D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Looking for what the normal d/d Wpvp build it..

Got a few ideas but want to see common builds before I put stuff up.


D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Go D/F, its better; dagger offhand is a condition weapon.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


Dagger/Dagger is fine, especially if your running Axe + Focus as well. Dagger 4 gives a condition removal which is really handy in WvW plus a free blind, Dagger 5 is a extra AoE which is nice since you lack AoE capabilities with that build.

Here’s what I run for my powermancer.


Then you can go with Berserker Armor (Prec,Power,Crit) or Knights (Prec, Power, Toughness)

Start off with Axe use focus 5 to chill and slow them, Focus 4 to build vuln, then Axe 2 to burst for nice damage. While axe in on CD switch to dagger and root in place and use dagger 1’s auto attack.

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


I was going dagger off hand just for the cond removal. My only other one is the heal on the 25 sec CD

No desire to run axe in any set up though Dethen.. No offense but it does not appeal to me with the skills and dps..

And your spec is odd as you are taking about the swapping and have all the points in DS.. Sure I am missing something, so be happy to hear what that is with your spec!

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


If you don’t want to run axe in your off-set, run staff. That gives you a 25s CD condition transfer AND a fear (fears are amazing in pvp), and frees up your offhand in your main set for focus, which will increase your damage output.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


I was going dagger off hand just for the cond removal. My only other one is the heal on the 25 sec CD

No desire to run axe in any set up though Dethen.. No offense but it does not appeal to me with the skills and dps..

And your spec is odd as you are taking about the swapping and have all the points in DS.. Sure I am missing something, so be happy to hear what that is with your spec!

Well if you running double dags what else are you going to use in your offhand? Axe + Focus is the only other viable melee dps wep set up. Other then that you have to use staff but isn’t that great since you can’t burst which is needed in WvW and does conditions.

Ok fine i’ll explain it…

30 Points into spite means you’ll get:
300 Power
30% increase in condition duration = means your vulnerability will stay on your target longer allowing for better bursting.
Spite 10: Gives 1 might per life blast goes nicely with Soul Reaping 10 which gives 1 vulnerability so now you get 2% more damage per life blast.
Spite 20: Focus regens faster so now you can stack vulnerability faster as well as heal yourself.
Spite 30: when your enemy is at 50% health you get a 20% damage increase which is nice not much to say here.

200Vit will bring your hp pool up to around 20,000 at level 80. Great since now your Deathshroud Pool is larger and you have more survivability.
Blood 5: Free regen @ 90% hp? I’ll take it
Blood 10-20: Vampire abilites provide a constant source of HP add some regen foods like omnomberry pies and you’ll stay near full hp.

Soul Reaping:
20% increased Deathshourd bar (your doing melee damage why not have something that helps you stay alive longer)
20% Crit damage increase (Now when you burst you’ll do even more damage).
Soul 5: Gluttony: increased life force gain is handy
Soul 10: Like I said before 1 might per soul blast + 1 vuln per soul blast now = 2% increase to your dps per attack.
Soul 15: Free protection + anti stun @ 50% hp? uhhh ya when that thief bursts you guess who’s still gonna be alive. Not to mention your lifeforce increases by 3% each time your hit it’s gonna go through the roof.
Soul 20: Locus Swarm = Free swiftness + Damage to enemies around you. So if your dieing not only will this help you get away but the AoE damage you do will also HEAL you thanks to your vampire abilities.

Ok so back to your original question why death shroud if your using dagger.

Like I said Focus 4 + Axe 2 = burst, then switch to Dagger for root + auto attack so why deathshroud.

Well dagger is a melee wep so if you enemy is to far away and you can’t catch up and your axe 2 is on cooldown. Well now you have life blast which hits hell a hard and not to mention increases your damage by 2% per hit.

So in short follow this build and you will have a optimal defense and a great offense, leaving you ready for every situation.

And do yourself a favor and use Axe + Focus once you see it criting for 3-4k per hit you can thank me later. Staff will NOT provide you with the dps you want in PvP or PvE for that matter. When your opponent is running away and you need to kill him quickly staff is not going to save the day it’s gonna be axe and focus.

P.S Where else would you put you points if not Blood and Soul reaping as a melee dps? Curses is for condition builds, and Death Magic is for minions/condition builds.

P.S.S This build really shines in PvE you will essentially be unkillable I was able to solo a champ boss with this build.

(edited by DeathenShada.6397)

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enferian.2705


Spite 30: 50% damage increase is nice not much to say here.

First of all pls fix this typo.

Other than that the build seems solid.
You might want to use dagger/warhorn though since we are talkign wpvp and u dont have any +speed. locust swarm will help with more healing while in close range too, but losing the condition removal is a tough decision.

One important thing to point out…
You have to be very careful with locust swarm (if u take WH) and with spectral armor since the trait activated abilites share a cooldown with the utility skills. This means that if u use the utility skill the trait wont activate until the utility is off cooldown. On the other hand if the trait activates first u can still use the utility whenever u want.

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Deathn, thanks for taking the time to post that write up. I really appreciate the effort and look forward to trying it!

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Also what set are you running? Knights for toughness and power or Zerker

D/D wpvp cookie cutter build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


I’m more of a tanky type player so I took knights gear, it’s really up to you what you want do you want more survivability or damage?

I’m criting around 3-4k with knights, if you go zerker I can see you hiting 5-6k ish.

Edit: That reminds me you don’t have to go full zerker or knights if you want a balance feel free to have half the piece zerker and half knights.

(edited by DeathenShada.6397)