Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

For this to work, you need to be fighting more than 1 foe. This could be a ranger with a pet, a thief with his guild buddy npcs, an ele with his elemental, a necro with his golem, etc.

1. Basically, just unload all of your staff conditions and any AoE conditions you have (maybe enfeebling blood for example) on your opponent and his pet/minion/whatever (make sure you have marks extra radius trait).

2.Now switch targets to the pet/minion/whatever and cast epidemic on it.

Now your actual opponent will have the conditions that you inflicted with the staff unloading AND the conditions from the pet that you inflicted from epidemic. So it’s like unloading your staff conditions twice on your actual opponent.

Just thought I’d share some tips on how to improve necromancer gameplay instead of all of the negative threads.

Share some neat necromancer tricks like this in your posts below

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


An often overlooked trick. When you immobilize someone, they cannot turn (NPCs still can though). Stand behind them while you wail on them for free damage. Combined with dropping wells on top of them you can do some pretty wicked burst.

Focus 5 removes 3 boons (including aegis and stability). Tool tip says nothing about it, but it definitely removes boons.

Wells generate life force when things are hit by them. Again, tool tip neglects to tell you that.

Staff 3 followed by staff 4 is a combo blast area weakness. This one everyone should already know though.

You can keep permanent regeneration on people by spamming staff 2 every time its up, provided you have things to trigger the mark.

Bloodthirst affects Signet of the Locust. With 5 targets and Bloodthirst (First tier Blood tree), you can heal for approx 6k. Its basically a second heal. Tool tip will not reflect actual amount of healing done, however.

Exploding Bone Minions are blast combo finishers. Get an ele or guardian with water fields and heal everyone! No need to be minion specced.

You can corrupt boon stability! It turns into fear. Eat that you dirty guardian!

You can go into death shroud while stunned or knocked down. Even while stunned or knocked down, you can still use Doom. Fear them away from you! Interrupt those annoying scavengers in AC if they knock you down and start eating you.

The same thing applies to Plague. You can shift into Plague while stunned or knocked down and blind them.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


if you fight 1v1 with a guy that know what he`s doing, and you are a condition necro, you are done in pretty short time.
if you fight “more than one” then…

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

Nice tips, Kravickittenep ’em coming, guys!


I think that’s a problem with the player, not the class.

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: trigger genious.6583

trigger genious.6583

put spectral grasp on any build and thank me later

its a good idea to switch from a power build to a support or condition utlities if u see the right opportunity then pop out of battle and switch them back. spvp only

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: trigger genious.6583

trigger genious.6583

btw they cant turn but the can zoom out

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: trigger genious.6583

trigger genious.6583

i thought u ment camera lol

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I don’t have any tips (yet). My necro is level 32 and I am so happy I stuck with him. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this thread with its super useful information. I am building a precision/toughness/power necro with dual daggers and staff. I have three level 80 characters (engineer, thief, warrior) and I am amazed how quickly I can shut down a mob with my necro! Granted, you need to employ a range of tactics to be successful. Tricks like the ones described here (and the necro forum in general) are essential reading as I consider this profession the most challenging to master of all the ones I have tried so far.

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehdirtyfivethirty.3507


I thought the tooltip for Spinal Shivers said, removes 3 boons… but it doesn’t. When did this change? Just like Well of Corruption gives LF per pulse — ninja changes need disclosure.

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yendorion.2381


To be fixed in next patch…