Death Shroud should Proc on Weapon sigils
Are you talking about weapon swap sigils?
The on hit and on crit still hit in ds, did you want ds to count as a weapon swap?
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
I also wanted it to count as a regular weapon swap.
I wanted it for a cele hybrid since necro/thief often do not swap weapons at all, compared to almost “natural” swapping levels of ele/engie and warri.
But it surprised me most poeple were against it. I think bhawb said he used the healing on swap sigil – which would actualy get wasted if mechanic was changed.
Or geomancy would need to be used in melee before the fear if u wanted it to hit.
I always wanted it to count on going in and out, to potentialy get 2x procs if u camped DS, but your suggestion sounds even better, as it would give us more potential to squezee out of sigils, while preventing wasting a heal, or the ds3+2 combo would still work.
but it wont happen. especialy with how well abjured is doing.
Well, the thing is, you still have that 9 second cooldown, so it may be good for PvE, but would hardly affect PvP.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
If they procced on entry and exit, you could make them proc twice in an instant by flashing death shroud. That’s probably why it isn’t both.
If they procced on entry and exit, you could make them proc twice in an instant by flashing death shroud. That’s probably why it isn’t both.
9 second cooldown says otherwise.
If they procced on entry and exit, you could make them proc twice in an instant by flashing death shroud. That’s probably why it isn’t both.
9 second cooldown says otherwise.
Good call. Not sure then.
Yeah, I wouldn’t like it because it’d waste both of my sigils (DS changes ples). I run Leeching/Renewal for my MM, which means if I entered DS at the wrong time I’d lose around 2k healing.
I would like to be able to have back the ability to weaponswap while in DS though. I know some people who would be very happy to have that back, although its about 2 years too late since that got bugged and was added as a “feature”.
I’d be fine with sigils runes and Signets all working through ds and ds counting as a weapon swap. I don’t think it would make current builds op and it would create some on the same level. It would be a significant buff but I don’t think it would be unwarranted.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
I’d be fine with them proccing as you leave death shroud, but having them proc on entering it could cause problems as leeching/renewal wouldn’t work through the shroud.
(unless of course they made the sigils heal through shroud, which would be great)
Yeah I mean if they fixed it so the healing worked I’m down.
I would like to be able to have back the ability to weaponswap while in DS though. I know some people who would be very happy to have that back, although its about 2 years too late since that got bugged and was added as a “feature”.
Yeah, that was pretty useful.