DS Trait Which One Should I Use...?

DS Trait Which One Should I Use...?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

What’s your build and what are you doing with it?

DS Trait Which One Should I Use...?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

I would suggest at least trying foot in the grave, it’s a real game changer, especially for a melee necro. Life transfer is a real cc magnet it seems, but FitG covers most of it’s channel, which is nice for wasting peoples cc, as they seem to reflexively cc the transfer. Also it goes without saying shroud stomping people is a real winner.

Other then that I might suggest near to death for greater flexibility with DS (also great if you have retal/fury on DS), or Path of midnight to get more out of DS in a more direct way.

DS Trait Which One Should I Use...?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


WarMourner was referring to where are you taking this build PvP, WvWvW, or PVE when he asked what you are doing with it?

30 in Soul Reaping is fantastic depending on what your role and intentions are and where you are playing.

I personally prefer shortend CD’s on DS for burst damage builds in pve, but in sPvP and Tournaments stability on DS is invaluable. If you are using DS as a control mechanic than reduced CD on Traits is amazing with Terror. Spectral Mastery is never worth it unless you are running full spectrals (never recommended) and have the extended duration on it which btw is in the weirdest spot for spectral builds.

Plus if you are going for burst damage neither marks proccing LF or spectrals are the right abilities to bring. Wells plus Dagger are the way to go and you swap to staff just before you go into DS.

Drop your marks and wells than pop Lich Form and watch things die.