancer doesnt suck at all, but necro itself just isnt good at applying conditions. We are like.. a focus point. we may not do much in terms of offense, but our defense will crush you. our ability to convert and diminish makes is a great condi class. I will agree with you in terms of damage, mesmer guardian ranger and engi are beyond us
conditionmancer doesnt suck at all, but necro itself just isnt good at applying conditions. We are like.. a focus point. we may not do much in terms of offense, but our defense will crush you. our ability to convert and diminish makes is a great condi class. I will agree with you in terms of damage, mesmer guardian ranger and engi are beyond us
I agree Necromancer has some of the best condition management tools but the low condition damage rate really has me on the fence, undecided, about the viability of a build around the condition damage stat.
Duration of non-damaging conditions (CC) like weakness, cripple, (wince) vulnerability, and chill on a power build seems more productive. Condition damage gear is for a bleed build right now. Counting on opponents stacking burns on me just so I can transfer them back using tons of condition damage stat…
Planning to continue running other professions for comparison like a lot of Necromancers.
Guys the necro now can be delete.
1)We have only transfer condition so if they don’t put condition on us we are died.
2) You are speaking of guardian and Mesmer. Guardian have a lot of remove condition so they put on use fire we send it back and they remove it (their damage isn’t only for burning). Mesmer put on use a lot of condition and become invisible or every dodge reflect projectle (number 4 of dagger), I forgot now they remove condition.
3) We Befoure can win a battle versus a ranger. Try now!!! If the enemy player have a bit of experience (3 days) you can be a Veteran but with the necro you can’T even touch him.
4) Always the people speak of 1vs1 the problem we don’T play 1vs1 but 5vs5 so we are destinate to die. We don’t have any way to escape.
Take the Elementalist he hasn’T a lot of condition to put on his enemy,but just with that 2 or 3 condition he can easily kill a necro.
1) Yes that is true, but how many times over can they condi clear, ur still forcing their use of these abilities which is weakening them specially when everyones a condi, so look at it from more then Just ur own damage.
2) burn Guard does not carry that many condi clears, the proffession may contain alot of them but not a awful lots used, they mostly run glass so currently that isnt even a problem, Mesmers are Overpowered and tbh why compare urself against imbalancement itself.
3) Im playing Signet power necromancer, with 0 Condi clear or transfer yet im destroying players with it, my damage is very good and im easily capable of killing all other proffessions. Might not be Condi no, but learn that not everythings good everytime, the fact Reaper is 100% Damage based should have given you the hint necros are going down Zerker/Power lines and not a Condi line.
4) you only need to escape LOSING team fights, so actually no ur not destined to die and again with necromancers current sustain i can easily sustain the fights i find even with 3 on me the sustain given is kitten high and necromancers can now survive ALOT specially compared to many other power builds being run currently.
Elementalist? Wut? i’ve had no problem killing many elementalists?… and even if i lose i’ve put up a kitten good fight trying to win the brawl, I really dont understand your problem.
Necromancer have great Damage potiental in their Power/Celestrial builds, our Signets are amazing and so are our wells and both are used in multiple viable builds currently run.
Necros are far from dead and have tons of capability, they have great sustain and great damage output, no our condi is wrecking like PU/Condi Mesmers or Burn Guardians but we still have playstyles which are very viable, trying to make out the NEcromancer class is crap is just rubbish.
Saying condi is bad is fine, it is to a extent true, but saying Necromancer as a whole is bad is just not true.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
2) burn Guard does not carry that many condi clears, the proffession may contain alot of them but not a awful lots used, they mostly run glass so currently that isnt even a problem, Mesmers are Overpowered and tbh why compare urself against imbalancement itself.
Burn guards have Purging Flames, Virtue of Resolve, Smite Condition, Contemplation of purity or They’d have Smite Condition on Heal and take Judge’s instead alongside CoP. So yea, they DO have condi removal.
Pure condimancer doesn’t seem that great, but hybrid transfermancer is pretty legit.
Just want to say, Vee Wee is right, condi necro is literally a condi bomber spec and it always has been. You can’t stack bleeds like a shortbow ranger flanking auto, so you need to rely on terror, SoS and corrupt boon to spike opponents.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Just want to say, Vee Wee is right, condi necro is literally a condi bomber spec and it always has been. You can’t stack bleeds like a shortbow ranger flanking auto, so you need to rely on terror, SoS and corrupt boon to spike opponents.
This means you get one single shot to make it work. With how long the CD is on SoS, if you screw up your one window you are either dead or burning tremedous CDs and effort to make it to the next rotation.
With how fast burst recharges on other classes, making that mistake simply cannot be done. You need to play perfect or your dead.
So the question is why put in the effort when you can just be a better class all together? Condinecro has to plan the whole match into landing one single fearchain to make the takedown and then pray that DS is up so that it can get the stomp.
Even then foot in the grave doesn’t even last the duration required to get the stomp off because it drops off right at the end to allow you to be interrupted.
Also after you condi burst what are you doing for your 60+ second CDs? Putting down pathetic 2stacks of bleeds with marks? Camping on a cliff and pounding 1 on staff?
It’s not even worth playing anything other than Lichform 1 1 1 to win powernec or PVT mm.
Condimancer is dead, completely dead. Anyone saying otherwise is a try hard.
(edited by lordhelmos.7623)
@lordhelmos You somewhat get it but it’s not as bad as you say. I’m not going back to CB,SoS and S. Armor or Walk CD’s plays a major part of your competitiveness considering the low pressure from weapons and DS I only use SoL and Plague Signet and use Blood Magic for extra bleeds and low CD signet it’s actually better than going in Spite and probably Death Magic. Running Geomancy with Leeching sigils guarantees a sustainable offense while taking advantage of the weakness and boon/condi manipulation.
Condition necro is not dead not ideal but definitely not dead once the Spiteful Renewal and Blood Bond bugs are fixed with the bunch of other ones in the game I’m confident other necros will just work around and stop thinking condition burst like other classes. Spite,Curses and Blood Magic are the perfect combination even for celestial which doesn’t carry the weakness of other necro specs and does quite well. To be honest diamond skin ele’s(annoying but once the team notices they drop) and mesmer are the reasons I’m playing cele instead of condition on necro currently.
The Dhuumfire thread
Pure condimancer doesn’t seem that great, but hybrid transfermancer is pretty legit.
I’m confident reaper with sinister/rampager transfer mancer is going to be pvp meta, or atleast top tier
Just want to say, Vee Wee is right, condi necro is literally a condi bomber spec and it always has been. You can’t stack bleeds like a shortbow ranger flanking auto, so you need to rely on terror, SoS and corrupt boon to spike opponents.
Terror, SoS, and CB do insignificant dps and do not deserve to be called a condition build. It is a CC build. Each of those skills have low up-time. It is the CC that allows the Necromancer to hit the opponent freely and the resulting direct damage does the work.
A bleed build supplemented by Terror, Dhuumfire, and runes/sigils is Necromancer’s only condition damage build and it does poor dps compared to other professions. Dps ramp-up is slow, too.
Terror, SoS, and CB do insignificant dps and do not deserve to be called a condition build. It is a CC build. Each of those skills have low up-time. It is the CC that allows the Necromancer to hit the opponent freely and the resulting direct damage does the work.
A bleed build supplemented by Terror, Dhuumfire, and runes/sigils is Necromancer’s only condition damage build and it does poor dps compared to other professions. Dps ramp-up is slow, too.
Do you read what you write? Especially the first 2 phrases?
Necro is considered as condi bomber at least the 2 years ive been playing, we were never too good at the attrition style playstyle because we had poor health sustain and we couldn’t drag out a fight. (before someone mentions DS regen, life force regen in condi builds was never too good if you wanted to pick up SoS and Corrupt Boon.)
Don’t be rude to VeeWee, he knows his kitten better than most people here when talking pvp^^
It isn’t rude to disagree.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Pure condimancer doesn’t seem that great, but hybrid transfermancer is pretty legit.
I’m confident reaper with sinister/rampager transfer mancer is going to be pvp meta, or atleast top tier
Im pretty confident reaper will be nerfed so hard we wont use it :P