Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: angryteen.2710


Farming Arah tokens, hence been running a fair bit of Arah EM recently, am running a standard S/D/Staff 20/30/20/0/0 condition nec. Just wondering how you guys do Lupicus on nec.

He absolutely hates me and im always at the top of his aggro list. During phase 2 he will shadow step me repeatedly, until i run out of DS and all skills on CDs and eventually die. This isnt just an unfortunate coincidence, it has happened during all my runs with several different groups.

For phase 2 i exclusively use staff instead of S/D, I only switch to S/D in phase 3 when there are more chances to hit him up close.

Wondering what utility skills u guys use for him. I typically run BIP, spectral walk, spectral armor and plague(for HP buff when im out of options). Hoever i dont find spectral walk overly useful due to the long-ish CD, same goes for spec armor.

Any advice/ ideas/ tips appreciated!!

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


I’m guessing your Toughness is too high. On your next run, try retraiting/regearing a bit (use cheap gear) and drop the bottom out of your toughness and see if he still aggros you as much.

I’ve read that mob aggro sometimes focuses on the party member that has the best defensive stats.

Also, it might be the conditions. I’ve read that conditions can cause extra aggro in some encounters.

(edited by PinCushion.7390)

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


Yeah I’ve noticed necro’s tend to get the most aggro no matter what in any situation.

I notice I’m always the one “tanking” and kiting for my groups even though half of my dps is coming from pets.

I haven’t done Lupi yet, but have you considered pulling out your pets for phase 2/3?

Or you could just take one for the team and “tank” him, absorb any big hits or maybe teleports with DS.

It probably has to do more with your HP and perhaps condition dmg with threat mods, would make more sense than toughness IMO.

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


My only tips is do not have any points for the reanimator trait. That little horror could live long enough for him to wander up to lupi, then a grub be spawned on him and lupi then gets a boost for phase 2 and 3 which makes him many times harder. Now this isnt 100% going to happen but it does happen. Pets are fine in phase 2-3 since sometimes he will target them with his shadowstep thing which is a nice breather for the group.

Besides that, he just sometimes keeps targeting one player until that player is dead, its a bug with the fight and it will normally fix itself once he kills one of the players. Normally that is the case for me atleast.

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: Harishon.8031


Flesh Worm… easy as that. I can kite Lupi all day with Flesh Worm and the necro’s natrual endurance regen… no sigils etc.

When I PuG Arah Flesh Worm and Signet of Undeath are must haves on my bar (at least for Lupi) otherwise I drop undeath. Today in fact I was in a group that wiped I was able to get 2 people up and kite Lupi with the undeath Worm set up.

It is mainly a timing (cast worm after he aoe’s) and positioning issue, make sure you kite him opposite the Flesh Worm and you should be good.

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: angryteen.2710


Thanks for responses!

My nec has approx 2.5k toughness and 19k vit, i regularly run with a guardian friend with 2.8 tough and 17k life, and he will always be the 2nd on the list once im down.

Maybe lupi goes for the highest vit?? Although in P3 he will start rotating his aggro.

Anyway tried Harishon’s tip, and did another run with flesh wurm, spec walk and signet of undeath. Much better! Am able to survive P2 alot better, although i have all but resigned that ill spend the whole P2 kiting him. lol.

Tried Golem as well, and proved to be mostly useless, as he gets himself in Lupi’s AOE and dies.

Edit: @gamefreak, i have reanimator, but so far it hasnt happened yet. the little horror dies to locusts in a heartbeat

(edited by angryteen.2710)

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


when phase 2 starts, all rush back to the waypoint and fight him there, easymode.