Flesh Golem - Stability

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: xanitus.9784


So when we use the flesh golem charge ability, the golem gets stability

Necros dont have access to much stability unless
— you spec 30pts Soul Reaping
— Lich Form
-Plague Form

can’t think of any others off the top of my head.

- if flesh golem’s charge gave both of us stability that would easily become “near” BiS for elite skill (situation depending).

As of right now the only reason I would use a golem is if i wanted to knock people down and miss a lot with charge also <_<

-80 necro 500+hrs played

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kinohki.3470


Believe it or not, Charge has the potential to be amazing. The Kin was fighting an elementalist in pvp who made the mistake of running into a corner. The flesh golem literally one shot him with charge because it had repeated hits. It was pretty lulzy and The Kin wishes he had recorded it.

All in all, the skill could use a bit of a rework. It sucks seeing the golem get stuck on small bits of land or so. The Kin agrees with you, but it’s not entirely useless. In some niche situations it’s pretty awesome, though that still doesn’t warrant it enough to be an elite or even say it’s not broken.

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: xanitus.9784


1. golem is not useless
2. if im using a golem i dont keep him summoned (way to ez for him/her to die)

example: there is a bridge battle in wvw, 1)you approach and summon golem 2)on your first weapon swing the pet AI will send golem to attack. [this is when you use your charge ability] this lines up a charge and your stabilized golem will tear through whatever may lie in his path.

if you approached the battle with a golem already out you are risking the golem getting [stuck on environment / walking away / not doing anything]

- if golem was to transfer stability to you it would become 10x more used IMHO
- Most Necro elite skills already give stability…. why not golem as well; why does the golem only get stability and not both the caster and pet?

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sieg.8439


I use the Golem constantly, probably mostly because I run MM.
Seriously though, the amount of times that the knockdown ability + constant crippling has come hardcore in handy is innumerable.
Sure, the other Elites are amazing. There’s no arguing that. But the Golem is far from useless.

What makes me sad is that recent lack of OOC regen on the Golem. Is that a bug or did it get the ax?

Hoopa doopa.

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: ryderov.1479


So when we use the flesh golem charge ability, the golem gets stability

Necros dont have access to much stability unless
— you spec 30pts Soul Reaping
— Lich Form
-Plague Form

can’t think of any others off the top of my head.

- if flesh golem’s charge gave both of us stability that would easily become “near” BiS for elite skill (situation depending).

As of right now the only reason I would use a golem is if i wanted to knock people down and miss a lot with charge also <_<

-80 necro 500+hrs played

13 and a half hours a day for 37 days straight, assuming early access and 500 hours.. I just can’t believe people even want to play a single game this much, much less have the time for it.

Anyway, ya, we are lacking a major way to stabilize outside of our forms, but I doubt they’ll link us to the golem in that way. I think stability is one of the incentives they give us to actually shapeshift more often. Who knows what they’ll do though. It’s still a fledgling MMO.

(edited by ryderov.1479)

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: cerulean moth.2743

cerulean moth.2743

I really like the Golem for PvE when I’m just trolling around. I don’t have to actively worry about it, and it’s always running off killing things and giving me exp. Plague when I need to get serious, but for map tooting, the Golem’s where it’s at.

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chidawg.6315


I’ve been playing many hours on sPvP on necro… I’m loving the flesh golem more and more. Lich Form is great until you run into a warrior that destroys you. Flesh golem’s charge and damage is great against most classes.

What are other people using for elite form? WvW/dungeons I usually go lich and for sPvP, flesh golem

Chibong(lvl 80 necro)/Chidawg(lvl 80 thief)
SoS – The Industry[WORK]

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I really like the Plague form using Blindness + chill with trait. It’s a 20 second damage reduction and stability + AE chill, blind and poison. Couple that with DS and I am a tank. I’ve used the form to push crowd and was amazed at how long I could live while focus fired.


Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


I really like the Plague form using Blindness + chill with trait. It’s a 20 second damage reduction and stability + AE chill, blind and poison. Couple that with DS and I am a tank. I’ve used the form to push crowd and was amazed at how long I could live while focus fired.

I doubt you’ve ever actually done that. The “chill with trait” doesn’t work with plague form.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Felt like it did but the Blindness works great for tanking in plague form.


Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


plague is absolutely amazing for dungeons as an ‘okitten’ button in large pulls. Literally buys your team 20s of free dps /rez/ run away time. It’s not very good against fights with lots of ground targeted aoe, however, but neither is any of the other elites.

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


flesh golem is a pretty good elite on it’s own. It’s got 1/3rd the cooldown of the other elites, is a seperate target from you, supplies a consistent cripple, does pretty solid damage, and gives you an on demand powerful AOE CC. (Not to mention the charge technically CCs multiple times, so he can knock down most bosses in the game even with defiant.)

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Flesh Golem - Stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stenc.1394


As of right now the only reason I would use a golem is if i wanted to knock people down and miss a lot with charge also <_<

I love my golem. I’m mostly PvEing alone minding my own buisiness and I found it priceless. It’s always on, min cooldown time for elite, it can be healed (DS + traits) so he wouldnt just die when I need him, he keeps aggro, if I’m in trouble he can charge and give me some seconds to breathe and regen, it has decent AI for something undead, he can survive some time even spiked and it’s not too ugly.
As for stability, i don’t know. Necro’s primary job is casting so he should not be in the melee/knockdown range anyway, except quick jumps in, making havoc and jump out. Sometimes I already feel OP, but in the other hand nothing kittens me more than being constantly on the ground when doing one skill challenge somewhere in Norn teritory. Something flying should be killed, forgot what.