Death Shroud F1 and Reaper F2
It seems that if a class gets a oh-weapon then something is added to the mechanic, while if a class gest a 2h-weapon the mechanic is replaced by a similar one.
Exactly, and personally i think this doesn’t make any sense at all.
That’s not confirmed by ANet however, so it may be a coincidence.
- Reaper GS in its current form is pretty much useless and still the entire specialization should be weaker (compared to specialization that get an OH weapon) to compensate for it having 3 more skills.
You won’t solve this problem by adding the old shroud. To be honest adding a second shroud would solve nothing.
They just need to buff GS damage by 5-10%.
- Even if mesmer Shield would be absolute trash (which it isn’t), there are still a bunch of weapons that have been used for years and won’t suddenly stop working once you pick chrono.
Sure. The fact is that Mesmer only got 2 weaponskills, while Necro got 5. Of course, if those 5 skills are not good you don’t change the whole mechanic, but you just have to improve those 5 skills.
Dragonhunter loses its old virtues and ele kinda temporarily trades one of its attunements for a new skill. So far only mesmer gains something new for free and there are already discussions over in our forums.
Except Dragonhunter doesn’t technically lose its old virtues; its new virtues have literally all of the same effects, just with bonus upgrades and functionality. F1 still blinds and burns, but now it burns more. F2 still heals and cleanses condis, but now it also blinks, deals damage, and immobilizes. F3 is still a stunbreak with stab and aegis, but now it also creates a shield.
Dragonhunter loses its old virtues and ele kinda temporarily trades one of its attunements for a new skill. So far only mesmer gains something new for free and there are already discussions over in our forums.
Except Dragonhunter doesn’t technically lose its old virtues; its new virtues have literally all of the same effects, just with bonus upgrades and functionality. F1 still blinds and burns, but now it burns more. F2 still heals and cleanses condis, but now it also blinks, deals damage, and immobilizes. F3 is still a stunbreak with stab and aegis, but now it also creates a shield.
While this is true, these skills are no longer instant-activation, and this is a big deal. While their cast times might seem miniscule, for resolve in particualr it might be the difference between life and death. Justice also has a much more obvious tell to accommodate for its increase in power, and Courage, while also granting a shield now, does have a cast time. Yes, courage can be traited to be a stunbreaker, but it requires a grandmaster trait investment.
As a person who mains a necro I think it is a great ideo to have F1 Ds and F2 as RS
They can just change the trait like this:
Minor Adept Shroud Knight
You can equip greatswords and use reaper shouts. Ability to activate reaper’s shroud(F2) which has more melee oriented skills.
also changing two GM traits in a simple fashion
Major Grandmaster Reaper’s Onslaught Attack faster while in shroud. Killing a foe recharges shroud 2 skill.(this synergizes well with alot of reaper traits cause DS skill 2 causes chill on hit)
Dark Path Send out a claw. If this attack hits a foe, you teleport to that foe, bleeding them and (chilling nearby foes. Case in point)
Also for speeding up Life Blast all they have to do is use the speed of plague blast
Major Grandmaster Blighter’s Boon Gain life force when you gain a boon. If you are in shroud, gain health instead.
I would like to see this added as well but probably won’t happen
Life and Plauge Blast cause chill for 1.5s ICD 5s
(edited by Astaral.8635)
I hope that Arenanet see this post
You won’t solve this problem by adding the old shroud. To be honest adding a second shroud would solve nothing.
They just need to buff GS damage by 5-10%.
Robert actually said GS is getting about a 20% buff across the board, so that should help quite a bit. (5-10% really wouldn’t be noticeable on its last-beta iteration…. it was really, really undertuned. 20% is much better)
The BIGGEST thing I’m getting from this whole thread from those who want both RS and DS to be available at the same time it that you guys want to make the Reaper trait line pretty much mandatory. See, if you have access to both shrouds… Why would you settle for just DS? Sure, certain builds wouldn’t use it. But they’d be underpowered compared to the dual shroud builds.
Big thumbs down from me on this idea
I find the fun of the elite specs is that you actually have to make the choice to specialize. There should be negatives and positives that come about by making this choice. It is a system like classes branches in other mmos. When there is multiple elite specs for a profession the variety should make the game fun. People need to stop trying to get everything on the base class on elite specs and vice versa. This seems similar to that suggestion where elite spec weapons should be available without the trait line equipped and it takes away from the entire point of the system.
@ Vydahr. Well I also see enough peple demanding the Elite Spec Weapons to be accessable to the Base Classes. In other Words, combined with this here, people want to deconstruct the new Spec System and invalidate the Elite Specs.
I’m also against the Idea, because it make Reaper just an Upgrade and mandatorys instead of a choice and it would invalidate the Base Class.
If they did why shouldn’t I choose Reaper? I know our ranged weapons are highly questionable but if and once they’re improved this shouldn’t be a concern.
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
I’m also of the opinion, after reading the arguments in this thread, that having both shrouds is a bad idea. I’m not saying this with the over dramatization that some are saying…“insinuations that people are wanting reaper trait line to be mandatory”. I don’t think anyone asked for or wants that…the whole reason why people want both shrouds is because the profession needs to be versatile enough to adapt to the encounter you are currently in. It doesn’t make sense to be limited to being able to do nothing….just because there is not an option to attack in melee range. In a pve encounter, sometimes you do have to change tactics mid fight several times. I do see why people are resisting this idea to have both shrouds, looks to be all about not wanting to be pressured to choose the reaper specialization to be equally effective. This is a valid concern and would definitely be undermined by making it possible to have both shroud versions in the same build. I think the real solution is to provide a decent power ranged weapon. That way reaper builds could just drop out of shroud and attack with weapon skills when ranged combat is required.
I’m also of the opinion, after reading the arguments in this thread, that having both shrouds is a bad idea. I’m not saying this with the over dramatization that some are saying…“insinuations that people are wanting reaper trait line to be mandatory”. I don’t think anyone asked for or wants that…the whole reason why people want both shrouds is because the profession needs to be versatile enough to adapt to the encounter you are currently in. It doesn’t make sense to be limited to being able to do nothing….just because there is not an option to attack in melee range. In a pve encounter, sometimes you do have to change tactics mid fight several times. I do see why people are resisting this idea to have both shrouds, looks to be all about not wanting to be pressured to choose the reaper specialization to be equally effective. This is a valid concern and would definitely be undermined by making it possible to have both shroud versions in the same build. I think the real solution is to provide a decent power ranged weapon. That way reaper builds could just drop out of shroud and attack with weapon skills when ranged combat is required.
Let me go ahead (as a person who pretty much plays nothing but necro) address this one. The problem with dropping out of rs for ranged combat is ranged weapon options. We have a staff with a very slow projectile auto and mid to subpar damage, which by the way is also easily side step dodge-able. If the foe is moving you wont hit anything. Marks only do so much and even if you drop all 5 it wont be enough. now for the Axe if you count this thing as an effective ranged weapon you are just being down right silly. Axe has like 600 range and pretty low damage the auto is crazy slow. Effectively DS is the only good ranged option a necro really has. Life blast is a great tool and while it is slow it hits hard.
You drop RS and a ranged foe will still shread you to bits. Ranges and engi’s killed me every day all day of the beta weekend because they had super great ranged game and i had 0 ranged pressure I could apply. You cannot catch some one who speends 70% of there time more than 600 range away from you with RS its a lost fight every time.
I honestly think DS and RS are both needed as a f1 and f2 even if it means leaving one puts both on cooldown. So you cant instantly jump from one to the other ( that would be op)
(edited by ZDragon.3046)
I’m also of the opinion, after reading the arguments in this thread, that having both shrouds is a bad idea. I’m not saying this with the over dramatization that some are saying…“insinuations that people are wanting reaper trait line to be mandatory”. I don’t think anyone asked for or wants that…the whole reason why people want both shrouds is because the profession needs to be versatile enough to adapt to the encounter you are currently in. It doesn’t make sense to be limited to being able to do nothing….just because there is not an option to attack in melee range. In a pve encounter, sometimes you do have to change tactics mid fight several times. I do see why people are resisting this idea to have both shrouds, looks to be all about not wanting to be pressured to choose the reaper specialization to be equally effective. This is a valid concern and would definitely be undermined by making it possible to have both shroud versions in the same build. I think the real solution is to provide a decent power ranged weapon. That way reaper builds could just drop out of shroud and attack with weapon skills when ranged combat is required.
Let me go ahead (as a person who pretty much plays nothing but necro) address this one. The problem with dropping out of rs for ranged combat is ranged weapon options. We have a staff with a very slow projectile auto and mid to subpar damage, which by the way is also easily side step dodge-able. If the foe is moving you wont hit anything. Marks only do so much and even if you drop all 5 it wont be enough. now for the Axe if you count this thing as an effective ranged weapon you are just being down right silly. Axe has like 600 range and pretty low damage the auto is crazy slow. Effectively DS is the only good ranged option a necro really has. Life blast is a great tool and while it is slow it hits hard.
You drop RS and a ranged foe will still shread you to bits. Ranges and engi’s killed me every day all day of the beta weekend because they had super great ranged game and i had 0 ranged pressure I could apply. You cannot catch some one who speends 70% of there time more than 600 range away from you with RS its a lost fight every time.
I honestly think DS and RS are both needed as a f1 and f2 even if it means leaving one puts both on cooldown. So you cant instantly jump from one to the other ( that would be op)
The last few sentences of my post specifically talk about needing a decent power ranged weapon. This is something that is commonly known that we do not have…we need one. I also strongly feel they need to back off of the tons of restrictions they apply to necros and give us the tools we need to function properly in this game…meaning reflects/blocks/vigor. I’ve been saying we need spectral wall to be a reflect for a long time…they have just been ignoring us in favor of their flavor restrictions. We also need death’s charge to be a faster and further reaching gap closer. They should also drop the, completely unfair, restriction of no utilities in shroud so we can deal with ranged kiting while in RS…that combined with a spectral wall that actually blocks/reflects projectiles would be what’s needed to deal with pvp kiting scenarios. Ultimately, I wasn’t really commenting for a pvp perspective, but I think the fixes I just went through would deal with that problem. I don’t really think having both shrouds would be fair to those players who don’t want to take the reaper line. I think fixing our base/weapon/utility problems would be the better fix. I personally am not going to play any build other than reaper. I do see the validity of the situations you are describing in pvp…I even see them in pve. They just need to implement the right solution and do it in a timely manner.
+1 support
At least i would like to see that an option to chose between one of them when you equiped the elite specialization. Because when you pick it up for more condi chill dmg and more chill in a condition build where you ran staff and sceper.. you probably dont want the reaper form ;P
So because we have crappy range weapons they should give us both shrouds? How bought they fix our crappy range options instead. By taking reaper you make a decision to give up range prowess for more powerful melee options. So you should adjust game play accordingly.
This suggestion goes entirely against the entire design philosophy of elite specializations. You are suppose to be specializing not getting more tools for your tool belt. Reaper should not be given things to make it a necromancer who also has reaper shroud and greatsword. It should be given mechanics to function in the role you have chosen to specialize in by deciding to take the specialization line. Just like if I want to specialize in a condition necromancer I should probably have curses selected.
This suggestion wants to remove variety and just meld the necromancer and reaper together. That goes against everything they said they wanted these elite specs to do. They even stated they are going to change your profession icon when you select an elite spec to differentiate them from the base class and other elite specs. If you gave reaper both shrouds why would I not slot reaper trait line just for the pulsing stability and gap closer on reaper shroud along with the flexibility of death shroud instant fear and range.
(edited by sebradle.7034)
i would love to have both shrouds, but i see a problem in some traits like when you turn into death shroud under 10% health
Really doubt its gona happen. It would be nice if you could keep old shroud as well for more flexibilty but yeah…
Not to mention that they would probably have to link both shroud cooldowns, skills included otherwise it would make it easy to abuse especially with trait that lowers shroud CD.
Like pop normal shroud fire 5 then 4 drop 3 just for giggles coz its instant then just exit and after 5 sec you have another fear + stablity with nice stun and solid aoe dmg
i would love to have both shrouds, but i see a problem in some traits like when you turn into death shroud under 10% health
Look above. I have already answered to this question
So because we have crappy range weapons they should give us both shrouds? How bought they fix our crappy range options instead. By taking reaper you make a decision to give up range prowess for more powerful melee options. So you should adjust game play accordingly.
This suggestion goes entirely against the entire design philosophy of elite specializations. You are suppose to be specializing not getting more tools for your tool belt. Reaper should not be given things to make it a necromancer who also has reaper shroud and greatsword. It should be given mechanics to function in the role you have chosen to specialize in by deciding to take the specialization line. Just like if I want to specialize in a condition necromancer I should probably have curses selected.
This suggestion wants to remove variety and just meld the necromancer and reaper together. That goes against everything they said they wanted these elite specs to do. They even stated they are going to change your profession icon when you select an elite spec to differentiate them from the base class and other elite specs. If you gave reaper both shrouds why would I not slot reaper trait line just for the pulsing stability and gap closer on reaper shroud along with the flexibility of death shroud instant fear and range.
The problem is too many tools were taken from necro’s tool belt over a long time period nerf after nerf after nerf this is why people ask for things like this. As a light armored profession necro is lacking in things both other professions have access to.
So because we have crappy range weapons they should give us both shrouds? How bought they fix our crappy range options instead. By taking reaper you make a decision to give up range prowess for more powerful melee options. So you should adjust game play accordingly.
This suggestion goes entirely against the entire design philosophy of elite specializations. You are suppose to be specializing not getting more tools for your tool belt. Reaper should not be given things to make it a necromancer who also has reaper shroud and greatsword. It should be given mechanics to function in the role you have chosen to specialize in by deciding to take the specialization line. Just like if I want to specialize in a condition necromancer I should probably have curses selected.
This suggestion wants to remove variety and just meld the necromancer and reaper together. That goes against everything they said they wanted these elite specs to do. They even stated they are going to change your profession icon when you select an elite spec to differentiate them from the base class and other elite specs. If you gave reaper both shrouds why would I not slot reaper trait line just for the pulsing stability and gap closer on reaper shroud along with the flexibility of death shroud instant fear and range.
The problem is too many tools were taken from necro’s tool belt over a long time period nerf after nerf after nerf this is why people ask for things like this. As a light armored profession necro is lacking in things both other professions have access to.
wow this is so true
Just fix axe and focus (and scepter).
I would loved to play a short ranged character who can go into melee for burst.
I really support your idea and i hope Robert thinks about this opportunity
I really support your idea and i hope Robert thinks about this opportunity
Tnx. I would like receive an answer from Robert Gee just for know what he thinks. My main pg is the Necro conditioner and now isn’t available any more.
If the Reaper could go into a ranged nuke stance at any time as powerful as DS, the traits meant to keep it functioning as a frontline brawler would become overpowered and need to be nerfed, thus making the Reaper weaker at the job it already struggles to fulfill
so what if it end up overpower? classes are already unbalanced anyway, so it won’t hurt if it’s overpower. don’t ever say the word OP on Necro again, cause class is underpower as hell. almost every build is mediocre, especially in pve. ever played condi Ele in pve? solo you do 10-12k+ burn ticks(most of the times everything dies before you reach high number burn), and in group with more might+vuln you do 15k++ burn tick plus 2-4k++ dmg from each skill, while Necro straggle to tick 4-5k with 25might+25vuln
I think if they expanded shroud capabilities like let us use our own utilities or develop shroud’s own utilities you’d see less people asking for a double shroud.
I wouldn’t be opposed having multiple shrouds but the way necro is set up it would literally lock reaper line in so many more builds just for the versatility and I don’t think they want to kill what shallow diversity there is.
Best NA rallybot on EU
The problem is too many tools were taken from necro’s tool belt over a long time period nerf after nerf after nerf this is why people ask for things like this. As a light armored profession necro is lacking in things both other professions have access to.
these continuous unnecessary nerfs are the ones that destroyed Necro. even now Necro is weaker than when the game was launched. it got buffed a bit in June, but still not enough. class was underpower from the start, and instead of get buffed, it got nerfed. i was watching Necro getting nerf after nerf and i was speechless. Ele is OP as hell and needs nerf, it gets buffed. Necro is underpower and needs buff, it gets nerfed. what kind of sorcery is this? in June patch Necro was nerfed again(a bit) by removing 1 bleed stack in pve from staff skill 2. and it’s hilarious how the bleed stack got removed from pve. after they removed 1 bleed stack from pvp, they said that they don’t like spliting skills from pvp and pve so they removed 1 bleed stack from pve so it’s 2 stacks on both modes. i cried from the laugh on this one. instead of giving back the bleed stack they removed in pvp, they removed 1 from pve. omg and 3 lols
Lol, such shameless thread Necromancy. I feel like this was pretty thoroughly discussed. It would be really cool and probably good too, but it kind of leaves vanilla necromancer in the dust. It also gives us an ele sized skill-pool, so that may be questionable.
Restart WvW:
I guess every vote counts, I completely disagree with this. Reaper is done how all classes should have been, which is a full alteration of the mechanic. Having base and more reduces the value of running a core build. Plus that just sounds janky as heck.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I guess every vote counts, I completely disagree with this. Reaper is done how all classes should have been, which is a full alteration of the mechanic. Having base and more reduces the value of running a core build. Plus that just sounds janky as heck.
yep. elite specs should change something and not just be a straight upgrade.
if anything, it’s some of the other elite specs that need to be changed in that regard.
im very happy that we get a different shroud and not multiple shrouds. this brings back horrible memories of people suggesting 3-4 different shrouds on f1-f4.
Gunnar’s Hold
I guess every vote counts, I completely disagree with this. Reaper is done how all classes should have been, which is a full alteration of the mechanic. Having base and more reduces the value of running a core build. Plus that just sounds janky as heck.
The problem is that “should have been”s is how the necromancer is being held back(no active defense and no meaning full support). I think that if reaper can’t keep up with the other elite specialisation opening the core shroud may not be a bad idea. After all it is fine as long as they share the same resources (cooldown and life force), it’s the basic for a lot of specilisations.
I honestly personally feel that looking at the entire Specialization concept as a whole, Reaper (with Dragonhunter extremely close behind) is actually the only specialization that has been created 100% perfectly. Reaper completely changes how our class chooses to function, and changes the way that we’re really made to play and what our class is/isn’t capable of. Elementalists lose nothing for their specialization except for a few statistical improvements like %healing or %damage, Mesmers lose literally nothing by running Chronomancer. This completely negates the entire purpose of the Specializations and is poor design straight through the gates. Mesmers should atleast trade off a similar effect for Continuum Rift, like Distortion, rather than simply having Mesmer+ tacked onto their kit. With this in mind, Mesmers would then have to make a real and meaningful decision between better damage survivability or better utility and team functionality.
Pick one. Drawbacks promote playstyles. Direct upgrades don’t provide anything new to gameplay at all, and GW2 has so little going for it that any change-ups would be ideal. Although, Reaper doesn’t necessarily do anything unique within the scope of this game’s mechanics anyway.
It’s like how Revenant was cool because it had to commit to a single weapon which would strongly define its playstyle and also passively provide a very strong cue to enemies who saw that player approaching. However, everyone cried until one of the only genuinely unique things about the Revenant’s design was taken away from it. With only one weapon, it would have been easy to keep skill cooldowns very low for that class as well in order to prevent them from defaulting to 1 (and sometimes 2) for 10-15 seconds at the relative outset of any engagement.
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?
(edited by Frost.1503)
Reminder that draw-backs promote playstyles and that you’re actually wishing for more boring homogenization.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?
You don’t because you’re playing an mmorpg and the entire genre puts emphasis on in-game hard-counters over player “skill.”
i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
Anet is going to just raise base range numbers, probably reduce the total cast-time on axe 2, and everyone is going to cheer as if it were all an actually unique ability udpate with legitimate forethought and effort put into it.
(edited by Erasmus.1624)
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?
Serious question or are you trying to make a point? It seems like you are just acting out, so it’s hard for me to tell.
It would be cool if we could press F2 out of combat to toggle between Death Shroud and Reaper’s Shroud when pressing F1 but I’m not holding my breath. I’m still of the opinion that Reaper’s Shroud and Greatsword are duplicative with each other.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I like the idea of an F1 & F2 option for shroud. My ideal necro elite spec (dreaming here) would have the option of activating death shroud (F1) and keeping GS skills but adding a new line of utilities, F2 can stay the same.
As a big fan of necro, i would basicly cheer on the idea of keeping both shroud, but that would be OP if u watch realisticly on i. BUT! The system of switching utilities and legend choices on revenant out of combat would be fine for me in shroud too. OC not everything with everything (2 fear would be too OP) but for example u could switch skills in the same slot: 1 to 1 and 4 to 4. that wouldnt be an unbalancing option
Now that Reaper Shroud holds its own, I don’t feel like we need this. Instead, I’d like to see our ranged weapons (Axe, Scepter, Offhand Dagger, Focus, Staff) receive buffs, because they are all pretty bad right now, which is the main reason Reaper feels so limited at range.
Restart WvW:
Now that Reaper Shroud holds its own, I don’t feel like we need this. Instead, I’d like to see our ranged weapons (Axe, Scepter, Offhand Dagger, Focus, Staff) receive buffs, because they are all pretty bad right now, which is the main reason Reaper feels so limited at range.
Basically this. Our base needs fixed. The trade off between shrouds is acceptable. Especially since shroud 2 will work better. Shroud 3 could linger if you drop shroud, but other than that and possible damage concerns on 4/5, there’s no need for both shrouds.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?
You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
(edited by Ganathar.4956)
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
I never said it before!
The reaper must be a improvement!
In this way it is very situational.
How is possible you don’t like have the possibility to switch from one to the other one? If you don’t like it just stay in Reaper. I don’t understund sometime if is my English (is really bad) or are the people….
I give you at same price the Ferrari with full optional or you prefer without any optional?
With F1 and F2 the Necromancer will not become OP becouse he needs 3 years of improvement for be like the other.
Trade-offs and down-sides promote unique playstyles~
You’re wishing for more bland homogenization~
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
I never said it before!
The reaper must be a improvement!
In this way it is very situational.
How is possible you don’t like have the possibility to switch from one to the other one? If you don’t like it just stay in Reaper. I don’t understund sometime if is my English (is really bad) or are the people….
I give you at same price the Ferrari with full optional or you prefer without any optional?
With F1 and F2 the Necromancer will not become OP becouse he needs 3 years of improvement for be like the other.
A better analogy would be that all professions start with a common car as a profession mechanic, except ranger which gets a broken model. The reaper gives up his old car for a Ferrari while most other professions simply get a second but different common car. Thus my saying of quality > quantity applies pretty well.
The reaper shroud is obviously superior to the original death shroud. If you take a berserker, you will see that their primal burst skills aren’t really stronger than their normal burst skills. A tempest overloading is not more effective than an elementalist cycling attunements, though he is probably more effective than a tempest who cycles attunements.
Elite specs are supposed to be balanced with their new mechanics in mind. This means that there is always a price for the mechanics. Reaper pays with his death shroud, while tempest pays with the enormous focus that their trait line has on overloading, which btw make overloads no longer optional if you don’t intend to waste your traits.
This is my view on the matter, but I will say that necromancers do need some ranged weapon buffs. If Robert makes these buffs happen, the reaper will be able to have some decent ranged options.
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
I never said it before!
The reaper must be a improvement!
In this way it is very situational.
How is possible you don’t like have the possibility to switch from one to the other one? If you don’t like it just stay in Reaper. I don’t understund sometime if is my English (is really bad) or are the people….
I give you at same price the Ferrari with full optional or you prefer without any optional?
With F1 and F2 the Necromancer will not become OP becouse he needs 3 years of improvement for be like the other.A better analogy would be that all professions start with a common car as a profession mechanic, except ranger which gets a broken model
. The reaper gives up his old car for a Ferrari while most other professions simply get a second but different common car. Thus my saying of quality > quantity applies pretty well.
The reaper shroud is obviously superior to the original death shroud. If you take a berserker, you will see that their primal burst skills aren’t really stronger than their normal burst skills. A tempest overloading is not more effective than an elementalist cycling attunements, though he is probably more effective than a tempest who cycles attunements.
Elite specs are supposed to be balanced with their new mechanics in mind. This means that there is always a price for the mechanics. Reaper pays with his death shroud, while tempest pays with the enormous focus that their trait line has on overloading, which btw make overloads no longer optional if you don’t intend to waste your traits.
This is my view on the matter, but I will say that necromancers do need some ranged weapon buffs. If Robert makes these buffs happen, the reaper will be able to have some decent ranged options.
We see the same things from 2 different points. Anyway I appreciate your opinion.
I hope for these buffs of ranger weapon too.
The problem for me is that you will must spend 2 traits line for only Reaper.
Possible Solution:
What’s the problem?