Death shroud = Dark path
I don’t know what are you talking about btw. And death shroud and dark path aren’t tied together.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
I don’t know what are you talking about btw. And death shroud and dark path aren’t tied together.
they aren’t? how do I use dark path without death shroud?
I don’t know what are you talking about btw. And death shroud and dark path aren’t tied together.
Hmm! are you trolling me =P
then whut do you call DS skill number 2 =P
do i have to be in line of sight or whut . sometimes it works perfect ! and sometimes it just miss fires.
It needs a line of sight as it is a projectile, and also it will only home if you stay inside of 900 range from launch until hitting the target. If your too far away it will fire in a straight line, but can still port you if it hits something.
As i suggested before, it must be 1200 range instead of 900. I dont play dagger or axe but i imagine it would be rather easy to kite necro in 1200-900 range
I don’t know what are you talking about btw. And death shroud and dark path aren’t tied together.
they aren’t? how do I use dark path without death shroud?
Always confuse it with spectral walk. >_<
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
It sucks is what’s up with it.
Here’s how to make it useful anyway:
1) When closing with an enemy in the first engagement (I am a D/W power build w/staff on switch) after the staff bombing, use it to chill and disorient the enemy at the same time while instantly getting behind them for immobilize/well.
2) When the enemy HP is getting low and it is a class that you know is going to cut and run, such as a thief or ele, begin moving in the direction they will run to and fire it ahead of time.
3) When running away yourself and there is a corpse, pve mob or unengaged enemy ahead of you in the distance use it to TP out of there, or with lack of those use it as a ghetto spectral walk juke and TP to the last person chasing you in the pack as he may be the only one that realizes you changed direction if you 180 fast enough and continue running forward.
Dark path at least shoots straight, spectral grasp sometimes goes off in ridiculous angles that make no sense.