Doesnt the Reaper kinda sound like...

Doesnt the Reaper kinda sound like...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anhomedog.7968


the Nazgûl from “Lord of the Rings” Series? This thread is rather useless TBH, but lets be honest here, the trailer showed a full dressed Reaper with a GS, and uses shouts to damage the foe. The screech in LOTR hurts peoples ears… that’s freaking awesome. Ideas anyone? I dont even play Necro and this excites me, hope it lives up to what the trailer shows!

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Doesnt the Reaper kinda sound like...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Sounds a lot like that. I think that’s why some people expected banshee.

Doesnt the Reaper kinda sound like...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I challenge everyone complaining about the specialization to watch that trailer and not get a at least a half chub. It was really cool, and yeah LotR probably influenced the design a bit.

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