(edited by Gryph.8237)
Delete this post - tired of bias
well rampagers is suspect, but I’ve been running more offensive setups, 6/4/0/0/4, 6/6/2/0/0, and 4/6/0/0/4 and doing well. I really think the added pressure from chill of death and dhummfire is super valuable. With so much condition clear, I find it essential to bring even more burst.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Its always MM. I haven’t been having many issues (besides AI) recently, but I don’t really play ranked or play the game “seriously” so its hardly a good measurement.
Been running a few weird builds lately, and I seem to have settled on: 6/0/5/0/3. Reaper’s Protection, Last Gasp are the reason for 5 and 3, as well as the minor for converting defense into Power. The build is very tanky, and allows me to go toe to toe with Warriors and Guardians. I can remove them from points, and hold points myself. The crit is somewhat low at 35%, but brings 176% Ferocity, 2k Power and 28k HP.
It’s interesting to see how people respond to it, especially after they’ve exhausted their usual rotation for dealing with Necros. By the time they realize their damage didn’t do a whole lot, they realize my damage isn’t something to shrug at either. It works out pretty well for winning games in Conquest.
Been running a few weird builds lately, and I seem to have settled on: 6/0/5/0/3. Reaper’s Protection, Last Gasp are the reason for 5 and 3, as well as the minor for converting defense into Power. The build is very tanky, and allows me to go toe to toe with Warriors and Guardians. I can remove them from points, and hold points myself. The crit is somewhat low at 35%, but brings 176% Ferocity, 2k Power and 28k HP.
It’s interesting to see how people respond to it, especially after they’ve exhausted their usual rotation for dealing with Necros. By the time they realize their damage didn’t do a whole lot, they realize my damage isn’t something to shrug at either. It works out pretty well for winning games in Conquest.
That’s my experience for running a Zerker amulet Unholy Sanctuary/Spectral build. When a number of classes go through their “kill Necro” rotation and I’m still standing with plenty of health, they don’t know what to do.
The reason you’re seeing less necros has nothing to do with the class being weak but because the builds that are currently being played are inherently stronger against what the necromancer brings to the table than most other classes/builds.
Frankly, the only reason why the thief is even played is because it has one or two available options which can hard-counter what’s currently being played. I’d distinctly argue that the necromancer is a stronger class in sPvP as a whole, but currently it just has no place since bunker builds coincidentally pack tons of CC and largely run healing, quick might stacking, and condition cleansing due to how devastating conditions are if left applied; which just weakens the necro on the basis it uses conditions to extend fights and whittle down foes.
In WvW, necromancers are a top-tier class and are always desired. More and more of the top guilds are requesting even more necromancers than anything now due to their hidden potency and ability to totally change a fight on its head.
Necromancers are in a weird place more than anything. They have a whole pile of “needs” to become played more in sPvP and PvE, but they conflict a lot, and if both satisfied, would just make the class wildly overpowered; a highly-mobile/stable ranged DPS/nuke with ridiculous control condition access and the highest effective defenses/health pool in the game would just be very, very silly.
I think a reasonable place to start is giving necromancers some starting life force in sPvP at the beginning of a match. Not being able to win or really even trade those big early encounters is what I believe is its biggest hurdle into the future, not so much always what’s being played.
Deleted – re-experienced the truth of this game. 5 classes +1 = meta.
Necro will never be top in meta due to defensive and mobility issues. never. it can do nothing against an organized team. no necros in EU tournament, one maybe, in the NA tournament, and I can’t see him continuing to play necro in the current state. This is utter bias.
Guard, Warrior, Ele, Engie, Thief = top 5 classes. Why? because each has multi condi clears, multi blocks/invuln, or insane evasion, and ways to completely mitigate focus fire or get out. If anet wants to be blind to why these classes continue to be meta, then by all means, let them be blind.
Can’t even point these issues out because anet ignores you or you get chewed to crap by fanbois touting because they see a lot of necros in pvp that they are meta. Did anyone else watch that eu tournament? how many necros> FREAKING NONE. WHy?
Why would Nos stop playing Necro ? It’s not because you have big L2P issues that he does aswel Kappa