Do we still suck?
From what I’ve seen:
Vamp – Still underwhelming, but it’s a weirdly fine line
Minion – Great in sPvP at least, not sure about WvW success (probably lackluster for larger-scale fights)
Power – Seems to do well everywhere (not necessarily the weapons you mention)
Condi – The only place I think Condi is lackluster is when you’re trying to fight a single Champion/boss with the rest of the blob. Otherwise, seems to do really well everywhere (perma-condi stripping in WvW is an exaggeration, unless all you do is attack well supported/coordinated groups/guilds).
Anything else – What else is there? How many builds do you want to be truly viable in an MMO? How many do you expect, exactly? But on that note, someone posted a really good explanation of how their Apothecary well-support Necro was a huge boon in Fractals. So, there you go.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Thanks for the reply. Good news, seeing as I’m a power necro I have 3 further question for you:
What do you mean by Vamp is a “weirdly fine line” ?
I can see from your sig you’ve got a warrior as well, have there been any major changes to them?
Finally, has something actually changed in condi-stripping in WvW? Because when I was playing, near-instant stripping was not even slightly an exaggeration. You’d get like 2 seconds of ticks and then they’d strip.
EDIT: *4 further questions, what do you mean by axe and daggers are no longer the necessary power weapons? what else is there?
Thanks again
Vampiric builds aren’t that … that.. They’re “somehow” viable, but just as support tanks, their dps is terrible.
Warriors atm are the facerollest class ever on this game, whoever with no experience can play whatever build, with watever weapon, with watever utilities in whatever game mod and carry games like no one.
(edited by Luke.4562)
Yeah actually I’ve finally finished rereading all the patch notes. There was a brief period where it looked like we might finally be getting some positive attention but then the Winter’s Day patch…I’m just utterly amazed. Buffing mesmer and nerfing necro? Now? After the game has been out for like a year and a half? I’m honestly finding it difficult to understand how the devs are still openly playing favourites and repeating the “kitten kitten YOU’RE AN ATTRITION CLASS” nonsense.
The concept of balancing health siphon in a game where health swings as much as Guild Wars 2 is a tightrope walk, in my opinion. Combined with Life Force regeneration capabilities being quite high with the right weapons, enough health siphon could make a Necro nigh unkillable.
And the rub is in how the Necro would be unkillable. Other classes can tank multiple people because they have limited-duration invulnerabilities/blocks/what-have-you. Those are as effective against 10 people as they are against 1 person, really, and that’s what makes them scale nicely and give classes like Guardian good bunkerability/survivability. Other mechanics help of course, but I think that’s one of the keys. As an individual, you can deal with Block by not blowing your spikes on it.
Necros have no blocks. Or invulnerabilities. Or Vigor. So where does the survivability come from for a Vamp build? LF regen and health siphoning. But what scale would this be balanced against? If a Necro can “hover” in the midst of 10 people, what does that mean when fighting 2 people, or just 1 person? Are they basically invulnerable juggernauts? And if you only have enough survivability to “hover” with 2 people, you still have no real survivability in the midst of 10. Would people be happy? Would it be a “viable” bunker?
I see it as a very complex problem with all kinds of variables, which is all I meant. With my Powermancer, I already find my LF regen is pretty darn strong, and adding more siphon to that could be a little nuts.
Warriors have found builds with weapons that used to be laughed at. “Hambow” is the new weapon combination hotness, both of which are weapons that the more creative folks tried so hard to prove were viable with builds/etc., to the constant dismissal of the Warrior community. Healing Signet is in an unfortunately strong passive state, and it’s frequently labeled as imbalanced, regardless of the fact that strong bursts/poison/large-scale fights make it feel very lackluster. I could care less about Warriors with Healing Signet as a Powermancer, to be honest, but people like to play highly survivable builds in WvW, and having lower damage in a long-term fight is where Healing Signet shines.
I don’t think anything has changed with Condi stripping in WvW, but I ran Condi for a while, and as a Roamer I didn’t really notice condis being stripped in 2 ticks. I want to say it’s possible that you simply remember the times where your condis kept falling off like water on down, and not all the times where your condis melted people. That’s a complete guess, but if you go against a coordinated group with support-minded enemies in the mix, it’s going to be a rougher time. I don’t think that’s going to change with AoE caps, unfortunately. You’ll just have to find edges to hit people with snares/chills then bomb them with condis outside the blob, as I think condi cleanses have a fairly low AoE.
And regarding Power, I run Dagger+Focus/Staff. Double-dagger is an option, Axe+Focus is an option, Axe+Warhorn is an option, Dagger+Warhorn is an option. Heck, I can even see Scepter+Dagger working for Power, to be honest. What I wanted to debunk was the fact that people lean towards axe for Axe Training and Axe 2 for good channeled damage. However, much of your damage is either going to come from locking someone in place (Dagger 3 is amazing) and dropping wells, or spamming DS 1. Focus 4 is incredible for damage if you catch someone solo and especially if you lock them down with Dagger 3, and Focus 5 is great for long range, short cooldown chill + boon removal. The Staff is an incredible utility option that I love as a Powermancer, even if it isn’t direct damage. I switch to it to transfer condis, get breathing room/interrupt with fear, drop Chill for some kiting, MoB for regen, and I even sometimes start fights by spamming Staff 1 to get some LF.
That’s my long-winded response. I haven’t looked back to my Warrior after really getting into the Necro and finding the nuance, so even if the class could use some QoL fixes for sure, I love where it sits.
EDIT – I also generally don’t follow developer direction hype. The word “attrition” is going to mean different things to different people. Personally I just think it’s a fancy word for “bunker”, and as mentioned in the siphon ramble above, scaling Necro bunker mechanics for variations on # of people is going to make it feel like a very specialized bunker, and not like a Guardian bunker. You can go Dire gear with Condis to basically whittle someone down while having survivability, but people call that condi burst for the most part, so I don’t even know what most people mean anymore by attrition. Better to work with what the game is than what people want to change it to be.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)
What do you mean by Vamp is a “weirdly fine line” ?
I don’t know what does he mean, but maybe that the vamp build had been argueably revamped (pun intended). Some changes were done to some traits and skills, meaning that now the health siphoning is… different.
I don’t believe that right now that build is viable, but at least is being changed… in some direction.
Finally, has something actually changed in condi-stripping in WvW?
As Cogbyrn said, no one does perma-condi-strip. On WvW can happen if a large group get organized enough to alternate their skills to that effect.
further questions, what do you mean by axe and daggers are no longer the necessary power weapons? what else is there?
Axe and daggers are the power weapons. But axe/double dagger isn’t. The most used combinations are axe or dagger MH, and focus or warhorn OH, sometimes with Staff as second-weapon-set. Power build with D/D doesn’t synergize well, and is used only by some rebels… like me.
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)
Thanks for the long reply, really interesting and informative read.
Hahah I also enjoy seeing that we run the same weapons! I remember being told that it was only either axe/focus or dagger/warhorn but I found dagger/focus to be really fun. Especially discovering I could be a viable solo threat in WvW once I’d mastered the Dagger 3 → Focus 4 → Spam Dagger 1 strategy
Minion and Power are pretty good in PvP. Necro sucks in PvE though.
In large scale WvW pugs, I notice that minions don’t die very often if you know where to position yourself. MM are best positioned at the side or somewhere not near groups of players because that is where the AoE will be. Players rarely focuses on minions.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Conditionmancer is very viable on WvW smalls call and even in zergs. If you find the opponent Commander and corrupt his Stability he will have a hard time! Not to mention the pressure you can put on eles!
Necromancers are okay in every game mode. We’re pretty strong in WvW, both small and large, and we’re pretty strong in PvP. Most of our builds are at the least okay; not the best, but good enough that you aren’t going to bring down performance by too much if you’re playing well.
That said, realize that we’re not always top tier. We’re more like the second string player who is still really good and won’t make the team lose the game, but isn’t quite as good as the starter.
We are not bad as many here says so. However, every once in a while prepare for a random guy to enter your group through LFG, spam a variant of “omg kitten necro such noob” and leave, possibly discouraging the people you had gathered so far. My ignore list counts 6 of these encounterments at the moment
Necro’s can be extremely effective in large scale WvW… particularly well-o-mancers. Plague form is also great for zerg busting.
I had some awesome fights yesterday pumping out wells and chain blinding the enemy while we crushed them. CRUSHING DEFEATS.
We still have many problems and bugs, but at least we aren’t Rangers.
Would love a leap ability for Xmas…
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Wont mention about WvWvW since i think its worthless to talk balance there since a)zergs b)siege c)i dont play it enough to comment correctly
Zerker – general ok, not very good for fractals, okish in pvp
Soldier/knights/valkyre – general ok, first being better for fractals and bosses, second for open pve and swarms of mobs, third okisher for pvp
Vamp – Anything past being complimentary to builds above/not the main focus but a bit of dps while picking up well cd, not worth it
Rabid – kinda turned worthless in pve, still kinda broken in pvp
Dire – new rabid/default intro gear for pve
Carrion vampire – scav runes, leeching swap sigils and a (3)20/(3)20/0/20/0 build (optionals where 30) is kinda new meta for fractals and for wurm/tequatl event, but doesnt work in pvp
Rampager – look at rabid, but worse
2 op setups, 2 ok setups, 5/6 bad setups still, 1/2 situational setups.
Thanks for all the replies everyone, I feel like i know where we stand again now.
No active defenses, no stability, no invis, no vigor, horrible weapons except for staff, tons of stupid traits and abilities, weak power damage, whole defense depends on an alternate life pool which is slow to fill unless you spend traits and utilities on it, locks you out of your normal skills, prevents you from healing your normal health pool, and by the virtue of being a health pool it performs no better than an invul at absorbing damage in 1v1 but far worse in Xv1 and versus bosses who hit for 10k+ just by looking at you.
@Andele: You didn’t mention Cavalier for Power, which is arguably the far-and-away best choice to mix in with Zerker for PvP.
@ManCaptain: You probably shouldn’t play Necro anymore, because it sounds like it isn’t the class for you.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)
for me , in pve there is no fundamental changes that make me touch my necro again . 1500+ hours player 12chars 10 lvl80. after experienced the peak of most builds/armor and content , i can strongly feel the “limp” of necro showing dominance as other classes can accomplish standing alone against a tough situation ( im not saying necro cant excel in situations ofc).
I like(d) living content but the game will keep me with new content that is based on gameplay.
As far as high tier content ,in guild wars 1 my necro felt like a terrifying necromancer. in guild wars 2 i feel like an undead(priest at best). and if you die , you’ll be the last to be mourned.
Im waiting for it.
@Andele: You didn’t mention Cavalier for Power, which is arguably the far-and-away best choice to mix in with Zerker for PvP.
@ManCaptain: You probably shouldn’t play Necro anymore, because it sounds like it isn’t the class for you.
Isnt Cavalier toughness main? having both power and crit as secondary aint so useful in pve at least… Sorry if i missed it also being power main my stats knowledge is sheer pve and since they said that they equalized pvp trinkets i didnt and dont bother with it much.
It isn’t Power main, and I specified PvP. Toughness is generally nice to have, and crit damage is valued much, much more highly than crit considering Deathly Perception.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
It isn’t Power main, and I specified PvP. Toughness is generally nice to have, and crit damage is valued much, much more highly than crit considering Deathly Perception.
Buuuut… without power our crits do very little, they have a good high base level scaling, but without additional power most of our skills are barely stronger than some utilities (while wells across 5 people do around the damage a typical weapon 2 skill would do…)
Also with how buggy DS is vitality from valkyre does more under a 1.6k point ratio than toughness…
Wont mention about WvWvW since i think its worthless to talk balance there since a)zergs b)siege c)i dont play it enough to comment correctly
Zerker – general ok, not very good for fractals, okish in pvp
Soldier/knights/valkyre – general ok, first being better for fractals and bosses, second for open pve and swarms of mobs, third okisher for pvp
Vamp – Anything past being complimentary to builds above/not the main focus but a bit of dps while picking up well cd, not worth itCondi:
Rabid – kinda turned worthless in pve, still kinda broken in pvp
Dire – new rabid/default intro gear for pve
Carrion vampire – scav runes, leeching swap sigils and a (3)20/(3)20/0/20/0 build (optionals where 30) is kinda new meta for fractals and for wurm/tequatl event, but doesnt work in pvp
Rampager – look at rabid, but worseTLDR
2 op setups, 2 ok setups, 5/6 bad setups still, 1/2 situational setups.
I got some questions for you:
Why is Soldier/knights/valkyrie better than zerkers in fractals?
Could you please elaborate on the “carrion vampire” and how it is getting popular?
Thank you
It isn’t Power main, and I specified PvP. Toughness is generally nice to have, and crit damage is valued much, much more highly than crit considering Deathly Perception.
Buuuut… without power our crits do very little, they have a good high base level scaling, but without additional power most of our skills are barely stronger than some utilities (while wells across 5 people do around the damage a typical weapon 2 skill would do…)
Also with how buggy DS is vitality from valkyre does more under a 1.6k point ratio than toughness…
Please don’t act like having Power as a secondary instead of a primary for some gear pieces is going to totally kitten your total power. I maybe lose out on 100 power overall, which is peanuts. You start only thinking about optimizing for DPS in PvP, and you’re going to end up face down.
I don’t know what bugs you’re talking about with DS, but considering the damage that goes out in WvW, there isn’t a whole lot of time to substantially regen LF through abilities in many cases. Vitality is much more useful for Necros than other classes as a general rule, but you’ll have to support this 1.6k point ratio statement. Or explain it in any way at all. I have no clue what you’re talking about with it either.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Necro in PvE is meh, but you can faceroll 99% of PvE content with any class…however Necro is in a great place in pvp!
MM necro is stupidly easy to play, but quite boring in my opinion. Try power necro with barbarian amulet in spvp, it is godlike while not being broken like warrior or engi. You can nuke points and even tank for quite awhile with ~50k total hp. And of course there are cond. builds like terrormancer or lifeforce-bunker that you can try as well.
I last played when Evon Gnashblade and The Other Candidate were competing for election. Since then there looks to have been some serious necro changes.
So my question is, do we still suck?
When I last played the general consensus was:
Vampiric Necromancer – unplayable
Minion Necromancer – unplayable
‘Power’ Necromancer (berzerker gear + axe/double dagger) – OK
Conditionmancer – Great for PVP, useless for WvW because everyone can just strip conditions instantly
Anything else – unplayable
Is this still the case?
As far as PvE goes:
vamp- unplayable, signet of vamp sucks.
minions- unplayable in CoE, passable in other dungeons.
power- meh
conditions- only works if there isn’t another condition class with you.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
Necro in PvE is meh, but you can faceroll 99% of PvE content with any class…however Necro is in a great place in pvp!
MM necro is stupidly easy to play, but quite boring in my opinion. Try power necro with barbarian amulet in spvp, it is godlike while not being broken like warrior or engi. You can nuke points and even tank for quite awhile with ~50k total hp. And of course there are cond. builds like terrormancer or lifeforce-bunker that you can try as well.
MM is sorta meh , even if “stupidly easy” as you say , pve they suck because they dont avoid aoe so boss cleave = lol dead minions , also theyve started showing the issue of un responsiveness like they had at launch. so MM not too great right now (and if they dont ever fix pet / minion survivability in pve , then NEVER will be great)
Necro in PvE is meh, but you can faceroll 99% of PvE content with any class…however Necro is in a great place in pvp!
MM necro is stupidly easy to play, but quite boring in my opinion. Try power necro with barbarian amulet in spvp, it is godlike while not being broken like warrior or engi. You can nuke points and even tank for quite awhile with ~50k total hp. And of course there are cond. builds like terrormancer or lifeforce-bunker that you can try as well.
MM is sorta meh , even if “stupidly easy” as you say , pve they suck because they dont avoid aoe so boss cleave = lol dead minions , also theyve started showing the issue of un responsiveness like they had at launch. so MM not too great right now (and if they dont ever fix pet / minion survivability in pve , then NEVER will be great)
Kekuso specified that he was refering to sPvP not PvE (I bolded it for you :P). MM is a faceroll cheese build in sPvP. AI carry for sure. Really strong in the 1v1, if you dont have enough AoE to bring down the minions you’re gonna have a bad time…
Right now even without aoe just focus down the minions and the mm necro is dead…. Or if you have cc that necro is dead as soon as he burns his wurm.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
“I last played when Evon Gnashblade and The Other Candidate were competing for election. "
My friend, with a grieving heart, I must inform you that right now the necro is even “suckier” than when you last played.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
I returned for a short time, played 5 games tPvP. Necro is fine, for the most part. Vampirism is still nonsensically bad. However, our condition output, and DPS output, is still very strong.
Warrior, Engineer, and in some cases Guardian, simply need minor nerfs to bring back into line.
I think your going from wrong direction. Well never have siphon,minion,power,condi = 4x types of necro great in 3 different parts of game (pve,pvp,wvw), each with diferent stages, level or size of play. And thats for any class.
What is ask you is more what part of game do you play?
@Cogbyrn. Dont joke, scpeter/focus is best for power in pvp atm axe just doesnt work sadly
(edited by Flumek.9043)
I think your going from wrong direction. Well never have siphon,minion,power,condi = 4x types of necro great in 3 different parts of game (pve,pvp,wvw), each with diferent stages, level or size of play. And thats for any class.
What is ask you is more what part of game do you play?
@Cogbyrn. Dont joke, scpeter/focus is best for power in pvp atmaxe just doesnt work sadly
That’s, not even remotely correct. Dagger+Focus is the best for straight DPS in PvP, always has been. Wellmancer, more specifically.
They both work, just depends on if you play on 2 or 3 points. It was mostly aimed against axe.
I do love how strongly people feel about their weapon combo of choice for Powermancers. I feel it demonstrates that people have found viability with multiple different playstyles, even if no one recognizes that fact and complains that only 2 builds are viable on Necromancer.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I got some questions for you:
Why is Soldier/knights/valkyrie better than zerkers in fractals?
Could you please elaborate on the “carrion vampire” and how it is getting popular?
Thank you
The higher you go in fractals the more the gear shifts from All zerker +3-5 survival traits/utilities to balance out survivability with dps output and get as many reflects/stability/cc as possible Soldier being kinda the best (difference is like 5% in total) because of how weakness works and with 30 in SR you got your crits pretty much covered (2 toughness main power prec version of knights rings are still nice to get crit into guaranteed if you got a ranger and warrior in the party), kinda same applies to knights with said appropriate stats, and valkyre is just a higher crit damage setup that you can carry around in open pve and still compete with zerkers.
- – these bad boys are pretty much the reason for that slight shift
Carrion vampire is a condi setup which allows higher than hybrid direct damage output trough using scavenging runes, leech swap sigils and our natural siphons to bring down high troughness enemies like clockheart, the husks in the great jungle wurm event and the higher level fractal mobs, it sadly got nerfed right after my initial post by making signet of vampirism unusable on tequatl, the phase 1 of wurm and stuff like the ice elemental in fractals, but is still the max general output setup. – swapping utilities/heal/traits pre what you need at the fight ofc, main things to remember for it is to pretty much weapon swap on cooldown.
Please don’t act like having Power as a secondary instead of a primary for some gear pieces is going to totally kitten your total power. I maybe lose out on 100 power overall, which is peanuts. You start only thinking about optimizing for DPS in PvP, and you’re going to end up face down.
I don’t know what bugs you’re talking about with DS, but considering the damage that goes out in WvW, there isn’t a whole lot of time to substantially regen LF through abilities in many cases. Vitality is much more useful for Necros than other classes as a general rule, but you’ll have to support this 1.6k point ratio statement. Or explain it in any way at all. I have no clue what you’re talking about with it either.
Actually the difference is between 250 (exotic) 350 (ascended) at bare armor weapons trinkets to 390 (exotic) 500 (ascended) with all the typical boosts, true that it aint much but it becomes notable on time intensive fights
As for vitality, in DS you have whats pretty much a 50% additional damage reduction as long as that damage wouldnt overflow into real hp if you got no bonus toughness, that multiplier gets smaller the more toughness you have (instead of fixing the old bug that glass cannon builds got additional protection, they increased how high you need to go with armor for it to be lost on the “bugfix” patch during halloween). Thus vitality gets to be a overall better defensive stat as soon as you get to the 1.6~K stat point of the 2 (them being in around equal value/having a negligible difference to then).
Also: Attrition
A wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment.I can’t find the topic, but ArenaNet was kind enough to post their Design Philosophies in regards to classes about a year ago on the forums. They gave a very accurate description on how they felt the class was meant to be played (it was correct); it was mostly ignored and lead to more QQ post by Necromancers. This game has a lot more depth than people give credit, and Necromancer’s are in a fairly solid/balanced place at the moment.
Except, it isn’t. The reason it was ignored is because most people recognized that necromancers are actually pretty bad at playing for attrition. Necromancers are, in fact, extremely good at dealing burst damage, however.
ANet failed in creating an attrition class (guardians, in fact, do attrition extremely well. A lot better than necromancers. Thief condi P/D build is one of the best attrition builds/classes in the game. So good that it easily beats any attrition necromancers may have to offer.), but instead made a pretty good burst DPS class. This goes for both power and condi builds. The only reason condi builds are even capable of pulling their own weight in PvP is because of bursting an opponent with conditions.
Allow me to resurrect something dead that I made ages ago in the fashion of a Necromancer, because apparently, it still applies.
In order to make a heavy-sustain hero, or class, you need a way to negate mitigation, while bolstering your own, and providing steady, decent damage. Necromancer will lose almost any fights it tries to use a sustaining strategy with.
Instead, Necro was, and still is, one of the strongest bursting classes available. Whereas Guardian, Engineer, Mesmer, Ranger, and some Warrior builds, are better for sustaining.
The closest I ever got to a sustain build, was my Vampiric Condition build (I forget what I called it, it was part of my Metas post).
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
Also to a few post up, I didn’t mean to say axe+focus & dagger+warhorn is the only viable option weapon setup. =-)
Ah, thanks, I was already disagreeing :P
I am running currently a possibly ’’unconventional’’ power build, with Scepter/Focus and Staff as weapons. I made a mix between power and conditions (with rune of the Necromancer). No one seems to try a damage/power build with a scepter, but I actually like it and I feel its viable in sPvP or tPvP. The staff gives u extra control and AoE. I also added vitality for a little better balance. I could give my exactly armor/skill setup later, but this build can be tried out and imo it’s pretty decent and fun to play.
The higher you go in fractals the more the gear shifts from All zerker +3-5 survival traits/utilities to balance out survivability with dps output and get as many reflects/stability/cc as possible Soldier being kinda the best (difference is like 5% in total) because of how weakness works and with 30 in SR you got your crits pretty much covered (2 toughness main power prec version of knights rings are still nice to get crit into guaranteed if you got a ranger and warrior in the party), kinda same applies to knights with said appropriate stats, and valkyre is just a higher crit damage setup that you can carry around in open pve and still compete with zerkers.
- – these bad boys are pretty much the reason for that slight shift
Please dont make stuff up. The higher you go in fractals the less impact defensive gear has. In higher fractals it will be cc and active defense which will keep you alive. Not vit and toughness.
The only mistlock instabilities that would semi force you to change gear are 43 and 44. But going defensive on these instabilities was even harder. It was better to burst with big hits then wait for the instability effects to die down. Condition damage was a pretty good way to spec for these instabilities but it wasnt needed.
I’ll be honest. I’ve leveled a necro to 80, played him condi and zerker, pve only, and they are worthless as condi and ok as zerker. However other classes bring more support into the group than the necro, true that. He just doesn’t feel unique. He’s missing something.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
In wvw necromancer is one of the most important classes to have on your team. A couple of coordinated necro’s can melt zergs pretty easy.