Doomsayer Condi specialisation idea

Doomsayer Condi specialisation idea

in Necromancer

Posted by: the noobiniser.7465

the noobiniser.7465

Hey people, I have a suggestion/idea for the next necro specialisation, please hear me out, it’s a condi specialistation that uses lifeforce differently.

We have gotten 2 “shrouds” so far, the idea is great, and I would like to expand on this “2 mode” kind of gameplay that the necromancer has mastered by now. Only this time, instead of uing the lifeforce as a second life pool, we use our lifeforce for chant spells, and don’t use the lifeforce as a second life pool. When you activate your F1 skill, you would go into a chanting state, which still uses your normal health pool, but allows you to use life force to chant.

So, if you’ve ever played magica or games with similiar gameplay this idea will probably be familiar to you, you combine different elements to unleash them in various ways, I would like to incorporate this into a speciallisation. You have 5 different “words” to combine in your chant, and have 5 different release skills that replace your utility skills. You can use up to 3 words in a chant, before you release it. 1 word takes 0.5s to activate, so for instance, if you were to lauch a frost lance (3x frost word + 0.5s lance cast) it would take 2s. quite slow, but the chants are more effective the longer your chant(more words = more awesomeness). also, your enemys can’t exactly predict how you’ll release your chants. Quite handy, but your enemies can see the words you chant (every one of them appears as an orb flying around you.)

The words: replaces your weapon skills while in chanting state:

blood: this word revolves around bleeding and lifesteal, adding more bleeding every stack, and a significant lifesteal on the third. 2 stack ones would be used a lot to fill gaps in dps rotations.
1 stack: 2 stack of bleeding for x secs
2 stacks: 5 stacks of bleeding for x secs
3 stacks: 8 stacks of bleeding for x secs + a significant life steal

Agony: focusing around more sinister rituals, this word inflicts poison, cripple and torment upon your enemies
1 stack: 3 stacks of poison for y secs + a cripple for y secs
2 stacks: 6 stacks of poison for y secs + a cripple for y secs
3 stacks: 6 stacks of poison for y secs + 8 stacks of torment for x secs and removes 2 boons

Frost: this is a bit of a quirky one, this one is mainly CC, but, similiar to agony, adds a significant amount of condi dmg at the third stack through frostbite (burning stacks)

1 stack: 1s of chill
2 stack: 3s of chill (aka, more then permachill)
3 stacks: 5s of chill + 7 stacks of burning for x secs

Soul – this is the one you’ll be using to reap souls and chew bubblegum, deals torment damage mainly and generally is used to gain extra lifeforce, this is the one you’ll be using to sustain your chanting state, and chase your enemies when needed.
1 stack: 2 stack of torment for x secs + 2% life force
2 stacks: 5 stacks of torment for x secs + 5% life force
3 stacks: 8 stacks of torment for x secs + 9% life force + teleport to target

Fury – this is the one that makes people burn, and, strangely enough, makes your allies hit harder. use this to support your group through might stacking.

1 stack: 2 stacks of burning for x secs
2 stacks: 4 stacks of burning for x secs + 2 stacks of might for x secs
3 stacks: 5 stacks of burning for x secs + 5 stacks of might for x secs

You might think, why would I not just use a 3 soul word chant all the time? easy, using a word multiple times in a chant will inflict a cooldown on the word, using it twice will inflict a 1.75s cd (basicly, 1 full chant without that word), and using the same word 3 times in a chant will put it on a 5.75s cooldown, making you unable to use it for 3 chants. This way, you will have to use multipple different words and chants in your chanting state rotation.

The releases: these will replace your heal, utility and elite skills while in chanting state:

Now , you might think, that is great and all, but how do I use these chants?, quite simple, really, you use one of the 5 release spells. There are 5 different releases, with 2 basic ones and 3 stronger ones on a cooldown, with one focused on healing, and one focussed on making your enemies run/dodge for their lives. (think churning earth on elementalist)

Lance: fire a projectile that strikes your targetted enemy and applies the chant to the target. uses minimal lifeforce.

Symbol: carves a symbol on the ground (ground targetted, think staff) that will be activated by enemies on top of them, applies the chant to all enemies standing on top of the symbol when it activates. uses 2x the lifeforce of a lance, to trade off for the aoe aspect

enchant(40s cooldown): enchant your weapon for 20s with the chant, making your weapon activate the chant periodicaly on your enemies(z s internal cooldown on the activation) uses 4x lifeforce of a lance, but it’s worth it, especially when you’re nearly out of life force and about to go into your normal mode again.

consume (30s cooldown): replaces your heal skill while in chanting state, activating an AOE attack around yourself that applies the effects of the chant at double effectiveness and heals you for ??? uses 4x lifeforce of a lance. Whirl finisher

Channel (60s cooldown): replaces your elite skill. Channel the chant through your own body, imobilising yourself and activating the chant 4 times over 2 secs (every 0.5 seconds, a aoe applies the chant around you) and adds an extra based on the first word in the chant, also eats up all remaining life force, to make sure you don’t use it without thinking. Blast finisher at first activation

First words:
Blood: Heals allies in the vincinity for ??? on the last activation
Agony: removes 5 boons from the enemy on the last activation
frost: become immume to everything while channeling and deep freeze everyone for 2s on last activation
Soul: Has a bigger AOE, and fears everyone on the last activation(do remember you teleport to your target every activationif you use 3 soul words, It makes you understand why it fears )
fury: taunts all targets on first activation for 1.5 s

The rest of the spec:
I don’t know what weapon i would add to the proffesion though, probably a sword, and when it comes to utility skills i would probably add something like glyphs since it leans in pretty closesly with this idea, or poisons perhaps. For the elite i would probably add a skill that would fill up your life force and refreshes all cooldowns on your chanting state, on a 120 or 180 s cooldown.

For the talens, Please help me out. The first minor would probably be:
Doomsayer: doubles your life force pool and gives you acces to the chanting state. You can use (utility skills) and (weapon).
the double life force pool makes you able to reap big ammounts of life force before chanting, but do remember chanting costs a lot of lifeforce to pull of! especially if you use special releases! A full life force pool = HUGE dps/support or CC, but filling it requires time.

Thanks for reading, and please comment your ideas and suggestions.