Crazy Idea on How to Improve MM
The craziest thing ANet could do to improve MM builds is….actually give them functioning AI…..just so crazy to even think about something this far out of the box.
I have wished somethign like that too. It would be nice to have 3 flesh wurms in www because rest of the minions cant get down or up the walls unless you go there
well ability to target summons/better ai would also work, but in some situations some minions are just useless , like melee minions vs aoeing bosses.
this idea would have been psuedo implemented if they kept the old minion traits (+1 bone fiend when casting bone fiend skill, +2 bone minions, ect) but I’m not sure why they removed those.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
That would require caring… Which is lacking atm. I would adore the idea of having something a long the lines of:
Necrotic life bar.
Each minion uses a % of that bar. Once you don’t have enough necrotic life to summon something thats it.
Each minion requiring some % depending on power/output and so forth.
Trash like bone minions requiring least and you would be able to have 10 or hell 20 of those 1 shotable fodder noodles at the same time.
Something like flesh golem naturally would use a helova lot more effort to sustain so each using 33% would be reasonable enough. Now you can actually customize what it is that you want.
You are in dungeon and severely lacking blind… summon 5 shadow fiends and chain their blind. Its short enough to not really make a wallop of difference in pvp due to cd on re-summon and skill itself.
You sitting defending a tower/keep in WvW… summon 5 flesh wyrms on walls and be actually useful to the team.
Hell… you don’t even need to re-invent a wheel. Use existing life force for this.
Same example flesh golem requires 33% life force to summon and uses 33% of maximum life force as long as it is summoned.
So now you have a choice.
1. Get some life force and use it to summon 1 golem and have 66% life force for death shroud.
2. Not use life force for minions and have it exclusively for death shroud.
But lets be realistic… it will NEVER happen. Because it would require giving a kitten Which has not been given since bwe. We only get nerfed and not even given a courtesy of getting bugs fixed.
(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)
@HiSaZul (Quote function broken): I really, REALLY like that idea of yours! Allow the Necromancer to summon more than one minion of a particular type, but doing so reserves a certain amount of their Life Force bar. This could allow dedicated MM’s who don’t like the Death Shroud to summon a small army of minions, but at the cost of losing out on their additional DS abilities and an extra health pool for when things get serious.
That is an awesome idea HiSaZul!!! You have managed to do what I tried to do and tie in DS, which is very neat. Using Life Force this way opens up sooo much possibilities.
These forums are filled with awesome ideas… but lets be real here. This is free to play in best case scenario there are no abundance of funds for large under takings and so far we didn’t even see any interest show in suggestions/ideas on anet side. So its a beautiful dream nothing more.
For now all I got is beatiful play field and kitteny to boot class. That i stubbornly stick with.
Oh well…
2 million sales of this game which equals at least $120 million… not to mention the sales made that were deluxe or ultimate purchases… i’m pretty sure these kittens have plenty of money to do whatever the heck they want.
Remember the good old days of 2001 ish era where new games only costed $40 or even $30? where have the days gone…
If pets would have skills and a bit modified AI of the annoying Orr mobs. Enjoy the pulls and 4sec KDs evil laugh.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Have to say HiSaZul, that is a pretty nifty idea. I’d be all for it.
I agree with HiSaZul aswell, thanks for the great idea`s.
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
I would love if they implemented some phantasm style of temporary minions. Just summon them on the fly that focus on a target, and die in like 20 seconds.
Even a new 2hander focused on minions would be boss.
Heh im one of the idiots with deluxe edition >_>
I got the deluxe edition as well lol. But it’s worth it for me. Big models like that don’t come easy. I’m retouching the paintjob atm.
I agree with this. I really enjoyed Necromancer in Age of Conan (I know everyone hated that game blah blah) but the system was solid. You could spend summon points to summon different mobs, and each used a certain number of points, so you could have tonnes of cannon fodder or a couple of skilled minions.
When I first heard of Necromancer I really hoped it would be the same here, but instead it feels more like being stuck supervising the special kids on a school trip. Sure they are all unique and special in their own way, but they are still mentally kitten