DS ideas

DS ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


I find DS to be a little strange lol
It removes many avenues of play once activated and thought micro-managing it like an on/off switch to swap-in a skill for combo’s can be fun (Dark Path – immobilize via dagger – dps) I honeslty feel there could have been more character given to DS overall.

The idea is sound but it feels like it was incomplete. Maybe if the DS skill simply replaced utility skills during its function it would not seem so restrictive and will give the combos a smoother feel in practice.

This would also allow your active weapons (maybe un-swappable during DS) skills to create additional effects or mechanics.

For example if you are using a staff maybe you leave a trail of disease almost like Locust Swarm and your marks move slowly after the nearest enemy.

For axes perhaps attack range is increased for its basic attacks and ghastly claws. The AOE could pull enemies toward your character a short distance.

Daggers life force gain percentage can be converted to damage. Life siphon can generate stacks of might (1 per second while active) and increase bleed duration or something. Dark pact can remove a boon on hit.