Consume Conditions alternative nerf

Consume Conditions alternative nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Atheismo.5164


I really just do NOT understand the changes to Consume Conditions, I don’t see why it needed nerfing in the first place. Yes, it was the most common heal skills among Necros, but that’s because it was our only decent one! Why didn’t they buff the other ones instead of nerfing the only viable one.

But okay, lets say that whatever reason they had for nerfing it was valid. Why why WHY did they take this route of self-vulnerability to a heal skill? Say you get to 30% hp so you pop your heal skill and get back to ~70% or whatever then BAM you take a massive crit to the face thanks to the vulnerability and you’re right back to 30-40%. IT MAKES NO SENSE.

If anything, it should have been changed to randomly eat a couple boons in addition to your conditions.

It would still have a downside, but one that you could actually play around a bit, plus it would just make more thematic sense: using dark magic to heal comes with a price – maybe the dark magic is a little chaotic/unstable and not fully within your control. It’s way better than a heal skill that is all about REMOVING CONDITIONS but ADDS CONDITIONS in the process.

Seriously who came up with this change? WTF

Consume Conditions alternative nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Plexxing.2978


They should increase the vuln stacks to 25 and increase it to 10 seconds duration but make it apply as you’re casting so, if you successfully pull it off, they are consumed but, if you’re interrupted, you will suffer the consequences.

Consume Conditions alternative nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Nobody understands.
Who came up with the change? Some idiot probably.