Does anyone actually Like Necro???

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I have been reading the forums, for some advice on How to level up… and while I do find some interesting information… 4/5ths of the responders are basically QQ ing about how weak the necromancer is compared to other professions. " Three times as hard to underwhelm." I see a lot.

The reason I ask is, I am enjoying the necromancer for PvE, but, … Is there anyone playing this profession that feels it is alright for WvWvW, and every other QQ’er just sucks? or does the profession actually suck?

I ask because if i get even One responce from someone that says that for WvWvW they have had a good experience with it, i can consign every QQ ’ er to the suck pile, and keep playing the profession.

Honestly, is the profession as horrid as some say? or are they just bad at necro?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: trigger genious.6583

trigger genious.6583

yes I love it. We’re not as bad as ppl make us out to be, but we need some bug fixes and slight buff here or there. people are still complaining about us like we’re still in the state we were in at the beginning of the game.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terok.7315


It’s not really a black and white issue. Necromancers do well in some areas and are lacking in others.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: trigger genious.6583

trigger genious.6583

btw I only play spvp so I can’t comment on wvw but we do pretty kitten good.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


i still play necro and i love it.
lately i started to play him in wvw and even a little bit sPvP again and have lots of fun. and i dont feel that weak either

what really bugs me are the kinda useless/boring/weak minor traits, the kittened up fear(-update) and the lack of a viable support-build with heal (thanks to horrible transfusion/deathly invigoration/vampire-stuff).
oh, and the “this necro is not necro, QQ, rename it plx and redo it completely”-kittentards here in the forum; hell, i hate that…

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Advent.6193


I may main Mesmer, but -yes- I do like Necro … of course, I like ‘Spellcasters,’ period. There’s a reason why my 3 highest level alts [80/80/51] are respectively: Mesmer/Elementalist/Necromancer.

I do agree on RashanDale’s issues, however. I’d frigging LOVE to go full out vampire-mode, but it does seem that lifesteal/healing power scale for crapola. As for the ‘Necro is not Necro’ bit – look between fantasy literature and older RPGs – not every Necromancer is a minion guy … although GW Necrominions could indeed use an AI tweak.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cathach.5807


I have all 8 classes (Not all on 80, but they are there), but currently i can’t get myself to play anything besides my necro. And at the moment i play mostly WvW. Yes there are some bugs and issues with the class, but that’s the same for every class. For me it’s just fun, and that’s what it’s all about. There are so many ways you can surprise your enemy with your necro in WvW, and the survivability is insane, so even in WvW my repair bill is very low. And she is an Asura, so you have to love the little genius no matter which class she is.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


I do love my Necro, and as I approach level 80 (78 currently) I know I am going to have to switch out of my Minion Master spec to explore other parts of the game, and it saddens me but I will enjoy adjusting to a different play style and seeing how I can push this class.

I’ve never been in a dungeon and only dabbled in WvW a bit to see what it was like, but I do know that minions do not fare well in those generally.

But for farming pve content I know that MM is the best way to go for me and my style of playing. I love it and I think I can stack quite a bit MF and not lose much of my kitten stomping power. I look forward to it.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Moaning Marv.2194

Moaning Marv.2194

I have an 80 thief/mesmer/necro. I hate playing the anything but the necro because i hate playing the OP class, i’d rather play the assumed weak class in the game and own people to make them rethink everything (was a magus in warhammer, same thing). Do yourself a favor and check out either the juggermancer or feral shadowmancer builds done by Sheobix in these forums, once you have acquired all of the gear the builds work wonders! I’m able to take on most classes even 2v1 and come out on top (mesmers are the 1 class that still give me trouble). I’ve also never had a problem getting a group or doing dungeons as a necro, i just switch around a few of the traits and utilities for wells and well grnd target and i’m good to go!

Moaning (thief) Marvolo (mes) Mordaunt (necro)
Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


I started a necro last week, up to level 44 now. I like it ok so far. The weapon options are a bit limiting and the shadow form mechanic is a bit lackluster But it is strong in PvE. Much more forgiving than d/d ele and you can clear mobs about as fast.

Maid Of The Coast

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: ThePurpleGhost.5216


I love my Necro. Played one in GW1 and though it has changed and developed into something else I still enjoy playing it. DS is a great mechanic to switch in and out of and it feels good to do it. In WvW we are beasts being able to take more than one person on at a time easily.

All we need is minions to hit things better and we are all set!

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: RoninDB.9540


I play my necro in WvW.. and yea, I die a lot. I think quite a bit of that is from lack of skill (I’m just not that fast on a keyboard, and I’m an okay player at best), and some may have to do with being a Necro. But… I love me some staff marks! I can hit marks on walls, they are effective on the underside of bridges, they are great at a choke point, and fun laying them over a body someone is trying to rez!! Also, the other day, a thief was after me.. I stood there, and laid down a bunch of staff marks on top of each other, with me in the middle, include well of darkness – boom, blind, weakened, feared, poisoned, and chilled – circle of death. He went down to about 20% health I eventually died.. but it was kitten amounts of fun!

Zero Negative [ZN]
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Usually don’t even come to main forums since all the complaining makes me sad but posts like this are nice. Yes I enjoy my necro, and to give you an idea of how much. Building 3rd legendary on him and wolf rank in spvp with 98% matches played as necro =)

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: BobJoeXXI.2493


I have a level 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, and 13 Warrior. I like my Warrior the most.

Apicharr Science [ASci] – Maguuma
80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yviz.1053


So far, yes.

I like that there’s seven of us (my toon + 6 minions) just killing everything in PvE. I am still leveling though L32 so far so don’t know if this will change in the higher levels.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aziff.3248


I think i like my necro


+1600 hours played as Asura Necromancer | Miniature Collector
Pain Killer [pK] | Blacktide EU | PVE: Corruptionmancer | PVP: Support Wellmancer

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ellimist.2619


I have played since BW1 and I must say that my first character was a necromancer, the thing is though, once I picked necromancer I felt like…that was my class. There are some awful things about a necromancer as far a bugs and whatnot go but at the end of the day to me, GW2 is being a necromancer.

I have tried all the other classes in both pve and pvp but none other feel proper to me, none other has a play style I enjoy. I mostly pvp but when I try that HB Warrior, or BS thief, or shatter Mesmer I think to myself. Is it powerful? yes. Is it fun? To a point. But at the end of the day I don’t get the same sort of satisfaction as I get with a well or conditionmancer build. So I will continue playing a necro, sometimes certain bugs really get to me, sometimes I wish things were different (DS Interface), but when everything is said and done, I always log onto my necro first.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Garo.5304


I played one an thoroughly enjoyed it in GW1, so that forwarded my decision later to do one in GW2. Talk about night and day though. It doesn’t help that a lot of abilities were “suddenly” changed without further reconsideration.

The balance in this game is supposedly suppose to make it so each class does every job the same(Dmg/Heal/Sup). Problem is far from that truth. Some classes, like necro, are stuck into a role and even that role is done poorly, sans the bugs. This is mostly the whole opinion of necro complaints. I’ll shut up when I hit greatsword warrior numbers in deathshroud

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darksome.5647


Love my Necro. I know we could be better here and there, but some things comes with time.
Played as necro and warrior in GW1, here I have a necro and a warrior 80. My Warrior is realy Stronger then my Necro, even my necro having better gear, but necro is SO MUCH FUN.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


It’s a great class. The class isn’t bad, the forums are. Visit any class forums (not warrior) and there’s a ton of QQ.


Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Just as Brick said, according to just about every class forum, each Class in this game is the redheaded-step-child-who-devs-are-actively-waging-a-quite-war-against. Seriously, if I were to believe everything I read on this forum I’d think the Devs all actively hated this game they’ve toiled upon or something.

The best advice I can give anybody in this game is if you enjoy the class, go ahead and enjoy/master it. Personally I love my necro now that I’m playing the game again.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


I like Necros, but this class in GW2 isn’t a Necro.
GW2 hasn’t still been released for Necromancer Fans, we are actually beta testers playing witch scraps of a broken class.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecht.4102


Yes, I love my necro. I have a necro, guardian and an engi at 80, and yet the only one I play is the necro.

There is a lot of whining and QQ regarding our lovely class on the forums. Some of it is warranted (minion AI, condition issues, inanimate objects, bloody reanimator! etc.) and some is not. Personally, I enjoy necro immensely in both PvE and WvW aspects of the game and do not plan on switching any time soon.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Condition necros really dont complain much really no reason to.

Minions master necros complain as they should.

Power necros complain time to time but its not terrible.

I think for WvW Necro is solid, you can kill mobs to always have 100% lifeforce between fights.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Orncaex.1347


So First off I am not going to complain about the necromancer. i play it, I love it, and i know i probly suck at it. I know i am doing it wrong but thats a combination of horrible gods forsaken luck be it a stray shot slaping a champion in the face or getting nothing but whites and blues for twenty levels. thats ok though….

i soloed that champion with staff skills and running around like a chicken that was on fire. He died… it wasnt pretty or something to be proud of since anyone else that jumped in to help just instantly died… but i got it done. Im glad he didnt have any special attacks or range attacks. ANYWAY off topic!

PvE wise i find that Septers+Focus or Dagger+Dagger with staff back up will get you though 80% of what will try to eat you in the game. Daggers make you stupidly hard to kill with as much life regeneration you can have. I have never played a mage tank before this game. GW2 has had a first with me! Ontop of that there is just something terrifying about a mage charging up to stab you in the face with a couple of chainsaw looking daggers snickers and i mentioned the Scepters because well… Bleed damage much? I can easily hold about 9-12 stacks of bleed on something but by the time i get that its usualy dead. very simple very single target. veeery dead. both the daggers and the scepters can take on MOST veterans but not all and that is with one or two buddies… If you throw staffs in there its maybe possible to take on more but i have ZERO faith in the staff aoe effects to stop a very determined group of hungry hungry monsters. It does a good job but i have found myself boned on more than one occasion (i hate destroyers). as a note though daggers kill faster than scepters but puts you in the kill zone for very dangerous monsters… You might be a mage tank but remember there is still only a sheet of cloth between your squishy bleedy parts and that giant’s foot…. staff as an alt wepon will save you much fustration.

Also to point out something about WHY you asked that question… This necromancer isnt what I personaly would call a traditional necromancer… id rather call it a Cultist. Sure we use dark arts and all sorts of nasty themed spells but Necromancer is something that is supose to be pure and uncensored evil/army of darkness and end of the world stuff. I can only think of two games that did it correctly out of the countless that I played and honestly I have to say that sort of necromancer doesnt work as a player character… much better as a villian and funny thing is… only one of the two perfect necromancers im referring to were realy playable. The necromancer we get has almost unuseable minions (the best ones for pve are the ones you throw at the mobs like gernades and its debateable how useful that is in the long run) I can see that charging one be helpful when you need to stun something from using a super move but most the things i fight regarch faster than that interupt and there are better ways to open up combat. Again im not a pro but the entire minion system is counter productive and sooo utterly weak. Their reason for doing it is understandable… a gang of minion master necros could possibly cause lag death in PVP events if they had more or better minions but meh… I like the death dealing abilitys that the necro gets aside from the FAIL minions. Dont play the necromancer to throw around an army… play it with the intent of shoving your arm down that nameless dude’s throat and ripping out his soul along with his other vital juices. The necromancer can atleast do that well

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: oneinfinity.9406


I love my necro. Yes, I know we have a lot of issues, but even with these issues, I still managed to melt faces with my condition build in PVE and did fairly well in WVW with my power build, even in 1on1s against mesmers, guardians and thieves, and even when there were multiple enemies attacking me, I still at least managed to escape quite easily. I think the problem with the class are not only the obvious bugs and some rather weak traits and utilities is that the playstyle is not as appealing to many people as the playstyle of other classes. Even without all the issues plaguing the necro, we would still take ages to kill stuff, simply because we are designed to outlast our enemies and slowly deal damage over time. Most people seem to want to kill their enemies as fast as possible and with as little resistance as possible though, which makes them more likely to play other classes.

For me personally, I would have still rolled a necro even if the class was completely unplayable (which some people on this forum would probably argue it is…). I always wanted to play a necro in GW1 but somehow never got around to really doing so, so the decision to roll one in GW2 wasn’t that hard. I just love the flavor of the class, being a dark magician, corrupting everything around you, it’s just awesome! On a sidenote, I don’t even care that much if they fix minions or not personally. I used a minion build for a while and found it relatively boring, since you pretty much just sit back and let your pets do everything.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jongi.7612


Most the the issues are with spvp / tpvp, its fine in pve and wvwvw is all about how big your group is, it has nothing to do with the class to be honest. The bigger the zerg you have the more likely you wont die and youll either defend or take what you want.

In spvp though reanimator is bugged and allows people to rally from killing it (which it helps them do that by basically kill themselves and by time it is summoned its at 50% health), conditions are constantly being removed and a guardian with a mace can probably outheal the bleeds or just help with reducing the damage the bleeds do, fears last for about 1-2 sec given that the cd on the staff #5 is quite long.

For wvw though you just lay down your well marks epidemic and not go anywhere near the enemy.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: oneinfinity.9406


I see your point there, but how is a 1on1 situation in WVW any different from one in sPVP/tPVP? It’s true that class doesn’t really matter in a zerg, but in small groups and 1v1, class still matters very much.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


People who complain must always be perceived as a vocal-minority because it’s not typical of content or happy people to constantly voice their opinions or comments on how satisfied they are.

I’ve met a necro the other day, and he was perfectly happy.

I’ve tried the necro and I personally only have a problem with one thing – The lack of a good fear-CC utility skill.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amityel.5324


Necro is best class for me in the game right now…..having fun with it in pve and pvp also…..power necros need love tho.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jongi.7612


I see your point there, but how is a 1on1 situation in WVW any different from one in sPVP/tPVP? It’s true that class doesn’t really matter in a zerg, but in small groups and 1v1, class still matters very much.

This isnt a 1v1 game though. 1v1 almost every other class is going to win just because the necro prof is highly team based, thats why you never see necro roamers in spvp and they are always with a their group team fighting because thats where they do the best. 1v1 a theif warrior mesmer guardian or ranger is just going to shred you to peices, i do it on my guardian all the time when i see necros roaming.

There are hardly any top end teams with necromancers on their team because most all the other classes do much better, you can do much better aoe with a longbow warrior with the f1 ability and the #3 ability, guardians have so many blinds and helpful tools along with damage pretty good damage in team fights along with group wide block burn and health regen. Thieves are good roamers and can kill people pretty quickly mesmers can moa someone and they are rendered useless.

The main reason why necros cant really 1v1 is condition removal and no choice for power builds. You cant remove wells with condition removal and once the removal is down your conditions mixed with other peoples burst is what brings people down, and the way we can spread the conditions is highly team fight orientated.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vilar.2680


First of all, you will see people badmouthing evry class, including mesmers, wich are as op as it is possible to be without devine interference.

Second, necros are fine, the main reason of critics is becouse a) necros don’t have major burst skills like 100B or backstab, people love those big numbers. b) necros are associeted with minions, and our minions really do suck becouse they lack intelgience.

like they guy above said another problem is that we are kinda bad in 1v1.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vilar.2680


just another thing i forgot to mension: if your focus is pve, any class and any build will do just fine.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I am glad to see so many Positive posts, it encourages me to hear that there is goodness if i stick with it. I have gotten My necro to 42… I went with some Mostly Precision + condition damage builds.. Bleeeding extensions..etc…

I have to say, all i know so far is PvE… But for me… Necromancer is what Gw2 is. I love My conditions build.. I just feel uber when i pile on a ton of bleeds.

I love the survivability of the staff… but i am Not In love with scepter/dagger… It’s just awesome to pile on the scepter snare, bleed skill, and enfeebling Blood!

Anyway, thank you so Much for all the positive replies. It gives me hope that this profession is worth the time invested :-) it is now My main.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I love the class. I think people tend to exaggerate how bad the class is because a major aspect of it — minions — just doesn’t work right now. But there are a few other viable builds, and they’re really good in PvE, structured PvP, and world vs. world.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Free Beer and hot wings.7120

Free Beer and hot wings.7120

I enjoy the class, and I truly believe it has as much potential as any. I’ve a few complaints about certain aspects, but I’ll give it time to see what Anet does first. The first year of an MMO is always the rockiest, the fixes will come as class data is analyzed.

Accept the fact that, balance is always and forever an issue; it’s absolutely impossible to please everyone. To this boards credit there’s plenty of constructive discussion, but unfortunately the kitteny threads draw attention. For those serious about the necromancer, let’s strive for the most constructive board on the forums, and it’s guaranteed Anet will pay more attention to our concerns. No one likes sorting through the QQing kitten’s spam anyway.

tl;dr kittens, it's time to stop posting.

Permabanish – Necro
Fiona Faceroll – Warrior
JQ’s town drunk

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: dom.2748


One of my favorite classes for sPvP…so yeah, someone does.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: dom.2748


I enjoy the class, and I truly believe it has as much potential as any. I’ve a few complaints about certain aspects, but I’ll give it time to see what Anet does first. The first year of an MMO is always the rockiest, the fixes will come as class data is analyzed.

Accept the fact that, balance is always and forever an issue; it’s absolutely impossible to please everyone. To this boards credit there’s plenty of constructive discussion, but unfortunately the kitteny threads draw attention. For those serious about the necromancer, let’s strive for the most constructive board on the forums, and it’s guaranteed Anet will pay more attention to our concerns. No one likes sorting through the QQing kitten’s spam anyway.

tl;dr kittens, it's time to stop posting.

Though I disagree with this guy. Anet (and any other developer) will always listen to the “QQ”, eventually. And honestly, if enough people believe that X should be nerfed or buffed, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


I play my necro in WvW.. and yea, I die a lot. I think quite a bit of that is from lack of skill (I’m just not that fast on a keyboard, and I’m an okay player at best), and some may have to do with being a Necro. But… I love me some staff marks! I can hit marks on walls, they are effective on the underside of bridges, they are great at a choke point, and fun laying them over a body someone is trying to rez!! Also, the other day, a thief was after me.. I stood there, and laid down a bunch of staff marks on top of each other, with me in the middle, include well of darkness – boom, blind, weakened, feared, poisoned, and chilled – circle of death. He went down to about 20% health I eventually died.. but it was kitten amounts of fun!

It is a huge problem when a thief (low hp) can LOLWUT your marks and just walk into them to kill you. A thief should never be able to do that.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


I have been reading the forums, for some advice on How to level up… and while I do find some interesting information… 4/5ths of the responders are basically QQ ing about how weak the necromancer is compared to other professions. " Three times as hard to underwhelm." I see a lot.

The reason I ask is, I am enjoying the necromancer for PvE, but, … Is there anyone playing this profession that feels it is alright for WvWvW, and every other QQ’er just sucks? or does the profession actually suck?

I ask because if i get even One responce from someone that says that for WvWvW they have had a good experience with it, i can consign every QQ ’ er to the suck pile, and keep playing the profession.

Honestly, is the profession as horrid as some say? or are they just bad at necro?

I love the Necro. I feel myself unable to play any other class for a longer time, not because they are weaker or something, but because playing a necro to level 80 first it spoiled any other profession for me, in pve you cant have more fon then as a necro in my opinion.

However, Necros are really really really weak compared to any other profession. The difficult situations in PVE where i thought “wow my necro is a real beast!” is just so outshined by warriors or guardians, they just get more damage, more heal, more survivability more CC more buildoptions and also more unique and cool skills.

Same thing in WvWvW – Necros are incredible weak, you have to pull off all stunts and tricks and sneaky technics to do well in WvWvW – that also with a perfect gear and build and traits. And even if you do all that you only win 1 vs 1 against other professions if they dont master their profession. If you play against a decent warrior/mesmer/guardian/thief/ele you will loose. They either burst you down almost instantly (thief / warrior) outheal you (guardian) or keep their distance and kite you till your death because of our VERY unreliable ranged options (Mesmer – Ele). It is impossible for a necro to catch a good Ele or Thief.

In WvW we are good siegebreakers – spam marks and wells onto walls to deny acces – use plague in zergs to weaken and decourage the enemy lines. That are the real main purposes in WvW. You can do more things (condition – burst – bunker ) but if you encounter a good player you are outshined in every other aspect.

So play the Necro and you will love it – but you will start hating any other profession because they are so OP – or the Necro so UP, based on point of view.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thion.3718


Nope, dont like him that much. Not that necko is totally useless, but its not a Neckro.
Id say Neckro is just a worse copy of a ele right now

If I go to a store to bye apple, then I get tomato. Sure tomato is good to, but its not an apple.

(edited by Thion.3718)

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darksome.5647


The main problem with necro is we only have 1 viable build to PVP. I would love to be capable to PVP as power. I really think if siphon health was based in % and hits bigs numbers Power would be an option in PVP.

But I still love my necro

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gasu.6254


I come from the Guardian profession and I’ve had very much fun with my Necromancer who is now lv 80 too.

I don’t know why people consider this profession to be weak though… I’m having no problems in Pve and I can handle even some 3 vs 1 situations in WvW puzzle

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakar.4518


Honestly, Necros are quite fun and pretty versatile. They don’t really do anything better than any other classes, but they have a nice range of abilities that gives you a good amount of options in most situations.

Where you really hear the whining is from numbers people/min maxers & heavy PvP people. Lack of mobility in WvW and PvP is very disappointing, as is the effectiveness of life steal/healing & support oriented builds in PvP. Attrition works when people are willing to fight you, but most of the time you will find people just run away from Necros once they realize their insta-gib combo isn’t going to work.

I personally find my mesmer & guardian far more beneficial to team effectiveness either in WvW or PvP, but the necro is still the most fun to play. If you want a focused, effective team player, Necro probably isn’t your best option. If you want a versatile class with a lot of tools to solo or small group with, you will probably be happy.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kidel.2057


I think that necro design is just fine. Give it pets and it will totally outshadow the ranger. Also necro can have 10 minions at once, or even more.

I also think it’s cool the way they designed it. You’re not forced to be a minion master but you can be one, or you can focus on death shroud, or on status damage, or make a balanced build that involves all of them.
I also think that necro is one of the best supporting classes in this game.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

I ask because if i get even One responce from someone that says that for WvWvW they have had a good experience with it, i can consign every QQ ’ er to the suck pile, and keep playing the profession.

Honestly, is the profession as horrid as some say? or are they just bad at necro?

Sounds like you’ve made up your mind even before you put finger to keyboard. Have fun discovering at 80 what you were warned about at 0.

I mean honestly… You’re posting the question in the necro forums. There’s always going to be some people who suck so badly that they think they’re the best class ever the moment they get a WvW kill on a downlevelled newbie, and there will be others who’ve invested their ego into defending their class because otherwise they’d have to admit a mistake in going with it in the first place.

If you want a REAL answer to your question instead of a guaranteed pavlovian response, goto the OTHER class forums and ask them who they’d rather bring into a dungeon or who’d they gank first if they had a choice.

(edited by Manticore Five.9867)

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gluttony.2017


No, we all hate necros. Necros caused ww2, spanish flue, brought hitler AND stalin to power. I also heard necros are responsible for 9/11 and every recent act of terrorism. Matter of fact, everytime something bad happens, necros are responsible for it. Black out? might want to blame that necro. Killed a dragon and only got blues and greens? wouldnt have happend if there was no necro around. Put 4 named exotics and recieved a crappy un-named exotic? should have looked more carefully, there was a necro hidding behind a barrel.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Also necro can have 10 minions at once, or even more.

Lie. This is entirely untrue. Blatant lies like this completely undermine your point, which is somewhat reasonable.

I agree with you that Necro is mostly fine aside from the DIRE, DIRE NEED for a minion fix. Additional word on that is WAY overdue.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pillow.3296


Lvl80 condition mancer. initially, necro is really fun, but once you begin to master it, you start to see where it falls apart. i switched to mesmer recently, and atm, i have no intentions of returning to necro. im not saying necro is bad, but there are many better options =]

also, this isnt entirely right…

Lie. This is entirely untrue. Blatant lies like this completely undermine your point, which is somewhat reasonable.

I agree with you that Necro is mostly fine aside from the DIRE, DIRE NEED for a minion fix. Additional word on that is WAY overdue.

in lich form, you can get 5 minions, leave lich then summon 5 more minions (one skill summons 2 minions) + if you kill something that makes another jagged horror, + you can summon a flesh reaver with rune of demon summoning. of course, the likeliness of this happening is nearly, but NOT 0 =]

(edited by Pillow.3296)

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Since minions get destroyed when you go into lich mode, what you’re describing is very likely a bug that will be patched. Not exactly a solid rebuttal point.