D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey guys!
My in game name is Steez and I have gotten a lot of people asking me about good power builds to use in pvp. I’ve decided to post mine in the hopes to see a lot more competitive power necros out there! (and to direct people to this forum post)

First off:
This build focuses on maintaining a strong amount of pressure on your enemy with large crits and high attack power, sustaining as much damage as you can via DS and kiting, and for the overall insane burst and CC chains you can get.

The build:
I DO NOT spec into targetable wells for 2 reasons. Even though the crit from speccing into curses is nice along with the fury when entering DS, the whole tree focuses around condi’s except for targetable wells (which could be considered condi i guess) so it doesn’t help to much as a power necro. Also, when you place a targetable well on the ground it will tick on your enemy 5 times, compared to the 7 ticks you get from placing it at your feet. As a power necro with dagger you will be in melee range so you don’t need the trait anyways.

Spite – Spiteful talisman – reduces cooldown on focus skills. If anyone has ever played around with reapers touch on the focus you’ll know that the damage output is pretty decent if your within melee range. Between 3-5k damage in a second depending on crits, WHILE spamming dagger one is nice.
Reapers Might – I use reapers might in my second slot in spite for the power boost, even if you dont have a target to hit you can still hop into death shroud and stack a bit of might ooc. I change this trait out a lot with Chill of Death not only for the chill, but the fact that it strips 3 boons on a target when you are trying to burs them. (bye stability and protection)
Close to Death – of course! Large boost to targets lower than 50% YES PLEASE

Death Magic – Admittedly this trait can be changed with any other trait tree but I like to use it for either greater marks or lower staff cooldowns. All preference.

Soul Reaping – I spec into Soul Reaping for more survivability in DS and also crit damage. Build contains a significant amount of crit damage which is why our crits hit pretty hard.
Path of Midnight – help lower the cooldowns of your death shroud skills, doom in particular which is amazing for avoiding bursts and stopping stomps.
Soul Marks – 3% life force from marks is probably the most efficient way to gain life force (other than spectral armor/walk). Going into the second line of soul reaping also gives spectral armor when you reach 50% hp, which is another great way to get your life force and survivability up for a bit.
Foot in the Grave – main question I get is WHY. First off, contrary to popular belief lately on the necro forum, shroudstomping still works. 3 seconds of stability is the perfect amount of time for a stomp if you time it CORRECTLY. (note that correctly is bolded, I have my DS bound to my mouse so I may click and press stomp at the same time which is extremely easy to do. If you time it incorrectly you are prone to getting a stomp that doesn’t go through and wasted meter.) This trait is also PERFECT for avoiding a warriors bull charge at you and a thiefs constant stun lock. If you can time your DS correctly, it makes it very easy to negate incoming stuns if your attentive to the battle.

Well of Corruption- damage, nice crits, AOE, boon stripping
Well of Suffering – damage, nice crits, AOE, vuln stacking (works well when used with Reapers Touch to stack 20+ vuln)
Signet of Undeath – insta res and slow but steady LF gain
Lich – insane damage. Get a mesmer on your team, time warp, win. Just hope the enemy doesn’t target the big green kitten machine.

sigil of accuracy on dagger, sigil of rage on focus
sigil of energy on staff
Eagle runes to reach 43% crit with 58 crit damage. (Can be switched with divinity or anything else, just my pref.)

(edited by Krizzy.6950)

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Random Notes/Tips
Every enemy is different. You have to KNOW the other professions. You have to KNOW the abilities that a person is using so that you can think ahead of a situation and be able to pop wells when they have no defensive cooldowns up, or to stop an enemy from ressing another person and creating an area they dont want to be in, popping DS to avoid burst or stab/shroudstomping for the clutch kill. All these things come in time as you play the build and learn what to do. Don’t underestimate any one skill (youd be surprised how many times Life Siphon has saved me with its miniscule healing.) Combo your skills and utilities to maximize damage output. Don’t throw marks down on the ground without your enemy being imobd/slowed/chilled/feared/etc. There are few situations when you should (thief pops outta stealth for a burst on you) but for the most part it is safest to try and get your imob on them first. F1-DOOM-F1-Dark Pact is a killer combo. Easiest way to get a imob off for sure. Even though it is not stated in the tool tip focus 5 removes 3 boons on a pretty short cooldown.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that you are able to use doom while shroudstomping or shroudressing a team mate. OP

Thanks for reading my power build, lemme know what you guys think and how it plays for ya

(edited by Krizzy.6950)

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

why are you using rage and fire on the same weapon set when they share a CD?

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Guess I haven’t noticed, I only started using fire this week. Been switching between bloodlust and accuracy mostly on main hand so I guess that would be the best to use. Thanks for the info though