DS UI.... when?

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: khoriltharion.4216


First at all, sorry for my bad english.

This is what Anet said about this in December 12th, at 18:19 i this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/Simple-Improvements-to-Death-Shroud-and-Boons

“I can say we are working on updating the UI for DS so that you can actually see your health bar, boons, conditions, etc. We think this is the first step for DS.”

So that’s why i ask you how much does it takes? It’s been more than 4 months and this simple improvement is not ready. I’m quite tired of the “we are working on it” that you use in every post and every interview (SOTG) and i guess the most of the spvp comunity is, that’s why they are leaving this gaming tired of waiting.

(edited by khoriltharion.4216)

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


They changed their mind. In fact in the last sotg on guildwars2guru.com. They said they were keeping it the way it is.

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: khoriltharion.4216


Great, so we need to learn to play DS, once again…. I guess that will be devs answer, once again.

Will they eventually realize there’s a lot of work to do in the DS?

I can actually die when im in DS on full life force ‘couse of conditions but now its ok since i can’t change my weapon when “transformed”. Changes they are making are mostly useless, but needs remain still needed.

(edited by khoriltharion.4216)

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


They changed their mind. In fact in the last sotg on guildwars2guru.com. They said they were keeping it the way it is.

I thought that was just about the weapon switching in DS?


DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


Ya they are talking about weapon swap, they haven’t said anything yet on DS UI…. They’re probably just busy or too lazy to deal with it right now.

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


Ya they are talking about weapon swap, they haven’t said anything yet on DS UI…. They’re probably just busy or too lazy to deal with it right now.

I’m somewhat of the opinion that ArenaNet needs more programmers badly. It’s not founded in fact or anything, but I get the impression they have these massive swaths of the game (WvW back-end, Event coding) devoted to two people each. I mean I think they do good work, really I do, but the pace is glacial.

Edit: So when you talk about a changes to the profession sector of the game, and more to the point one specific profession out of eight, I feel like there just aren’t enough work hours available without delaying work on the overall game.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

(edited by Softspoken.2410)

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


They’ve said it themselves I believe. They don’t have enough programmers to do everything, so it ends up getting backed up there.

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DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


They’ll get to sooner or later, they have been showing necro’s some love with the recent patches. We’ll just have to wait till then but it would be nice if a dev replied to at least confirm it’s still being worked on lol

DS UI.... when?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terok.7315


Ya they are talking about weapon swap, they haven’t said anything yet on DS UI…. They’re probably just busy or too lazy to deal with it right now.

I’m somewhat of the opinion that ArenaNet needs more programmers badly. It’s not founded in fact or anything, but I get the impression they have these massive swaths of the game (WvW back-end, Event coding) devoted to two people each. I mean I think they do good work, really I do, but the pace is glacial.

Edit: So when you talk about a changes to the profession sector of the game, and more to the point one specific profession out of eight, I feel like there just aren’t enough work hours available without delaying work on the overall game.

It seems like this is the case. Some of their decisions are just downright strange without considering any manpower problems. I think an advocacy system would help though, sparing the developers from the time it takes navigating all the different sub-forums for consensus and issues.

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