Deleted my Wraith Mask, can I get another one?

Deleted my Wraith Mask, can I get another one?

in Necromancer

Posted by: yazukiwolf.5013


A little off topic perhaps, but I recently reached level 80 and want to transmute my armor with the old Wraith Mask you get at character creation. Thing is I accidentally deleted it at some point and if you make another necro it`s soulbound to you and you can`t transfer it to another character.

Seriously considering starting over and playing through all 80 levels again just to have this back. But as I`d also like to try some other classes I`m hoping there`s an easier way.

Deleted my Wraith Mask, can I get another one?

in Necromancer

Posted by: yazukiwolf.5013


oh and if you happen to know another mask that makes your eyes glow that would be just as good.

Deleted my Wraith Mask, can I get another one?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Achilevel.1807


I know that there IS a way to do it, but I can’t recall the exact steps and can’t guarantee that it isn’t a bug.

It involved transmuting the mask onto a low level basic head item, and the item becoming account-bound instead of character-bound. I wouldn’t try it unless you can find the full list of steps, though.

Edit: Here is a post about the thief starter hood that seems to work:

(edited by Achilevel.1807)