Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


So, I switch my builds up a lot with my characters. However, this last time I decided to go with something similar to the juggermancer build (25/0/25/20/0) with all pvt gear (though only a couple pieces of exotic, fwiw).

The build I was using previously was essentially a bunker type, with the main focus on wells (recharge, siphon health, etc). I could remember the exact traits if I tried, but I dont think its relevant.

Going with the new build, I have an attack power of just under 3k, which was a pretty dramatic improvement over the old build. However, I notice all of my skills are doing really bad damage. I am struggling to kill veteran scouts in wvw. My staff seems about normal on auto only, but everything else (marks, wells and axe/dagger) seem to be doing awful damage.

The auto attack on the axe is critting for 250 (not a typo). Number 2 attack on axe wont even break 2k total when everything crits (tooltip says 8×1584). My well of suffering is critting for 700 (again, not a typo). My tool tips say they should be doing massive amounts more damage than before (tool tip on old build said 5×1700 for WoS, now says 5×2650). However, before I re-did my traits, WoS’ normal hit was doing almost double what a crit is doing now. A normal hit was something like 1200.

Literally, the only thing that changed was the traits. Wth happened? I seem to be missing something major, but cant figure it out for the life of me. Please help? Just happy its not my main :P

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


your crits do less damage because you have 0 points in +crit dmg?

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


your crits do less damage because you have 0 points in +crit dmg?

Yes, that would reduce the severity of crits. However, in the old build the only +crit dmg I had was +10% from the last trait line. Even then though, it doesnt address the issue.

Like I said, a normal hit with WoS before was ~1200. Now, a normal hit is ~500, with a lucky crit maybe topping 800 (my build has 4% crit, so..). I dont think WoS has ever hit that low, regardless of what build I am using. This is with roughly 30% greater attack power than before as well as the tooltips reflecting that stat change.

This is also against NPCs, my numbers against other players are even lower.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: OmegaProject.9831


Your first mistake was going with Axe And yeah, the damage sounds about right, actually :\ My advice is avoiding the Axe entirely. In fact, with zero condition damage, the scepter out DPS’s the Axe regularly. Now I don’t have much (any) WvW experience, but if you wish to maintain a power build, I suggest carrying Spectral Grasp and daggers. Pulling a foe off a wall, and immobilizing them for ~4 seconds is every flavor of satisfying. Plus Dagger DPS is quite substantial (especially in comparison to Axe).

Again, the numbers you listed sound correct. Just avoid the Axe, if you can

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Axe or not, the severely reduced damage is applying to my wells and marks too.

And I like the combo I have running now. I am just doing half the damage I was before with a 30% increase in attack power. Just trying to figure out how that is happening.

edit: this is also happening in PvE. Thought Id test it since I dont venture there much.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kiriakulos.1690


Axe or not, the severely reduced damage is applying to my wells and marks too.

And I like the combo I have running now. I am just doing half the damage I was before with a 30% increase in attack power. Just trying to figure out how that is happening.

edit: this is also happening in PvE. Thought Id test it since I dont venture there much.

Did you only change traits around? From your post it sounds like equipment stats got swapped as well.
Did you exchange any Runes for soldier crests?
How does an 50%< LF life blast compare now to before?

Attrition – A pretty name for taking longer than anyone else to kill something.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Derk.3189


Are you using steady gear by any chance?

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Axe or not, the severely reduced damage is applying to my wells and marks too.

And I like the combo I have running now. I am just doing half the damage I was before with a 30% increase in attack power. Just trying to figure out how that is happening.

edit: this is also happening in PvE. Thought Id test it since I dont venture there much.

Did you only change traits around? From your post it sounds like equipment stats got swapped as well.
Did you exchange any Runes for soldier crests?
How does an 50%< LF life blast compare now to before?

Just the traits.. I was actually thinking along the same lines. Maybe I took off all of my gear or something similar. But I just did the build to see how it goes, without changing any gear whatsoever.

I went into game to test life blast, and it seems to work much closer to normal. At least for the first few seconds of DS. It is hitting for ~1k each hit. Though, that stops after a few seconds in DS. I swear there was a trait that increased damage for the first few seconds of DS, but all I see is fury for five seconds upon entering DS. (along with the ones where life blast grants might, DS gives retaliation, etc). After a few shots, my life blast starts hitting for 500. With attack power of 3k, that seems really quite low.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Missing information here suggests this is not a request for help but a request for attention.

Either supply all availible information or file this one under Roanry.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Are you using steady gear by any chance?

Negative, this is with all PVT gear though some of my trinkets have healing power. No runes/sigils on armor/weapons.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Missing information here suggests this is not a request for help but a request for attention.

Either supply all availible information or file this one under Roanry.

Uhh.. What?

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Missing information here suggests this is not a request for help but a request for attention.

Either supply all availible information or file this one under Roanry.

Uhh.. What?

Traits, Gear , Runes, Final stats, Utilities, you know everything that affects your damage potential. You didn’t even post the build using one of many build tools availible for GW2. If you really wanted help, why would you not provide all the information?

Usually people leave out details when they just want attention or acknowledgment.

FYI: Axe 2 is for Damage, Axe 1 is for Vulnerability stacks.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Missing information here suggests this is not a request for help but a request for attention.

Either supply all availible information or file this one under Roanry.

Uhh.. What?

Traits, Gear , Runes, Final stats, Utilities, you know everything that affects your damage potential. You didn’t even post the build using one of many build tools availible for GW2. If you really wanted help, why would you not provide all the information?

Usually people leave out details when they just want attention or acknowledgment.

Maybe take a break from the internet?

I listed traits, gear, runes, as well as applicable final stats (attack power and crit chance). Though, perhaps it wasnt in your desired format or your preferred time frame. I dont see the relevance of utilities. The only standard I run is WoS, which I mentioned.

The only thing that changed was traits, trading off survivability for damage. This, however, resulted in losing 50% of my DPS as well as my survivability and I am trying to figure out why.

As for your FYI, I am not sure how that is relevant.

edit: As for your attention seeking accusation; “That which we speak most fervently tends to be directed towards ourselves.”

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


If you’re looking at using axe and don’t mind running with different utilities I can message you with the build I use to great effect it gives decent solo and support play options…. I don’t focus on wells with it though because I just favor other abilities.

I main a axe necro that’s why I’m offering.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


If you want real help it’d be a good idea to list the first build and second build so that people can compare them and find out exactly what changes caused the drop in damage ect… You’re probably just going to get random guesses otherwise.

First (old) build: 0/0/30/30/10 (IV, V, VII), (III, VIII, XII), (II)
Second (new) build: 25/0/25/20/0 (VI, VII), (IV, V), (II, IV)

Actual selected traits change almost hourly though.

PVT gear, with some clerics. Only thing that changed was traits.

Either way, I went back to the old build and it seems I experienced some nerf :P On the old build, retried, WoS is now hitting for 200/pulse.

Anyways, I think the necro is getting shelved now, haha. Just wanted to try out a juggermancer variant, because it looked fun. Back to my main!

Thanks for all those that tried to help. And apologies for not being perfect

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


If you’re looking at using axe and don’t mind running with different utilities I can message you with the build I use to great effect it gives decent solo and support play options…. I don’t focus on wells with it though because I just favor other abilities.

I main a axe necro that’s why I’m offering.

I appreciate the offer, but I think I am ok. A huge part of the fun for me is literally trying every build I can possibly come up with and sticking with the one I like most. Its almost never the most effective, but its always the one I have the most fun with.

Thanks again though.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


I’m with Xil on this one. OP provided zero pertinent information. just enough for everyone to speculate along with him. Hand holding will ensue, leading to “bad touches”. Bring your dollies, kids. The judge will want to see where he touched you.

tl:dr – post your previous and current build.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


tl:dr – post your previous and current build.

First (old) build: 0/0/30/30/10 (IV, V, VII), (III, VIII, XII), (II)
Second (new) build: 25/0/25/20/0 (VI, VII), (IV, V), (II, IV)

If you want it in your easy to read calculator, thats fine, but then that kind of takes away the validity of disliking when others want their hand held.

Like I said though, necro is getting shelved. Strange happenings with damage (that is likely just me missing something) + a community like this = me go elsewhere. All the best!

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


tl:dr – post your previous and current build.

First (old) build: 0/0/30/30/10 (IV, V, VII), (III, VIII, XII), (II)
Second (new) build: 25/0/25/20/0 (VI, VII), (IV, V), (II, IV)

If you want it in your easy to read calculator, thats fine, but then that kind of takes away the validity of disliking when others want their hand held.

Like I said though, necro is getting shelved. Strange happenings with damage (that is likely just me missing something) + a community like this = me go elsewhere. All the best!

I didn’t link the build calculator so we could see what traits your using. the site will calculate all your cumulative stats based on weapons, traits, runes, sigils, amulet + jewel, etc. You know, all those things that help you decide on what build best suits your goal. Listing your trait choices is a small part of what is actually going on in your build.

Also, why would you stop at 25 pts in Spite when the minor trait is kittenty but the XII major trait is the bulk of the reason to put any points in that tree in the first place with a power build. Additionally, Blood Magic is a kittenty tree, we have HP already and healing power doesn’t do much of anything for Necros since all we have is regen and syphoning. Neither of which scale impressively with healing power.

There’s virtually no way to tell you what’s going on though without knowing all weapon choices, runes, sigils, amulet+jewel, etc., in addition to the traits.

But if you want to just half kitten things then perhaps the necro is better left on your shelf…

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


I didn’t link the build calculator so we could see what traits your using. the site will calculate all your cumulative stats based on weapons, traits, runes, sigils, amulet + jewel, etc. You know, all those things that help you decide on what build best suits your goal. Listing your trait choices is a small part of what is actually going on in your build.

So… you want your hand held? :P All of those things are mentioned in the thread. And they are not relevant, as none of them changed, only traits.

Also, why would you stop at 25 pts in Spite when the minor trait is kittenty but the XII major trait is the bulk of the reason to put any points in that tree in the first place with a power build. Additionally, Blood Magic is a kittenty tree, we have HP already and healing power doesn’t do much of anything for Necros since all we have is regen and syphoning. Neither of which scale impressively with healing power.

Because, as I said before, I love experimenting with different builds. Its a huge part of the fun for me, as I said before. It is almost never the most effective, but is always the one I have the most fun with and the one that fits my playstyle best, as I said before. I actually like being gimped to an extent so that I have a higher percentage of good fights. Just not to this extent! The issue isnt with build help at all, its trying to figure out why my real damage doesnt line up with seemingly anything the game is telling me.

There’s virtually no way to tell you what’s going on though without knowing all weapon choices, runes, sigils, amulet+jewel, etc., in addition to the traits.

Except, you do know all of those things as they were mentioned in my posts

Now I am just curious about the problem though, so to anyone who is actually interested in giving input instead of crying for attention (see what I did there? :P );

Maybe I also misunderstood the tooltip.. First question is; when a tooltip says Damage (5x): 2500 does that mean 2500 damage dealt out over five hits or 2500 on each hit? If something says 5×2500 is that calculated before or after my gear? I assume after as it changes with gear changed, but just to make sure. And then is that the base damage that is applied to the enemy mob/player with subtractions taken out for things like armor, etc?

Historically, I swore 5xN damage seemed to calculate consistently as an application of N damage five separate times. However, the damage I am seeing now is consistent with N damage being the sum total of five separate hits. I was unable to test this with my ele, but with my thief this seems consistent. I am thinking it might have been bugged for me before, resulting in much higher damage than it should have been. Though, I remain unsure why resetting the traits would have resulted in a “fix.”

I am looking to better understand the game mechanics, so I would appreciate it if further posts would focus on actually helping rather than criticizing irrelevant items. If I dont post something to your personal preference and liking please just ask me to do it differently? I am aware that is A LOT to ask on the internet!

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


if youre asking people for help…..make it easier to help you. link your spec in a builder.

hacks was trying to give you the same advice but apparently you are too stuborn

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lopez.7369


In fact, with zero condition damage, the scepter out DPS’s the Axe regularly.

This is completely false.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Do something to humor me: if traits was all you changed, change them back and see if it goes back to normal, if it does, then we can begin picking apart the problem from there
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


if youre asking people for help…..make it easier to help you. link your spec in a builder.

hacks was trying to give you the same advice but apparently you are too stuborn

Do you have access to one that doesnt use javascript? What is assumed as being stubborn is actually technical issues

People are extremely focused on the builds, but as I said, I am thinking this is either a game bug or a misunderstanding of game mechanics on my part. That is why I have asked so many questions about game mechanics, but mostly all that has been met with is “you didnt use a build calculator, you are seeking attention.”

Honestly, if my questions about game mechanics were answered, it would probably clear up a ton of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge on my part! Precisely zero of them have been answered though, apparently because I am not using a build calculator.

Do something to humor me: if traits was all you changed, change them back and see if it goes back to normal, if it does, then we can begin picking apart the problem from there

I did indeed try this.. Things actually seemed to keep consistent with the new numbers I was seeing from the new build. My damage dropped proportionally and properly when switching back to the survivability build. I have messed around with it quite a lot at this point (curiosity drives me sometimes ), and have yet to see WoS hit the numbers I was seeing previously. I am not able to get it to hit over 1k per pulse, crit or otherwise, and regardless of build (truth be told, I havent seen it hit for over 800 since the initial trait change).

If you could do something to humor me? What are you hitting for with WoS and are you focused on damage/survivability/cond/etc. I dont need to know the actual build or anything. The damage I am experiencing might be normal, but no one has mentioned anything about it so I am not sure (other than with the axe, thanks to OmegaProject). I am thinking at this point that it was probably bugged before. Couple that with me misunderstanding game mechanics, and it might explain it all. Havent been able to actually get any answers regarding this though, maybe youll be “the one” :P

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


According to the wiki (completely forgot about that!):

“Some skills list multiple hits of Direct Damage, for example: Damage (2x): 500. This means the target will receive 2 hits of 250 each.”

Question answered on that one Must have been bugged before. Still not sure why it was “fixed” when changing traits, but I doubt that will be answered. edit: Interestingly, on the old build before any switches, damage in the WoS tooltip was stated as (5x)1700. Now, using the same build, it is stated at ~(5x)2400.

Still would be curious what WoS is hitting for with other people, regardless of build.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I’m not running a power build so my numbers won’t look the same as you, but my WoS is running ~(5x) 2180

I’m focused more on surviability and conditions with some direct damage/high crits added in.

Ignore the skill bar, I was just messing around with things, that’s not my actual build, but the stats are my unbuffed stats.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


I’m not running a power build so my numbers won’t look the same as you, but my WoS is running ~(5x) 2180

I’m focused more on surviability and conditions with some direct damage/high crits added in.

Ignore the skill bar, I was just messing around with things, that’s not my actual build, but the stats are my unbuffed stats.

Thank you so very much Are you seeing WoS hitting for ~440 a tick on non crits?

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jongi.7612


Its seems as though most of you guys just look for a build link complain about there not being one, and then lashing out at someone thats looking for help. Get out of here and go back to WoW, we dont need people like you here that cant be bothered to read a post looking for help with all the information there him repeating himself that the only thing that changed in his build was gaining more power and losing damage from his survivability build.

The necromancer is full of bugs and there is a reason its the least played class in tpvp and spvp. Put it away until either the bugs are fixed or the prof is revamped (i hope its the latter one). Even with a condition build my bleeds are hitting for about 30 damage less than what other people have stated. 113 damage from my bleeds but others have stated around 140 damage for their bleed, same build and everything.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I’m not running a power build so my numbers won’t look the same as you, but my WoS is running ~(5x) 2180

I’m focused more on surviability and conditions with some direct damage/high crits added in.

Ignore the skill bar, I was just messing around with things, that’s not my actual build, but the stats are my unbuffed stats.

Thank you so very much Are you seeing WoS hitting for ~440 a tick on non crits?

Yeah between 380-460 or so for non-crits and that’s with 0 power in my traits. (that’s on the test golems though which is using my pvp gear so my stats are a tad higher than pve, but there shouldn’t be a drastic difference). Crits were in the 600’s.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Its seems as though most of you guys just look for a build link complain about there not being one, and then lashing out at someone thats looking for help. Get out of here and go back to WoW, we dont need people like you here that cant be bothered to read a post looking for help with all the information there him repeating himself that the only thing that changed in his build was gaining more power and losing damage from his survivability build.

The necromancer is full of bugs and there is a reason its the least played class in tpvp and spvp. Put it away until either the bugs are fixed or the prof is revamped (i hope its the latter one). Even with a condition build my bleeds are hitting for about 30 damage less than what other people have stated. 113 damage from my bleeds but others have stated around 140 damage for their bleed, same build and everything.

Thanks for your support! I have learned that most people dont read ~70% of the posted text. This usually leads to lots of miscommunication, and repetition. Most of the time, its a conscious choice to do so. Many people dont understand how clearly they show their hand when they accuse someone of randomly doing something (like seeking attention). Amazing how much we yell at ourselves in the guise of yelling at others.. Honestly though, its not exclusive to WoW, more of an internet/people thing.

I originally put the class away because of the bugs. Jagged horror especially annoys me since enemies can rally off of them, though I dont know if this was actually fixed. I also have 80s of engie, thief, and ele so a few choices! When I tried it out this time (doing the 1700/tick on WoS) I kept thinking “why the heck did I shelve this?” Turns out it was bugged! That and I misunderstood the tool tip from the beginning. Both of which could have been cleared up pretty quickly instead of criticizing, but either way, if someone else runs into it hopefully the thread will help in some way.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Yeah between 380-460 or so for non-crits and that’s with 0 power in my traits. (that’s on the test golems though which is using my pvp gear so my stats are a tad higher than pve, but there shouldn’t be a drastic difference). Crits were in the 600’s.

Thanks again for your time. It sounds like the 1700/tick was much, much more damage than I should have any right to expect from WoS!

The damage that WoS is doing is actually completely normal, so that explains quite a bit for me. Ill tell ya though, when it was doing that initial damage before the trait switches, I was really, really tearing through zergs. I thought to myself that even without a power build I am doing massive damage.. what if I focused on power? Should have known something was up! XD Live and learn.

Thanks for you help and time.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Yeah between 380-460 or so for non-crits and that’s with 0 power in my traits. (that’s on the test golems though which is using my pvp gear so my stats are a tad higher than pve, but there shouldn’t be a drastic difference). Crits were in the 600’s.

Thanks again for your time. It sounds like the 1700/tick was much, much more damage than I should have any right to expect from WoS!

The damage that WoS is doing is actually completely normal, so that explains quite a bit for me. Ill tell ya though, when it was doing that initial damage before the trait switches, I was really, really tearing through zergs. I thought to myself that even without a power build I am doing massive damage.. what if I focused on power? Should have known something was up! XD Live and learn.

Thanks for you help and time.

Yw mate. Oh and I realized I had buff foods going lol. But its ok they didn’t affect direct damage from the well it was only condition dmg stuff. I was just thinking that while it was probably a bug you had, it could be possible also that someone near you had stacked some might/fury on you and you didn’t know it? Idk that would be a lot of might to double damage output though lol. Anywho, was just speculating an idea that popped in my head guess we resolved this and was glad I could help. Yeah take what people say on these forums with a grain of salt. Lots of angry people here lol. I just gotta step back sometimes and laugh otherwise I get sucked in too :-P
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Yw mate. Oh and I realized I had buff foods going lol. But its ok they didn’t affect direct damage from the well it was only condition dmg stuff. I was just thinking that while it was probably a bug you had, it could be possible also that someone near you had stacked some might/fury on you and you didn’t know it? Idk that would be a lot of might to double damage output though lol. Anywho, was just speculating an idea that popped in my head guess we resolved this and was glad I could help.

It sure would be a lot of might! I made sure to check on it though, I had no buffs for comparison purposes. I think the issue is that tooltips, in general, are a bit funky. In this video:

At the 27 minute mark (27:25 to be exact, and sorry, its a mesmer video!), you can see that the tooltip for phantasmal duelist states “Damage (8x): 408” and the real world damage seems to be ~1700. If the tooltip means what the wiki says it means, that indicates each hit is doing ~50 damage. Over eight hits, that would total 408 damage. With say, 50% crit damage and 100% crit rate, we should expect to see a maximum of 1000 damage, especially when armor is brought into the equation (video is against heavy armor golem), but we consistently see over 1500. However, if that 1500 is divided amongst 8 hits, we get ~190 per hit. When considering the reduction of heavy armor, this is more closely in line with 408 damage being dealt out each individual hit. And to achieve that number (190) with a base 50 damage, we would need pretty massive crit damage as well as an unreasonably high crit rate (if my math is right and it doesnt feel right: 250%+ crit damage and 100% crit rate).

So, basically, my conclusion is: shrugs

Yeah take what people say on these forums with a grain of salt. Lots of angry people here lol. I just gotta step back sometimes and laugh otherwise I get sucked in too :-P

Its true the world over. Some people are just like that, though more prone to outburst due to the anonymity. I miss the earlier days when trolls would really put time and effort into baiting not just a reaction, but full blown discussion/argument. Then they figured out all they had to actually do was say something that has an opposing viewpoint on the web. People will take care of the rest :lol:

Thanks again for your time friend.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


okay, ill try to address some issues you’re running into here.

you say you have PTV gear and “some healing power in my accessories”

you do know that accessories are over half of your total gear stat bonus source?

if you don’t have a power major bonus in your accessories, its going to hit like a limp noodle.

secondly, WvW is a game of who is geared and who is not mashed up with who is level 80 and who is not. scaling is a big issue out in the BLs and if you’re letting yourself suffice with only the “conjurer” cheap crap lv80 Rares in the Trading Post like some do, you’re going to get hit in the face by a mosquito and die.

PTV is most useful when used as an armor base with a Death Shroud implemented build. From the information you provided, I’m imagining some guy picking up 5g worth of Conjurer’s X of the Soldier gear, slapping it on, ignoring the soldier crests, letting yourself roll around with sapphire trinkets, and excpecting a 20/0/20/20/x build to make the magic happen from converting from a minion master bunker easybutton build. (that’s what i glean from a 0/0/30/x/x trait spread you noted, nobody gets 30 points in death unless they’re running a bar full of dummies)

Minions do not deal damage based off of power or condition damage. they deal the same exact damage depending on your level. In some ways, you can argue it’s an easy way to play with an automated 1.5k DPS. When you switch from a build that allows you to spam regeneration and siphoning to a build that demands a much more in-your-face connect the hits type of gameplay, you have to be much more practiced to see more of your numbers pop on the screen.

While the numbers you are reporting are extremely low, They only get better to a certain extent. This class requires a lot of button pressing to work.

The first thing i’d do is ditch the axe. It actually does have a lower DPS curve than the scepter (but is a misnomer because scepter damage is a split ratio through power+cdmg).

Run with a dagger, find yourself at least 12 crests of the soldier, work in might into your build (no idea if you have already, which is why people are telling you to link your build properly) and start using Lich Form to help burst down large HP baddies since you don’t have any serious gear yet.

my non crits on WoS are 680-700 per tick. My jugg isn’t even fully fully geared yet because im lazy.

(edited by Sheobix.8796)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


I’m not running a power build so my numbers won’t look the same as you, but my WoS is running ~(5x) 2180

I’m focused more on surviability and conditions with some direct damage/high crits added in.

Ignore the skill bar, I was just messing around with things, that’s not my actual build, but the stats are my unbuffed stats.

Thank you so very much Are you seeing WoS hitting for ~440 a tick on non crits?

Yeah between 380-460 or so for non-crits and that’s with 0 power in my traits. (that’s on the test golems though which is using my pvp gear so my stats are a tad higher than pve, but there shouldn’t be a drastic difference). Crits were in the 600’s.

if people actually properly geared themselves, you’d have way more stats than PvP gear. Settling for rares will nearly guarantee failure in WvW if that’s what people are wondering.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


i was lazy and slapped together a vid so you can see the output of the build, just sitting, face tanking and dropping WoS w/ a spite sig and BiP

(edited by Sheobix.8796)

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


okay, ill try to address some issues you’re running into here.

you say you have PTV gear and “some healing power in my accessories”

you do know that accessories are over half of your total gear stat bonus source?

if you don’t have a power major bonus in your accessories, its going to hit like a limp noodle.

secondly, WvW is a game of who is geared and who is not mashed up with who is level 80 and who is not. scaling is a big issue out in the BLs and if you’re letting yourself suffice with only the “conjurer” cheap crap lv80 Rares in the Trading Post like some do, you’re going to get hit in the face by a mosquito and die.

Just to be blunt here, I am not looking for build advice. The issue (as we have figured out) was the tooltip not lining up consistently with damage actually dealt in real time. How the multiplicative damage applies seems to be different even from mes to necro. Interestingly, it seems to have changed specifically when I retraited.

That being said, I seem to do fine in WvW with some level ranges having less than optimal scaling. While I dont have a huge amount of WvW experience, I do have over 7k kills and feel that skill can compensate greatly for gear.

PTV is most useful when used as an armor base with a Death Shroud implemented build. From the information you provided, I’m imagining some guy picking up 5g worth of Conjurer’s X of the Soldier gear, slapping it on, ignoring the soldier crests, letting yourself roll around with sapphire trinkets, and excpecting a 20/0/20/20/x build to make the magic happen from converting from a minion master bunker easybutton build. (that’s what i glean from a 0/0/30/x/x trait spread you noted, nobody gets 30 points in death unless they’re running a bar full of dummies)

Again, I am not looking for build advice. I like to play around with a lot of different builds. If you had read what I posted though, you would have noticed the gear was for a DS build While I enjoy trying different builds, I dont see the need to buy gear every single time I try a new one out (I would be spending well over 50g a day).

I dont use minions.

While the numbers you are reporting are extremely low, They only get better to a certain extent. This class requires a lot of button pressing to work.

Not nearly as much pressing as some other classes! (Im looking at you kit engie and ele). Compared, Necro isnt even remotely close. The numbers I am seeing dont look low, they seem to be right in line with the damage others are doing in proportion to their stat distribution.

The first thing i’d do is ditch the axe. It actually does have a lower DPS curve than the scepter (but is a misnomer because scepter damage is a split ratio through power+cdmg).

I am well aware the axe is not an optimal weapon. I will go ahead and continue to use it though since I enjoy it.

Run with a dagger, find yourself at least 12 crests of the soldier, work in might into your build (no idea if you have already, which is why people are telling you to link your build properly) and start using Lich Form to help burst down large HP baddies since you don’t have any serious gear yet.

my non crits on WoS are 680-700 per tick. My jugg isn’t even fully fully geared yet because im lazy.

Again, the issue has zero to do with my build as we have figured out. I also stated exactly what my build is and why I am not able to use a build calc. I had a lot of confusion with the tooltip, had a misunderstanding of a specific game mechanic. This was exacerbated by my character being bugged in some way (I hadnt played my necro in a few weeks). This also lead to seeing videos where the multiplicative damage IS applied each individual time, but with WoS, the damage stated is a total of all of the hits. Why this specifically changed with a trait switch is unknown to me though.

I appreciate you posting the video. The damage I was doing on a DS tank build before the trait switch was outputting double the damage you are doing in that video. You can see where this would give rise to some confusion.

With all that said, the gap between 80 rares and 80 exotics, at least, is easily covered by skill. I dont even use rares until level 80 as a stop gap while I buy exos. I almost exclusively level using WvW. Even then, if I have a choice, I will buy siege before gear. 60% of the time, it works every time.

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


So, over 7k kills and you claim to have not much experience with wvw. I smell… lie? Also, with 7k kills you would have over 3k badges minimum which could get you a whole blown ptv armor set… yet you also claim to have only few exotic pieces.

My advice wasnt build advice, it was addressing your low WoS numbers and why they were low ticks, which is probably because of lack of gear.

And you think it costs 50g to buy ptv gear? News flash, you cant obtain it with gold.

Why does this feel like a megatroll?

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Don’t feed the trolls please

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Oh god my apologies, just take my arm if anything to keep from facepalming

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


So, over 7k kills and you claim to have not much experience with wvw. I smell… lie? Also, with 7k kills you would have over 3k badges minimum which could get you a whole blown ptv armor set… yet you also claim to have only few exotic pieces.

My advice wasnt build advice, it was addressing your low WoS numbers and why they were low ticks, which is probably because of lack of gear.

And you think it costs 50g to buy ptv gear? News flash, you cant obtain it with gold.

Why does this feel like a megatroll?

You didnt read my post did you?

Lets clarify some things since we were actually managing to have a real discussion up to this point on something which I personally find very interesting. 7k kills in wvw is minor compared to the claimed numbers of others. I have seen claims of over 15k kills. I do not consider 7k to be a “huge amount of wvw experience” in light of others numbers.

I never said anything about one set of exotics costing 50g. Please read again. I said that if I actually bought full sets of exo gear for every build I try out, it would be at least 50g a day. Also remember, this is not my main. This is one of four characters at lvl 80 for me right now. Obviously, the only way to currently attain PVT gear (that I am aware of at least) is either AC or WvW. Beyond that, to say that I would have “over 3k” badges is a bit disingenuous. Even with lucky runs, I cant recall a time that I consistently got a badge every other kill. Maybe, maybe for an hour at most. I think you would struggle to find many people who have.

Anyway, we still seem to have a completely different topic of conversation, so lets catch up with where the thread actually is right now;

The issue was that the tooltips do not line up consistently with actual damage output. WoS numbers were only perceived as low due to some apparent bugginess. The numbers are completely in line with others experience, when compensating for stats. So, essentially, my numbers are not low. We do not need to figure out why they are “low” as they are inline with others numbers. Still unknown what was causing the initial inflated damage. It also seems to be that the only way to know how a tooltip damage on a specific skill is actually applied is in-combat.

I personally find it interesting and have seen discrepancies on a couple of classes now. I do wonder if they are trying to fix these things (along with other items like mes mantra icons). I actually would be interested if someone has some more info on this specific issue. I havent been able to find much information about this and mostly all I have been met with thus far are people having a completely different conversation and calling me a troll. I hold little hope for productive conversation at this point.. Ill just keep an eye on dev notes.

Thanks to those who contributed

Henosis [ONE]

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Trolls guard bridges for no logical reason. So trying to reason with them is like trying to get a 4 year old to understand why they can’t have just one time more, always maybe cookie, puhpuhpaaaaleeeez.

The QQs are just QQs because Necro is hard. But from their perspective hard = broken. Hence useless forums will forever be a place to store and filter poo that would otherwise make a smell all over the internet.

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zonzai.2341


ANet has talked about tool tips not showing the appropriate information. They’ve been working on them though. Right now I think their primary goal is to get all of the professions that aren’t buggy as heck (i.e. all but necro and engineer) balanced. Then they’ll probably come back and examine things like that initial inflated damage bug.

But I’m curios, were you initially using WoS on mobs that use Frenzy when you noticed the damage boosts? They will have all incoming damage increased by 50% as a result. Another possibility is that the WoS damage is/was being effected by armor for some reason. Which I don’t think it should be.