Deathshroud is toxic

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


you can’t receive heals normally while in deathshroud (the new trait is an exception)
should be enough but for reason it isn’t

the necro has 5 source of regen
Staff – mark of blood (6s) 6s cd
focus – reaper’s touchg (5s) per bounce 18s cd
well of power – can covert condition into regen (5) 50s cd
blood magic trait line- mark of evasion (5s) 10s cd
– full of life (5s) 30s cd
other healing
Parasitic contagion
vampiric ritual
vampiric master
vampiric precision
blood fiend
signet of vamparism

now only two of those regen sources are a guarantee
necromancers can’t use their utility skills while in deathshroud which limits the wells and the signet heal
the attack of deathshroud is a 1.5 sec cast which would mean wampiric precision and vampiric would heal about 100 health every 1.5 sec
the strongest and maybe op thing would come from vampiric master which involes using all minion

reason why it should be able to receive heal
multiple classes have access to heal that can heal teamate
deathshroud is the necro main form of damage mitigation this is comparable to invulnerabilities , stealth, movement, blocks, dodge of other classes. If those classes couldn’t receive heals while using their defenses they would be infuriated and so would their teammates
popping out of deathshroud is not an option because you probably have low hp alrdy and you might want to use one of the abilities it has to offer

risks) minion master necromancer my become op in some situation
goal) reduce the amount of grief deathshroud cause all necromancer and their teammates

edit for toxic clarification
when playing a necro a you saw a party heal being cast by a teammate but wasn’t able to benefit from it because of deathshroud
when playing with a necro teammate and tried to heal them but was ineffective because they went into deathshroud

both situation causes unnecessary grief for the necro or the helpful teammate
that is why deathshroud is toxic
that is why deathshroud shouldn’t prevent healing

overall it is a toxic mechanic that
removes the fun of teamwork
causes frustration when attempting teamwork
and causes grief for both the reciever and giver of the heal
and there is no fun enjoyment in not being able to recieve healing while in deathshroud

(edited by Tadsoul.6951)

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Parasitic bond heals you too. Spite adept minor

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: AkkiChan.7164


But isn’t deatshroud in itself already a second healthbar? The other classes have no healing limitations like that because they are not packing a secondary health bar like the necromancer has.

Even without traits you have a shield like skill that outshines aegis and protection any day of the week, to either waste time until help arrives or your enemy simply dies so you can recover, what other healing mechanic can compare to that?

Now on the other side, if you are six points deep in soul reaping and spend some extra traits into it, death shroud is an incomparably huge tank and source of life. If you get nuked out of there before your attacker, be it PvE or PvP, dies.. then would healing really have made that much of a difference?

Now, if you COULD heal within death shroud or be affected by healing.. then think about the people that do run death shroud heavy tank builds, how would you ever get these necromancers to die? Sure, it would give the ones that don’t have that extra buffer on their shroud form a bit of survivability, but the ones that do, their survivability would not only go through the roof, but would make it borderline impossible to ever see these people die unless you descend upon them with the wrath of heaven and the help of a handful of other players.

There are so many different traits that effect death shroud, scattered across every trait lines. It’s clearly meant to be a bit sub par without traits, so it can shine and be glorious bastion of unholy life if you do spend a few traits in it. To be able to receive healing would be fine if you’re not spending traits, but it would be utterly broken if you do.

Consequences? Why ever would you want to pass up on virtual immortality. In arena games or spvp in general, a necromancer with some healing backup of any sort could defend any point virtually forever.

So if you ask me.. no, that would be unbelievably broken.

[Edit] Typos.

A mesmer is more then clones and trickery.

(edited by AkkiChan.7164)

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


@AkkiChan i agree that it would probably op from a balance standpoint but that deathshroud doesnt allow heals/rezzing/stomping/interacting in general is simply bad mechanic design. I mean half of the time our life siphons are useless and in my opinion why bloodnecros will never be a thing.

As it stands, deathshroud need to be reevaluated and reworked and this is coming from a person, who actually likes the idea behind deathshroud…

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Life Force should have never been an actual second health bar. It should be a pool, which we would use as another health bar maybe, but also for supporting and utility via 6-0 skills in DS, using LF as a resouce.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


They just have to allow us to heal with Life Transfer similiar to Transfusion, on 40 seconds cooldown or allow 50% of total healings under DS and GG.

After thrashing that sick Unholy Sanctuary as well…

Anyway it’s useless talking, they have no idea on what they’re doing, they won’t care abouyt Necromancer design, they won’t care about our suggestions, they just care on not having dangerous classes wich would make their influence on meta more hard to balance.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


They just have to allow us to heal with Life Transfer similiar to Transfusion, on 40 seconds cooldown or allow 50% of total healings under DS and GG.

Anyway it’s useless talking, they have no idea on what they’re doing, they won’t care abouyt Necromancer design, they won’t care about our suggestions, they just care on not having a dangerous classes wich would make their influence on meta more hard to balance.

I think the 50% solution would be feasible.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


I would actually perfer something like this under 6 “the healing” skill.

Clamor of Souls 20 second CD, unaffected by PoM trait
Channel your Life Force, converting X% of your Life Force every second to health, healing yourself and your allies around for (part of LF%+Healing Power) value.

Easily interruptable since it’s channeled. We could associate some Powermancer Spite adept trait with it, like “Every second of Clamor of Souls increases the damage of next two following attacks by X%”.
It’s also a major support and a very good sink for accumulated, unused LF.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

Great idea, Rym.

Would really like something like that. It would also buff Dark Armor trait a little bit, which I don’t think is a bad thing.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


good idea guys my original idea is suppose to be a simple fix rather than a total redesign of the class. keep in mind that a redesign takes lots of time and resources so its less likely to happen

Yes deathshroud is a secondary health bar but because we have deathshroud we don’t have other things that classes uses to sustain themselves like invulnerabilities , stealth, movement, blocks, dodge of other classes. im more talking about like 3 second block and invulnerabilities, massive movement and stealth all of which can easily equal deathshroud
Also, beside minion master necros, necros don’t have access to that much healing in deathshroud our regen outside of staff is closer to a 75% uptime if your wasting your valuable dodges 50% if your not
same thing with the vampiric traits your probably getting closer to 75 hps but this only if you hit your target
main point
getting healed from other source that isn’t originating from the necromancer can be said to be equally op for all other classes as well.
a bunker gaurdian getting healed to full hp from a teammate would be no different than a bunker necro getting healed to full

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: alamore.1974


Life Force should have never been an actual second health bar. It should be a pool, which we would use as another health bar maybe, but also for supporting and utility via 6-0 skills in DS, using LF as a resouce.

First let me say i agree with alot of what akkichan had to say.

And as for rym you singing to the choir. I dont like ds i dont use it much.
I run a vampire build so going into ds negates my healing. IT has its ups dont get me wrong. said when.i pop ds my healing is useless i would love.if.i could force for.anything else…bi dont need a second health bar.

I to see a trait or something that boosted.damage at the cost of life force per spell cast.
That gives you the option to utilize ds or as a boost instead.and not be reliant on ds

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Toxic is actually TM 06.


Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Panhauramix.2784


The thing is, Deathshroud is not a second healthbar, right now it’s just a buffer. IMHO it would only count as a second healthbar if I could use all of my skills within it (DPS drops a lot depending on your build/weapons when you go into it) and be able to access it whenever I can.

Right now, any invulnerability/block skill is stronger than DS, just because it can mitigate way more damage and also negates incoming CC. Some of those skills even allow the player to receive healing, use his weapon skill and utilities. A good player will CC/immobilize you the second you go in Deathshroud and you’ll quickly rename this second healthbar the “static Ping-Pong Ball strikes again”.

Once you’re out of lifeforce, the 10 sec cooldown doesn’t matter, you got nothing more to help you survive focus fire.

Having leveled a necro first, I felt like the real game of combos and tactics opened up when I started my engi and ele. Necro lacks synergy within his own traits/mechanics, and with other classes mechanic and powerful combos too. It’s a fun class, but really selfish on both end, giving and receiving.

80’s: Razdhül Necro/Desire Mesmer/ Ykarys War/ Yphrit Ele/
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: AkkiChan.7164


I can only repeat myself.

If anything regarding survivability or more utility would apply to death shroud, the people that go for tanky DS builds would be FREAKING IMMORTAL.

You go into death shroud to live on borrowed time you ripped from the dead around you, if that borrowed time of pseudo-invulnerability isn’t enough to survive or kill, then you still managed to survive for way longer then you should have.

So, a static ping-pong ball, yes? Foot In The Grave, suckers.

ALWAYS. ALWAYS consider the option that there are people who will take every DS trait imaginable to sit on a spvp capture point and sit there to stay because itt akes a small army to bring them down.

You opted to not go for a full DS build.
You opted to not get Foot in The Grave.
So you have to deal with the fact that your shroud isn’t as powerful as for someone who did and will get knocked around in your borrowed time state.

You want buffs on DS so you can survive in it? that would summon nerfs across TWELVE TRAITS over EVERY trait line the necromancer has.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

A mesmer is more then clones and trickery.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


I can only repeat myself.

If anything regarding survivability or more utility would apply to death shroud, the people that go for tanky DS builds would be FREAKING IMMORTAL.

You go into death shroud to live on borrowed time you ripped from the dead around you, if that borrowed time of pseudo-invulnerability isn’t enough to survive or kill, then you still managed to survive for way longer then you should have.

So, a static ping-pong ball, yes? Foot In The Grave, suckers.

ALWAYS. ALWAYS consider the option that there are people who will take every DS trait imaginable to sit on a spvp capture point and sit there to stay because itt akes a small army to bring them down.

You opted to not go for a full DS build.
You opted to not get Foot in The Grave.
So you have to deal with the fact that your shroud isn’t as powerful as for someone who did and will get knocked around in your borrowed time state.

You want buffs on DS so you can survive in it? that would summon nerfs across TWELVE TRAITS over EVERY trait line the necromancer has.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

More utility and options in DS =/= Being more tanky 1v1 in DS.

Actually, many would like to maybe heal allies while in it or have ability to survive focused fire better, trading Life Force for it.

Currently, especially in PvE or WvW you get capped on your LF rather quickly and often that LF just stays there coz you don’t need it . Feels useless. Why not use it for some group utility?
Or when you really need that anti-focus tool for escape, Warrior can pop 2 stances (because kitten the logic) and zip away in flash when it gets hot. You have two options: Pop DS and see your both health bars get eaten in seconds by tons of damage OR pop your plague form and basicly end up the same, but live a little longer, hoping for some help. Why not have an utility in DS which for some cost will help you against that focused damage, giving like a block, teleport or such ?

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I can only repeat myself.

If anything regarding survivability or more utility would apply to death shroud, the people that go for tanky DS builds would be FREAKING IMMORTAL.

You go into death shroud to live on borrowed time you ripped from the dead around you, if that borrowed time of pseudo-invulnerability isn’t enough to survive or kill, then you still managed to survive for way longer then you should have.

So, a static ping-pong ball, yes? Foot In The Grave, suckers.

ALWAYS. ALWAYS consider the option that there are people who will take every DS trait imaginable to sit on a spvp capture point and sit there to stay because itt akes a small army to bring them down.

You opted to not go for a full DS build.
You opted to not get Foot in The Grave.
So you have to deal with the fact that your shroud isn’t as powerful as for someone who did and will get knocked around in your borrowed time state.

You want buffs on DS so you can survive in it? that would summon nerfs across TWELVE TRAITS over EVERY trait line the necromancer has.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

I think you should be an incredible bunker, balancing life force and HP. If played well, and specced for it. Right now it’s not possible.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phadde.7362


But isn’t deatshroud in itself already a second healthbar? The other classes have no healing limitations like that because they are not packing a secondary health bar like the necromancer has.

I think it’s fine the way it is. Death shroud is awesome and the fact that you lose access to some things while in it makes it more interesting.

What I will say is that we need big improvements on the Blood tree and fairly huge improvements on our ability to support allies; Be it through Weakness or making our boons from traits shared to the whole party – It needs to happen. (And Corrosive Poison Cloud could be an excellent Projectile Destroyer.)

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Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Life Force should have never been an actual second health bar. It should be a pool, which we would use as another health bar maybe, but also for supporting and utility via 6-0 skills in DS, using LF as a resouce.

Like Adrenaline?

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Life Force should have never been an actual second health bar. It should be a pool, which we would use as another health bar maybe, but also for supporting and utility via 6-0 skills in DS, using LF as a resouce.

Like Adrenaline?

Adrenaline is a poor man’s simplified mechanic, worse than in GW1. You fill the bar, you use everything for one simple skill, because you have only one offensive option for each weapon and then you go again.

It’s a terrible design. Life Force should be more like a GW1 energy source, which regenerates as it does now and we can hop into DS and from there keep it as it is, tanking the damage, using 1-5 OR use utilities which consume part of your total Life Force and have cooldown. Not really use all of your LF, it isn’t that easy to get as Initiative or Adrenaline currently.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


An approximate work is alwais bad, it’s hardly useful discussing about it, ANET won’t care or give a kitten until people will keep playing careless of its defects.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


when playing a necro a you saw a party heal being cast by a teammate but wasn’t able to benefit from it because of deathshroud
when playing with a necro teammate and tried to heal them but was ineffective because they went into deathshroud

both situation causes unnecessary grief for the necro or the helpful teammate
that is why deathshroud is toxic
that is why deathshroud shouldn’t prevent healing

this would also make a lot of our trait synergize with the class better
there are other issues with deathshroud i would like to bring up but i am keeping to one for simplicity

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


DS is not meant to do what you imagine. It is a transform that soaks damage while dealing it. Primary functions are to avoid damage and burn CD.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


the argument about it being a second health bar or making necro too tanky is childish necro have no stealth no clones no adrenaline fueled heals no entire skill bar full of heals ele or guard) the only class that doesnt have a hell with that your not killing me skill is engi. and honestly the DS tank builds deal such pathetic damage does it really matter if they stay alive longer than everyone else? you slaughter their zerg while they fail to contribute enough damage to push yours back and then you kill that one idiot running DS tank and in pvp just immobilize and burn that kitten he cant use utility so he has no stun breaks he is TOAST if he tries to beat you with some kitten tank build. lets be honest necro siphons and heals with the exception of party heal from life transfer trait are worthless. and as long as we dont get our utility skills while in DS we wont gain much the other classes dont have by being able to heal in DS.

but if it really bothers you that they are too tanky why not “heals are reduced by 50% while in DS” boom thieves and mesmer continue to slip away like nothing happened guards and ele just super heal the hell out of death itself warriors remain immortal rangers kick it back with their moa and enough range to shoot a can off the tallest tower of SM and we all continue to screw engis over every day?

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

Are you saying that these classes counter ranged builds? Or are you implying that there is a ranged thief that can actually kill a power necro? Either way I’m not sure that a ranger or a thief is much of a threat to a well played power necro in conquest pvp.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Rangers and theifs are very good against power necros….. Get melted by Condi necros though.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Trading Life Force to heal youself and allies or for some utility isn’t anything broken imo, it’s the next-gen of profession mechanic. You actually want to use your LF actively, not just as some health sponge.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

Are you saying that these classes counter ranged builds? Or are you implying that there is a ranged thief that can actually kill a power necro? Either way I’m not sure that a ranger or a thief is much of a threat to a well played power necro in conquest pvp.

Im saying that for power builds which rely on keeping range and kiting, those professions are not only better, but also run over (assuming 1v1 with equal skill ofc) your typical power necro builds. And if you take power necro as a melee *starts playing ping pong against a wall *, one must assume you didnt do even close to enough pvp to understand why that doesnt work in conquest.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Temariah.9372


I would actually perfer something like this under 6 “the healing” skill.

Clamor of Souls 20 second CD, unaffected by PoM trait
Channel your Life Force, converting X% of your Life Force every second to health, healing yourself and your allies around for (part of LF%+Healing Power) value.

Easily interruptable since it’s channeled. We could associate some Powermancer Spite adept trait with it, like “Every second of Clamor of Souls increases the damage of next two following attacks by X%”.
It’s also a major support and a very good sink for accumulated, unused LF.

I really like this general idea, though I think it being an AoE heal (or maybe even scaling with healing power) isn’t a good idea. I think that it would be great if it were just a personal way to convert LF into HP.

As a side note, I really think that personal healing (from siphons, life steal from combo fields or sigil, etc) should have partial effect on your true health while you’re in DS. Like maybe while you’re in DS, 33% of the health you could regenerate would have effect. This would prevent it from being an OP version of Aegis while you cower and heal up. It would still be way more beneficial for the user to drop DS to use the heals.

Also, do you guys think a UI change to be able to see the CDs of utilities/elite while in DS would be absurd? I feel like it would be really nice to be able to see a greyed out version (greyed out because you can’t use the skills) of 6-10.

Temariah Dawnsong – “A new dawn is coming; sieze the day.”
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Death Shroud is not toxic. It is just that no necromancer have ever reach it “true potential”. No one has reached that level of hate yet.

Watch Naruto, the best Death Shroud user in existence. It is hate the drives the power of Death Shroud.

You don’t need healing when you have ultimate destructive powers.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


How about this as an idea for how to use it:

First part is the same as is now, you can pop into etc.

But another skill is to consume your lifeforce for healing. EG would be if you have 50% of your lifeforce bar filled, you can heal for 25% of your health. So it would do half the % of the life bar that is filled. Of course you would only get heal, so you would have to fill it up again to use Death Shroud.

Something like that could work me thinks, as using it will give up your chance to jump into death shroud.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

Necromancer is very strong… not from a rabbit but from a bear I play engi, ele, ranger, thief, warrior, guardian all in competitive tpvp. Necromancer is definately one of the top classes to play in pvp and I do heal myself while in Death shroud. I can stay in Death shroud for a very long time having 100% crit chance the intire time 213% crit damage, life force on crit healing myself while in Death shroud and stacking 25 stacks of vulnerability on opponents easily. Zerg v Zerg ya can just burst down opponents one after the other. In a tight spot and your allies are down? Rally them by doing double the damage nearly twice as fast in Lich form….

A power necro’s damage rivals or even surpasses the damage of a staff zerker elementalist. Only difference is that it takes 3 seconds to take down a staff elementalist and 20 seconds to take down a zerker necromancer.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kiriakulos.1690


as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

Necromancer is very strong… not from a rabbit but from a bear I play engi, ele, ranger, thief, warrior, guardian all in competitive tpvp. Necromancer is definately one of the top classes to play in pvp and I do heal myself while in Death shroud. I can stay in Death shroud for a very long time having 100% crit chance the intire time 213% crit damage, life force on crit healing myself while in Death shroud and stacking 25 stacks of vulnerability on opponents easily. Zerg v Zerg ya can just burst down opponents one after the other. In a tight spot and your allies are down? Rally them by doing double the damage nearly twice as fast in Lich form….

A power necro’s damage rivals or even surpasses the damage of a staff zerker elementalist. Only difference is that it takes 3 seconds to take down a staff elementalist and 20 seconds to take down a zerker necromancer.

You are, however, ignoring the problem of positioning and susceptibility to enemies.
For lifeblasts to hit that hard you need to be within the 600 range and since you have Deathly perception there’s no stability available.

Yes, Necros hit hard, I’ve never seen a single person who knows this profession well complain about damage, even before the Dhuumfire patch. But the class as a whole has too few survival tools, almost all of which are passive abilities for mitigation. This has always been request and complaint number 1 from Necro players.

Attrition – A pretty name for taking longer than anyone else to kill something.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

as a pvp power necro i think it would be ridiculously OP if we could heal up while in deathshroud,
deathshroud is already pretty unbreakable for me while swarm is ticking since the crits grant life force, to think that i’d be constantly getting healed during that is just ridiculously OP.
with the right spec you can bunker in deathshroud until your heal comes off cooldown.

my power necro build is already extremely powerful and extremely easy,
letting us heal while in deathshroud would just be godmode.

You know rabbits should not comment on pvp balance, which you must be if you wanna say that power necro has any function with engie, ranger and thief existing for ranged builds.

Necromancer is very strong… not from a rabbit but from a bear I play engi, ele, ranger, thief, warrior, guardian all in competitive tpvp. Necromancer is definately one of the top classes to play in pvp and I do heal myself while in Death shroud. I can stay in Death shroud for a very long time having 100% crit chance the intire time 213% crit damage, life force on crit healing myself while in Death shroud and stacking 25 stacks of vulnerability on opponents easily. Zerg v Zerg ya can just burst down opponents one after the other. In a tight spot and your allies are down? Rally them by doing double the damage nearly twice as fast in Lich form….

A power necro’s damage rivals or even surpasses the damage of a staff zerker elementalist. Only difference is that it takes 3 seconds to take down a staff elementalist and 20 seconds to take down a zerker necromancer.

You are, however, ignoring the problem of positioning and susceptibility to enemies.
For lifeblasts to hit that hard you need to be within the 600 range and since you have Deathly perception there’s no stability available.

Yes, Necros hit hard, I’ve never seen a single person who knows this profession well complain about damage, even before the Dhuumfire patch. But the class as a whole has too few survival tools, almost all of which are passive abilities for mitigation. This has always been request and complaint number 1 from Necro players.

Necro’s defense exists primarily of the fear condition. This is an active form of mitigation. We also have access to protection boon which also boosts our life-force production. Sadly against CC we have not alot of counters. We only have stunbreakers for those. As for positioning and susceptibility.

I guess you mean ranged attacks? How is that relevant when you need to stay on point and all attacks end up being within 600 range? Plus Death shroud has a handy teleport to enemy to counter the ones that spam at range. Its not a very reliable teleport but its nice when it works.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


You are, however, ignoring the problem of positioning and susceptibility to enemies.
For lifeblasts to hit that hard you need to be within the 600 range and since you have Deathly perception there’s no stability available.

Yes, Necros hit hard, I’ve never seen a single person who knows this profession well complain about damage, even before the Dhuumfire patch. But the class as a whole has too few survival tools, almost all of which are passive abilities for mitigation. This has always been request and complaint number 1 from Necro players.

Just ignore the dude, my guess is hotjoin + wvwvw player.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bawi.9541


I’m just dropping by to denunciate the inflationary (mis)use of the term toxic.

Ele / Guardian

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


Its not toxic at all. It fits great into the attrition theme. The only thing that really is limiting some builds and skills is the fact you cant get healed.

Just enable all self healing during deathsroud. We dont have absurd heals on our weaponsets. Our healing skills only start to heal much over time if we invest in healingpower. If we invest in healing power, we also invest into traits that benefit from it. And if we invest in those traits, and in that gear, we wanna be tanky. It wont make anybody instant op. It wont make anybody unkillable. By no means we cant get more tanky then a guardian that speccs for it. We are maybe stronger in 1v1 bunker fights. But no matter how we set up, we always will be a easy target for focus fire, or for bursts.

This change alone would fix about 50% of our entire attrition concept. Fixing some skills and rearrange traits to make sense are the other 50% needed.

Deathshroud is toxic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


i made the original post more clear why not allowing healing while in deathshroud is toxic.
hope that helps
also healing in deathshroud isn’t including the utilities so we can’t cast consume condition while in deathshroud