Flesh Wurm vs Spectral Walk
I ignore both and take Spectral Armor as my stun break.
Spectral walk gives you a bonus second stunbreak, wurm gives you a real teleport.
I think it depends on the map really. Foefire (big flat map) you want wurm. Same with Spirit watch (Orb runner map, wurm can bunk the orb for a surprisingly long time too). Skyhammer or kyhlo with the elevation priorities, I would want spectral walk. Nifhel you can use either to good effect.
I’ve always used SW as my stunbreak in pvp because the swiftness is always handy when playing with pugs. I know a lot of high-ranked necros prefer Flesh Wurm instead and I’m not sure why, as there’s a lot of restrictions on how it can teleport you. So many times I put it up on a ledge so I could blink out of trouble if I get jumped on by a warrior, only to pop it and find out that it teleported me to the foot of the ledge instead of on top of it and now I have a wall behind me and nowhere to run! I suppose the high ranked peeps know the maps well enough that they’ve learned the best spots to plant it so the teleport will work, but I haven’t figured them out yet so I’d rather stick to SW until I do.
If Phantaram (whom I’ve actually seen using both SW and Wurm once) or any other high-ranked necro is reading this I’d love a few tips on where to stick my wurm (insert rim shot here).
Thanks for the replies so far. I’m with manveruppd, any high rank necros want to make any input?
. So many times I put it up on a ledge so I could blink out of trouble if I get jumped on by a warrior, only to pop it and find out that it teleported me to the foot of the ledge instead of on top of re).
The wurm doesn’t teleport you on the z elevation axis.
Thus means that any little bump or rock can get in the way and fail most of your teleport. The wurm is more like a leap than a real teleport.
But do note that, unique among minions, the flesh wurm attacks stealthed thieves.
Both, want to play at high ratings on necro? Need 2 stunbreaks.
Both, want to play at high ratings on necro? Need 2 stunbreaks.
No kidding? How does this effect damage output as a condimancer? I find signet of spite is fairly important for me and so is epidemic at times.
Both, want to play at high ratings on necro? Need 2 stunbreaks.
No kidding? How does this effect damage output as a condimancer? I find signet of spite is fairly important for me and so is epidemic at times.
Yes signet of spite is overpowered but i find it too situational, signet of spite + epidemic is way way too situational.
Necro can kitten up whole enemy team without use of any utilities its no art, the difference between good and bad necro is how good he can survive against strong team.
From my experience:
Flesh wurm: a MUST have, its only real survibility that necro have, good players that coordinate CC will completely destroy you otherwise.
Corrupt boon: ive been using this since forever, and its just kitten useful every single game, be it saving yourself, stopping stomp/revival or just mitigating someone burst in teamfight.
Spectral walk: very versatile stunbreak that can be used in many different ways + gives mobility that necro lacks so badly, and sometimes you can combine it with flesh wurm for what i call spectral stomp (yes sometimes safestomping someone is worth sacrificing 2 utilities)
Now only other necro utility that i consider on same level in high end pvp is signet of spite. I consider it cheesy and overpowered + i think it will get nerfed someday so i never use it, BUT if i would be fine with using it then i dont even know what i would give up for it.
What i like about my utility setup is that they dont rely on enemy, they are effective whenever i use them, with signet of spite i would have to be very very careful cause it has 0.75 s cast time and if i waste it then it doesnt benefit me in any way.
If you pull off signet of spite at right time on right target and it succeeds and enemy cant counter it then yes it will be devestating for one target, but thats actually not that often as you could wish.
The wurm doesn’t teleport you on the z elevation axis.
Thus means that any little bump or rock can get in the way and fail most of your teleport. The wurm is more like a leap than a real teleport.
But do note that, unique among minions, the flesh wurm attacks stealthed thieves.
I did not know about the thieves! :p I suspected that it doesn’t work on the z-axis, but I wasn’t certain because it works if I put it on the ledges next to the side-points on foefire. Those are actually on the same elevation as the points, but there’s a gap you have to jump over, it’s not contiguous ground. So no z-axis difference at all? Not even if the Wurm is LOWER than your level?
EDIT: also, what about walls? If you put it round a corner does it work? Or do you also need direct LOS?
For the past couple days I’ve been running Plague Signet as my only stunbreak. The idea being letting me leave dagger at home and take warhorn instead for aoe unblockable daze – it’s almost like having a second Reapers Mark when it comes to stomp preventions! I can’t say it’s been working out for me just yet but I’m gonna give it a few more days to practice.
(edited by manveruppd.7601)
Speed runes (+Traveler runes if they get implemented) and spectral armor are your best choices!
If you can make a good use of Flesh Wurm, know locations where you may be ported on Z-axis and don’t rotate much, I’d say go with Flesh Wurm.
But in general, I’ve always liked Spectral Walk with Wall+WoP/CB/Wurm as a conditionmancer. Spectral cd reduce trait is easily accessible for most condimancer specs since it’s an adept in SR and as condi, you’re not interested it V. Persistance or other traits.
That’s said, If I were to pick one in current tpvp, I’d go for Walk. But as it stands now, I don’t use any of them since I have better picks
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
I would always go with both unless i know my team can safe me in tricky situations (or if i want to use a double well build).
Also while the swiftness on spectral walk is nice, the reason to use it is the stun break and the teleport. Because of that, i think, it is fine to use speed or travelers runes (or even locust signet, though i dont like it that much for what it does) and have spectral walk equiped even if it is a little redudant (this may be more for wvw though).
But on the side note, wouldnt it be nice if the cast time of the flesh worm was shorter…
(edited by Muchacho.2390)
I think both skills are really useful. Choosing which one really depends on the situation.
Spectral Walk-
I honestly take Spectral walk over Flesh Wurm for a few reasons. First of all I have been playing a condition master(terror/dhum) mostly when playing TPVP, usually grabbing Spectral Wall and Spectral Walk because of the 20% CD on Spectral skills. I go 20 points into Soul reaping anyways to get 50% fear duration. As a condimaster Spectral Walk is your only real source of swiftness, and its a good one. I also find Spectral walk to be more useful in a fight, being able to stun break>gain life force>then teleport to confuse your opponent and lay down more conditions.
Flesh Wurm-
Flesh Wurm definitely has its uses. For starters, it’s the obvious choice for minion masters. I find this skill is better when your team is terrible, Meaning its more of a “no one is helping me, I got to get the F out of here!” skill. It will not be to much use in actual combat due to having your Wurm placed far enough so the other team does not kill it. But on certain maps and with the proper knowledge, Flesh Wurm can act just like the thief’s infiltrator arrow getting you to tricky spots.
So IMO I would use Spectral Walk >Flesh Wurm unless you are a MM or have a certain strategy(Guarding home with the ability to support mid because you can teleport a good ways back to home etc.)
As some people said you could take both, but I can’t. I must have Corrupt Boon and Spectral Wall, its already tough enough not being ale to carry Signet of Spit
My utility stays about the same with one being swapped out here and there depending on the situation. But generally it’s Spectral Armor, Corrupt Boon, and Well Of Power. If I’m swapping anything out, it’s usually Spectral Armor in favor of either Flesh Wurm or Spectral Walk. Personally, I prefer Flesh Wurm albeit a bit unreliable at times I feel like it’s more difficult for the enemy to follow than Spectral Walk.
Again though, it’s very situational. What ever you choose just keep in mind a minimum of 1 stunbreaker is necessary, 2 being ideal. Warriors are everywhere and we all know how often they like to stun us.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
having both is okay.
In a condi spec you need wurm, walk and corrupt boon. Well I find that to be the best
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.