Curses Master (PvP)

Curses Master (PvP)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Joker.9812


Hi, everyone!

I haven’t seen any condi-build on forums since a new system appeared. So I though I could post here my current build. Before this update Curses Necromancers were really badly nerfed. HOWEVER, I came up with one idea about build with conditions when I saw that traits in a new system.

Curses Master;1kHFF0m3JI-K0;9;47A8;0138248247;487J110;0fgm9fgm91l

Scepter – It’s a main condition for conditions build.
Dagger – Deathly Swarm is needed for transfering conditions to your foe. There will be really a lot of dots on you and you want to give it like a present to your foe. Enfeebling Blood – Next Bleeding Skill, so it’s ok.
Staff – AoE casted from your staff are always useful. Every of them. Especially againts melee classes. You cast your AoEs at your feet. And Skill 4 is useful like next condi-transfer.

Consume Shadows – It was pretty good with condi-builds earlier. It has got a lot of nerfs through the time and I don’t know if it’s still good choice like a healing skill. So this is just an idea, ‘cause it was condi-classic healing skill.
Plague Signet – The most powerful condi-transfer. You can change it for Signet of Spite if you want, ’cause that causes a lot of condis in one click, mates.
Blood is Power – Everyone knows that this is always useful. Might in blink of eye is nice to have.
Corrupt Boon – One of the most mightful utility skills. EVERYONE IN PvP USES A LOT OF BUFFS. This causes a lot of unpleasantly problems to every PvP player. Trust me!
Flesh Golem – This is up to you what to take like an Elite. I don’t take Plague becuase it isn’t so OP like it has been earlier and this is always optimal in every build.

Plague Sending – Condi-transfer, what to say more?
Master of Corruption – Reduces recharge on corruption skill like Corrupt Boon or Consume Shadows and even Epidemic or Plague if you want to use it. Additional condis on you just enpower you to send more condis to your foe.
Lingering Curses – THE BASE OF THE BASIC BASIS of this build.
Speed of Shadows – Quicker recharge of Shroud. Shroud is one of the main survival aspects in this build.
Vital Persistance – Longer Shroud = Better Survival.
Dhuumfire – Don’t forget this is condi-based build. You need cast condis like Burning, not have a big chance to critical.
Putrid Defense – Each of your foe has Poison, ‘cause of you (Curses Master). So this improve a little your survivability.
Reaper’s Protection – The first skill is for minions. And the third one is for power. So this is a optimal choice. More survivability and the only one possible choice at all.
Corrupter’s Fervor – Main trait. It gives you 300 toughness in a blink of eye. You stack 10 condis on your foe really quick with this build. So this trait is also for survivability.

Amulet and Rune:
Carrion – Carrion is carrion. The most optimal for condis.
Krait – Krait is krait. The most optimal for condis.

It’s a build I’ve created and I’m running just a while, so if you have any improvements or advices about Conditionmancer. I’d like to hear you out!

Everything, which has its beginning…
… has also its end.

Curses Master (PvP)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


For pvp, blood is power is unacceptable.

Probably also the poison trait compared to the DS condi and soul marks is very very very mandatory on condi builds to generate lifeforce.

Rest is ok if youre trying Death magic.
Advice 2nd stunbreak or at least the stubreak/stiblty on DS

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