Corruption skills could consume Life Force?
Problem is that the application of self conditions are good in some cases. While losing life force is always bad.
IMO the self conditions are a great intriguing mechanics that should be kept. If something has to change, I’d rather have corruptions becoming stronger (ex, longer Might duration on BiP) but keeping the self conditions.
Corruptions as they are don’t need any drawback at all, period. There is absolutely no good reason for it, they aren’t strong enough to warrant it, some aren’t even strong enough to warrant use even if they had no drawback to their use.
Corruptions as they are don’t need any drawback at all, period. There is absolutely no good reason for it, they aren’t strong enough to warrant it, some aren’t even strong enough to warrant use even if they had no drawback to their use.
This is true. The question remains, then: do we want the Conditions removed, or do we want the effects buffed? The former option would be easier but the latter would be more interesting.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
Corruptions as they are don’t need any drawback at all, period. There is absolutely no good reason for it, they aren’t strong enough to warrant it, some aren’t even strong enough to warrant use even if they had no drawback to their use.
Corruptions are a joke. They could at least make the trait more accessible and less painful to use. The only Corruptions I ever use are Consume Conditions, because it is our best heal even with the Vuln and increased cooldown, and Corrupt Boon, but Corrupt Boon is totally pointless when running Signets of Suffering, or to a degree, Path of Corruption.
Restart WvW:
Corruptions definitely do not need a lifeforce penalty. You are penalizing all necros including condi necros who aren’t really affected by the weakness from CPC. If anything, corruptions don’t need negative conditions at all.
This is true. The question remains, then: do we want the Conditions removed, or do we want the effects buffed? The former option would be easier but the latter would be more interesting.
I agree with Bhawb(I think it’s Bhawb atleast) on this. They should remove the the self harm from corruptions and use it for a future elite spec that’s built around that.
There is a problem with the self harm being conditions. Because it seems like anet don’t want to buff the skills as they seems to think the self harm as extra power rather then a burden. That and that we have endless transfers at will that don’t take up space at the bar or traits. This is what left corruptions with weak effects and weak self harm that’s not worth a transfer.
Or maybe it’s just that they mostly fix what’s op broken and leave the bad stuff on their enormous table to fix in the future.
I would like for them to keep the self condition mechanic and get some buffs… The trait should give additional effects or change the mechanics somehow.
Corrupt Boon gets made an instant cast you can use any time with no animation, like cantrips. Fear yourself for 1 or 2 seconds when using it.
Epidemic gets turned into a big AoE which “equalizes” condition across enemies inside, meaning the higher stack of every condi gets copied but it never goes higher than this stack, 2 players one with 3 poison 2 burn the other with 2 poison and 5 burn would result in both players with 3 poison and 5 burn. I don’t know how hard this would be to code XD.
Blood is power gets more selfish and bursty, give yourself 5 stacks of bleed for 10s and for 10s gain 10s might every time you take bleeding damage, per stack. No longer applies to allies. (Necro already stacks might very easily, an option outside of spite would be nice)
I think the Corruptions are mostly fine at what they actually do, but I can agree that the effects generally don’t warrant the drawback of self harm. Realistically I could see us getting small buffs like 50% more might duration on BiP, CB corrupting all boons and some small casttime/cooldown tweaks to Epidemic, Plague and CC.
These buffs would be nice and all, but I’d personally like Corruptions to have more interesting effects and more utility.
Corrosive Poison Cloud is quite powerful now as is, and Epidemic is very unique but potentially very powerful in the right situations. However I feel BiP and CB are pretty dull, so here are some suggestions to how the devs could make them more interesting and useful.
Blood is Power is a pretty plain skill that grants might in a small AoE for a short duration. My idea for this skill is to have it also apply stability and be a stunbreak, giving us some anti-CC not attached to an elite skill. I’d not expect an increase in might duration if a change like this was implemented.
Corrupt Boon corrupts 5 boons on a target. It’s a fair amount in one go, but we have several ways to corrupt boons. My idea would be to turn the target into a potential condi bomb by adding a unique effect to the current functionality of this skill. The enemy hit by CB receives a debuff that corrupts all boons they produce (for themselves and allies). This means an unaware enemy affected by this could potentially wreck themselves and nearby allies by generating too many boons.
And the trait should grant resistance, or have something else that makes it worth using (affected enemies immune to effects of boons for a short duration maybe?).
I don’t think they would remove the self-harm part of the corruption skills, by doing so the skills wouldn’t have any flavor, any theme and any special mechanics attached to them. I would like to see them buffed a ton and keep the self-harm effects (reworked to lose LF or not, whatever).
I would rather lose HP directly,nothing wrong with base conditions it’s the the additional ones from MoC that limits their use. I say this all the time but “anything works in PvE/WvW”. LF cost is a straight nerf, I’m still standing by the idea of it applying the base condition in an AoE. Why would I transfer a low duration blind,cripple,vuln etc MoC is just bad fix it.
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
This is true. The question remains, then: do we want the Conditions removed, or do we want the effects buffed? The former option would be easier but the latter would be more interesting.
I agree with Bhawb(I think it’s Bhawb atleast) on this. They should remove the the self harm from corruptions and use it for a future elite spec that’s built around that.
I don’t necessarily disagree with that direction, mind you. I am a little concerned about removing something distinctive from our quiver; I’d rather Anet worked to accentuate the professions’ strengths and weaknesses rather than homogenize them. (CPC gaining projectile destruction being an exception to this because projectile avoidance is incredibly important to high-level PvE play and lacking it can be a dealbreaker.)
That said, I like the idea of making self-conditioning the focus of a future Elite spec rather than an integral part of a utility line. That gives us some opt-in distinctiveness while leaving the base class easier to balance.
There is a problem with the self harm being conditions. Because it seems like anet don’t want to buff the skills as they seems to think the self harm as extra power rather then a burden. That and that we have endless transfers at will that don’t take up space at the bar or traits. This is what left corruptions with weak effects and weak self harm that’s not worth a transfer.
If you’re not already seeing significant condi spam, then Corruptions can give you something to fuel your transfers, and a lot of PvE environments don’t have many conditions to throw. So while it’s important to horde your transfers in PvP, the Corruption’s conditions are actually quite useful in PvE.
If they removed them, though, and redistributed their potential power back to the base skills as actual power, it would probably be a lot easier to balance Corruptions.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Blood is Power is a pretty plain skill that grants might in a small AoE for a short duration. My idea for this skill is to have it also apply stability and be a stunbreak, giving us some anti-CC not attached to an elite skill. I’d not expect an increase in might duration if a change like this was implemented.
I dunno about this. The Stability seems very unlikely, but I could see Anet trying to sneak a Stunbreaker into the Corruption line. BiP is certainly the best candidate, but it’s still kinda awkward; after all, its design encourages you to use it as soon as it’s off cooldown, whereas Stunbreakers are strictly reactive and you generally want to avoid using them. If they made this change (removed the bleeds and gave BiP a stunbreaker), I’d want to see some special effect go off if you actually break a stun. Maybe more Might, maybe you Bleed whomever stunned you (if it was another entity). Something so you wouldn’t feel bad about sitting on so much AoE Might.
Corrupt Boon corrupts 5 boons on a target. It’s a fair amount in one go, but we have several ways to corrupt boons. My idea would be to turn the target into a potential condi bomb by adding a unique effect to the current functionality of this skill. The enemy hit by CB receives a debuff that corrupts all boons they produce (for themselves and allies). This means an unaware enemy affected by this could potentially wreck themselves and nearby allies by generating too many boons.
I don’t like the idea of the stupidity of one of my allies directly getting me killed. That sort of situation can clearly happen, but we should still avoid including mechanics that encourage it.
Maybe the debuff could Corrupt 5 boons on the target as well as the next 5 boons they ally to themself in the next 5 seconds? Or maybe that could be the upgrade they get when you take the Corruption trait.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I’d definitely prefer we had self harm in some form, because it could be really unique. However, I think a properly built self-harm Necromancer setup would require the attention an Elite spec brings, with dedicated traits, with a weapon to support the playstyle, with a shroud (or even changed LF mechanics) built around it, new utilities that have been built from the ground up to support self-harm, etc. Without that attention, I don’t think they can do a proper job of it.
The problem with Corruptions, even if we change them to be meaningfully powerful with meaningful self-harm, is they would dominate a build, and we don’t currently have the trait/weapon/utility based support to deal with that. As it is now all but Blood is Power have a unique “flavor” in that they are condition focused skills that have unique and strong impact, but in a fairly narrow setting. Keep that, fix BiP, remove Corruption from Consume Conditions, change Plague, remove self cost, and leave that theme for an elite spec where it can be properly pulled off.
Okay it seems this hasn’t been said enough. Anything works in PvE/WvW. Lack of significant condition mobs in PvE is a flaw it doesn’t take advantage of a major part of the combat system and most of necro is useless there, there could have been possibilities for necro to contribute to dps by transfer and getting conditons off allies. What good are the additional conditions really bringing? Cripple on CPC is meh but that’s it.
The Dhuumfire thread
Okay it seems this hasn’t been said enough. Anything works in PvE/WvW. Lack of significant condition mobs in PvE is a flaw it doesn’t take advantage of a major part of the combat system and most of necro is useless there, there could have been possibilities for necro to contribute to dps by transfer and getting conditons off allies. What good are the additional conditions really bringing? Cripple on CPC is meh but that’s it.
Actually that brings up another good point, why aren’t there any boss fights where the boss doesn’t one shot people with a huge direct damage attack, but with a say instant 25 stacks of burning with 5k condition damage? Or a huge burst of conditions on a single target. There would be a lot of ways to deal with this (condition removal through runes, sigils, support builds of all kinds), but it would also allow Necromancer to uniquely do something. There are so many things they could do with condition transfers from bosses that inflict “OP” conditions that have to be dealt with, and that’d give us a niche.
Okay it seems this hasn’t been said enough. Anything works in PvE/WvW. Lack of significant condition mobs in PvE is a flaw it doesn’t take advantage of a major part of the combat system and most of necro is useless there, there could have been possibilities for necro to contribute to dps by transfer and getting conditons off allies. What good are the additional conditions really bringing? Cripple on CPC is meh but that’s it.
Actually that brings up another good point, why aren’t there any boss fights where the boss doesn’t one shot people with a huge direct damage attack, but with a say instant 25 stacks of burning with 5k condition damage? Or a huge burst of conditions on a single target. There would be a lot of ways to deal with this (condition removal through runes, sigils, support builds of all kinds), but it would also allow Necromancer to uniquely do something. There are so many things they could do with condition transfers from bosses that inflict “OP” conditions that have to be dealt with, and that’d give us a niche.
You mean like Farnaz with confusion in Arah? I’ve seen 60 confusion before gotta be quick on the cleanse
If necro get a self harm elite spec that gives the conditions in exchange for powerful effects Anet better change epidemic to instead of spreading condis from a foe to others around them to spread condis from the necro to foes around the necro.
You mean like Farnaz with confusion in Arah? I’ve seen 60 confusion before
gotta be quick on the cleanse
Somewhat yeah, although Confusion is one of the worst conditions to be able to transfer back. But something like that being more prioritized in boss fights/dungeons overall, since the only dungeon I know of with heavy condition focus is TA (though I’ve never done Arah exp), and it isn’t done in a compelling way to encourage anti-condition mechanics.
Actually that brings up another good point, why aren’t there any boss fights where the boss doesn’t one shot people with a huge direct damage attack, but with a say instant 25 stacks of burning with 5k condition damage? Or a huge burst of conditions on a single target. There would be a lot of ways to deal with this (condition removal through runes, sigils, support builds of all kinds), but it would also allow Necromancer to uniquely do something. There are so many things they could do with condition transfers from bosses that inflict “OP” conditions that have to be dealt with, and that’d give us a niche.
Don’t be ridiculous. That would be like giving almost every profession easy access to multiple projectile reflects and then basing heavy boss damage on projectiles.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.